Menstrual cups are becoming more popular than ever thanks to their eco-friendly design (investing in one cup every 5–10 years is way better than trashing a tampon or pad every few hours a day) and their convenience. While you should change a tampon every 4–6 hours, menstrual cups can be worn for time spans up to 12 hours (although experts say you should change it every 8–12 hours). Aside from the environmental and convenience benefits, some women may also find that a cup is more comfortable for them than alternatives. Dr. Kiarra King, a board certified OBGYN (who also happens to have one of the best Instagram accounts), notes that while there aren’t any studies confirming this, “anecdotally, some women have reported to have decreased menstrual pain as well,” when it comes to using menstrual cups. Not a bad bonus!

If you’ve ever wanted to make the switch and try out a menstrual cup but don’t know where to start, we’re here to help! First, some commonly asked questions about menstrual cups:

What is a menstrual cup? How do menstrual cups work?

A menstrual cup works by collecting all the blood and uterine lining that’s shed during your period. While tampons and pads absorb the fluid, a cup collects it so you can throw out the contents later.

Do you have the same risk of TSS from a menstrual cup as you do with tampons?

First of all, Dr. King says that the risk of TSS from tampons these days is “pretty low to begin with,” and that “back in the day, there were certain brands [of tampons] using extremely absorbent materials” that have since gone off the market. “When you’re absorbing the blood, you may also be absorbing bacteria and have a breeding ground set up for an infectious process to happen inside the vagina,” Dr. King explains.

Since a cup simply collects the blood instead of absorbing it, the risk of TSS is pretty low (menstrual cups are mostly made with medical grade silicone and are therefore not an absorbent product), though Dr. King says it could theoretically still occur. But don’t spiral, if you remove it within the 8–12 hours, you’re probably fine. Dr. King says she can’t imagine a setting in which TSS would happen with a menstrual cup unless someone was leaving it inside for “days and days and days on end.”

How do you know what size menstrual cup to get?

Menstrual cups usually come in two sizes: a larger cup for those who have given birth vaginally and a smaller cup for those who haven’t. Some brands offer even more sizing (like Saalt Teen for example), but a large and small cup are pretty universal sizing guidelines to keep in mind. The difference in sizing has to do with the cervix, as Dr. King, notes. “The cervix does tend to change shape and get a little bit larger after a woman’s had a baby,” she explains.

Are there any features to look for when choosing a menstrual cup?

Any safe menstrual cup is going to serve the same essential function, Dr. King says. So while the size, shape, and color might differ between brands, they’re all there to do the same thing: collect menstrual blood. However, that doesn’t mean all menstrual cups are the same — it’s still really important to do your own research, Dr. King says. Look into what each brands’ product look like in terms of shape and if they have a string to remove it or not, Dr. King recommends. “I’ve found in talking to patients that brands without strings or grip are harder to remove,” she says, so keeping an eye out for those features may be helpful.

How long can you wear a menstrual cup?

As Renee Allen, MD, an ob-gyn in Atlanta, explains, menstrual cups can usually hold one ounce of fluid, which is around twice the amount a super-absorbent tampon or pad could hold. Because of this, they’re often advertised as wearable for a maximum of up to 12 hours inside your body. Dr. Allen says you should be able to wear a menstrual cup overnight, as long as you change it every 8 to 12 hours.

How long you wear it can also depend on the cup’s capacity. If it gets too full, the seal around the cup would likely come loose once it reaches capacity, Dr. King explains, which could cause leakage.

Do menstrual cups really last forever? When should you get a new cup or replace a menstrual cup?

As for the lifespan of menstrual cups, Dr. Allen says these cups can last up to 10 years. So it’s not a lifetime investment of $40—you’ve still gotta throw it out at some point.

How do you clean and sterilize a menstrual cup?

Dr. Allen recommends sterilizing the cup between cycles using boiling water. Ob-gyn Sherry Ross, MD, author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Intimate Health. Period, recommends using warm water and unscented soap. Dr. King says you should always clean the cup based on the manufacturer’s instructions (they may differ from cup to cup and among brands) and if you use soap, avoid using scented soaps (as this can cause irritation).

