Style & Culture

How to Tie a Sarong Three Different Ways

The perfect beach cover-up can also become a surprisingly sophisticated piece—if you know how to knot it, that is.

For those wondering, when her hands are behind her back, she’s not doing anything more complicated than tying a basic knot.

The best way to banish the winter blues? Plan an escape. We may still have another month of snow and slush ahead of us, but it’s also spring break season, and a beautiful beach is only a plane ride away. If you’re planning—and packing—for a mid-winter warm up, a sarong is an essential. Whether folded, rolled, or frantically stuffed in a suitcase at the very last minute, it takes up almost no room and can be used in flight as a blanket or pillow, and off the plane as a beach blanket or oversized scarf. And when artfully tied, a sarong becomes something so much more sophisticated than your standard towel or hotel robe.

Of course, choosing the right sarong is important. We’re partial to Upstate’s gorgeous, hand dyed versions. Crafted in the U.S. of 100 percent raw silk, the brand relies on Japanese shibori and other dying techniques to create pieces that are one-of-a-kind, subtle but still striking, and—best of all—feel sturdy enough to stand up to all the different ways you’ll want to tie them.

Now, about that dynamism: the beauty of a great sarong is in the creativity it affords you. Rather than a simple towel-style wind and tuck, why not try a few simple techniques to elevate it beyond basic beachwear? We spent some time with our Upstate sarongs and came up with three ways to wear them—as a skirt, as a halter dress (that, with a bit of clever folding, looks like a two piece), and as a one-piece jumpsuit that you can (and should) wear beyond the beach. Check out the video above to see our editorial assistant Meredith Carey master the art of expert-level sarong tying.