How to Paint Wood Paneling Like a Pro

Update wood paneling by following this simple step-by-step guide for a beautiful painted finish.

table and plant in front of painted wood paneling wall
Photo: Marty Baldwin

Take your home out of the '70s and learn how to paint wood paneling for a low-cost and DIY update. We'll show you how simple it is to give wood paneling a clean, modern look with paint. This step-by-step guide makes the process easy to learn, and you'll have a brand-new look when you finish.

table and plant in front of painted wood paneling wall
Marty Baldwin

How to Paint Wood Paneling

While learning how to paint wood paneling isn't hard, proper preparation is essential for the paint to adhere well. Without taking appropriate measures, you could end up with an uneven paint job that you'll have to redo later.

Step 1: Clean Paneling

wiping surface of panelled wall with wet rag
Marty Baldwin

Start by wiping wood paneling clean with a damp rag to remove any dust or dirt. If grease or other problem stains are present, remove them using a mild cleaning solution, then wipe with a clean, damp rag. Be sure to get in the crevices of the panels, which tend to collect dirt. Make sure the wall is completely dry before moving to the next step.

Step 2: Fill Nail Holes

adding putty to hole on wood panelled wall
Marty Baldwin

When you paint wood paneling, putty any nail holes or other imperfections with spackling compound. Use a putty knife to best spread the compound over the holes or imperfections. Don't worry about the color of the putty—it will dry neutral and be covered with paint. Allow the putty to dry, then sand the spackling flush with the surface. Wipe away any dust with a tack cloth.

Step 3: Sand Paneling

sanding stain roughing up finish on wood panel wall
Marty Baldwin

Sand the paneling with 100 grit sandpaper using a pole sander, sanding block, or orbital sander. This will take the sheen off the finish, which will allow the paint to adhere better. Don't get carried away and sand the surface down to the bare wood—just enough to rough up the existing finish.

Step 4: Remove Trim

removing baseboard with pry bar to sand
Marty Baldwin

If you plan to keep the trim's color as-is or paint it a shade different than your wood paneling, remove it from the wall. Use a prybar and gently pull it loose. If you plan to paint the trim the same color as the wall, lightly sand the adjacent wood trim on the baseboards to allow the paint to adhere to it. Once everything has been sanded, go over the walls and trim with a clean, damp cloth to remove dust or particles. Touch up any rough sanding spots along the way.

Step 5: Caulk Cracks

adding caulk paste in gap between wood panel wall and ceiling
Marty Baldwin

Using a caulk gun, apply caulk to any cracks and gaps where the paneling meets the baseboard and ceiling or around doors and windows. This will give your room a nice, polished look. Allow the caulking to dry thoroughly before you paint the wood paneling. Consult the manufacturer's instructions to see how long you should let it cure.

Step 6: Protect Surrounding Areas

add painters tape and flatten to protect ceiling
Marty Baldwin

This step is important to keep your room clean while painting wooden wall panels. First, cover the floor with drop cloths large enough to reach along the paneled walls. The paint might drip, and the drop cloth will save your flooring. Next, with painters tape, mask any areas you wish to protect, such as vents, doorways, or windows.

Step 7: Prime and Paint Paneling

paint priming panelled wall with roller
Marty Baldwin

Prime paneling with a latex, stain-blocking primer. For even coverage, we recommend tinting your primer with a colorant similar to the finished paint.

Use a roller with a medium nap to paint wood paneling. It should have a long enough nap to fill the vertical grooves in the paneling but short enough to leave a smooth surface. We also advise using a roller with a large or adjustable handle, which will help you easily reach the entire span of the wall. Once the primer has dried, finish it with two coats of latex wall paint.

More Ways to Use Paint to Update Your Space

Paint is a versatile tool that can be used in so many different ways for quick updates. We have 31 creative ways to use paint to change up everything from throw pillows to accent walls, or you can use paint to create wall art for the exact size and colors you need in your room. Plus, you can paint old furniture for a completely new look—yes, it's ok to paint wood! A can of paint and a paintbrush can make a big change for little cost and not a lot of time.

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