How do you change a menstrual cup on-the-go?

If you’re emptying your cup on-the-go, some people recommend taking a water bottle with you into a stall or public restroom to flush out your cup. And bring hand sanitizer or wipes into the stall so you can make sure to clean your hands after handling the cup, Dr. King adds, as you don’t want to be touching any surfaces in a public space without sanitizing them.

Can you wear a menstrual cup with an IUD?

Both Dr. Allen and Dr. Sherry also say the cups are safe to wear with IUDs. “Recent studies that have looked at IUD expulsion and menstrual cup use have been reassuring in that they have found no increase in the IUD expulsion rate between pads, tampons, and menstrual cups,” Dr. Allen says. That being said, if you still worry your cup might interfere with your IUD, talk with your ob-gyn just to be safe.

And now, onto the recommendations:

1. If you want to try a popular, beginner-friendly menstrual cup: Sckoon Cup

Sckoon Organics SckoonCup Beginner Choice

SckoonCup Beginner Choice
$24 at Amazon

This cup has 4.4 stars over 2,227 reviews, which is pretty impressive. It’s marketed as a good cup for beginners, thanks to several thoughtful design features like angled suction holes in the top of the cup that allow it to stay in place inside your vagina, ridge-less design on the cup itself for comfier removal, and a flower grip pattern on the bottom of the cup that helps with removal. The cup also has a little bell-bottom shaped design at the top that lets it nestle comfortably inside you. It’s also made of FDA-approved silicone, and the final product is also FDA-cleared as well.

2. If you want a silicone disc-shaped cup: Nixit

nixit nixit Menstrual Cup

nixit Menstrual Cup
Now 49% Off

There are generally two shapes when it comes to menstrual cups: the tulip-shaped cup (think DivaCup) or the shallower, disc-shaped cup (SoftCup, Flex). It may take some experimentation with both kinds before finding a kind you like for your body, as both have different advantages. Now while most disc-shaped cups are made of plastic (whereas almost all tulip-shaped cups are made of silicone), the new Nixit cup is also made of silicone, so it’s a good hybrid.

3. If you want a recyclable cup with a larger stem or a cup without silicone: Hello Cup

The Hello Cup The Hello Cup Menstrual Cup

The Hello Cup Menstrual Cup

Hello Cup is a newer company, but is definitely worth being on your radar. The New Zealand-based company has FDA-registered menstrual cups designed by a nurse, and include a ton of well-thought out design features. Their signature Hello cups are notable because they’re one of the few cups not made from silicone (instead they’re made with 100% Thermoplastic elastomer, which is still hypoallergenic, medical grade, and BPA-free), and because they’ve got a noticeably different removal stem. While most tulip-shaped menstrual cups have a thin stem for removal, the Hello cup has a wider, tapered stem for removal. If you find the thin stems of menstrual cups to be harder to remove or uncomfy to fish around for, a wider removal base may make things easier. They are also one of the few brands to make an opaque, black menstrual cup, which can be nice if you don’t like the idea of a lighter, more transparent cup discoloring over time (which is normal, BTW). The Hello cup is also recyclable at the end of its lifespan and according to their site, should last you at least five years.

4. If you want a recyclable, silicone-free cup for low cervixes: Hello Cup for Low Cervixes

THE HELLO CUP The Hello Cup Low Cervix Menstrual Cup

The Hello Cup Low Cervix Menstrual Cup

Hello also makes a cup especially for those with low cervixes. It’s also made of the same medical-grade, hypoallergenic TPE material as their regular cup, and is also recyclable at the end of its lifespan. If you’re not sure if you have a low cervix, their site also has some helpful tips on how to determine if you have a low cervix to find the best fit for you.

5. If you want a smaller menstrual cup: Saalt Teen

saalt Saalt Teen Menstrual Cup

Saalt Teen Menstrual Cup

With more and more people ditching tampons and pads for menstrual cups though, newer sizes are coming out, like Saalt’s new Teen menstrual cup, which is even smaller and designed specifically for teens. From the product imagery, it looks to be a bit more narrow than the regular menstrual cups, which may help with those who find traditional cups to be too large or uncomfortable to insert, wear, or remove.

6. If you want a cup by a brand you already love: Honey Pot Company

The Honey Pot Company The Honey Pot Company Menstrual Cup

The Honey Pot Company Menstrual Cup

Honey Pot, which is popular for their tampons and pads, now has a menstrual cup. Their cup has a wider ridge at the top for fit and comfort, textured grip rings at the base for removal, and a finger indent for insertion and removal. It’s made of 100% medical-grade silicone and is free of latex, plastic, and is BPA and phthalate-free.

7. If you want a cup that’s as easy as pulling out a tampon string: Flex Cup

The Flex Company Flex Menstrual Cup

Flex Menstrual Cup

The Flex Cup has a unique string design that makes removal as easy as pulling out a tampon string. If the idea of pulling on a stem freaks you out or you’re a beginner, this is a great entryway to menstrual cup usage. The discovery kit also includes two of its signature Flex Discs, basically a soft cup that also allows you to have mess-free period sex.

8. If you have tried other cups but could *feel* them and want something softer: Intimina Lily Cup

Intimina Intimina Lily Cup Size A

Intimina Lily Cup Size A

The Lily Cup has an ultra-soft design that feels more flexible and malleable than many other silicone menstrual cups. It also features a slanted design and leakproof rim, so if you’re squeamish about blood or making a mess upon removal, this nixes those problems.

9. If you want a pretty cup: Peachlife

Peachlife Menstrual Cup with Ring

Menstrual Cup with Ring

If you are a menstrual cup veteran at this point but just want a prettier-looking cup to switch things up, the Peachlife cups come in a variety of cute tie-dye designs and colors (personally, I think the orange is the cutest I’ve seen in a while), all while maintaining the same menstrual cup standards of medical-grade silicone found in other cups. Cute and functional.

10. If you have a tilted uterus: eXuby

eXuby eXuby Menstrual Cup, 2 Small 2 Large, 4 Ct

eXuby Menstrual Cup, 2 Small 2 Large, 4 Ct

Those with low cervixes due to gravity or age or those with tilted uteruses (more common than you’d think, as about 1 in 4 women is estimated to have a tilted uterus) may find that the rounder, squatter shape of this cup works better for them than the taller, traditional menstrual cups. Plus, it's a bargain.

11. If you’re a beginner: Lena Cup or Lunette Cup

lunette cup

Shop Now Lunette Cup

Kim Rosas and Amanda Hearn, who run the menstrual cup blog Put a Cup in It, recommend these two as the best options for beginners. They both have average firmness and length and work for most people. But while an average cup might ~get the job done~, Rosas and Hearn still recommend taking into consideration your body and flow to find the cup that’s perfect for you. Dr. Sherry also likes the Lunette cup, another option by Lena.

12. If you’re a beginner with a heavy flow: Super Jennie

Super Jennie Menstrual Cup

Menstrual Cup
Credit: Walmart

Kim and Amanda recommend the Super Jennie for those with heavier flows. The smaller Super Jennie holds 32 milliliters, while the large holds 41.6 milliliters. By comparison, both sizes of the Diva Cup (which I’m using here as the standard just because it’s the most widely available, mainstream version) hold only 30 milliliters.

13. If you have vaginal pain: Lena Sensitive

Lena Lena Menstrual Cup

Lena Menstrual Cup

If you have painful Pap smears or just know your cervix is sensitive to pressure, the Lena Sensitive is a potentially great option. The cup is much softer than its regular counterpart, and enthusiastic Amazon reviewers praise it for being super easy to use—so it’s also a great beginner option. The softness means it’s super moldable, so you won’t have as hard of a time getting it up around your cervix.

14. If you hate feeling the stem: EvaCup

EvaCup EvaCup Menstrual Cup

EvaCup Menstrual Cup
Now 30% Off

If you have tried another cup and were bothered by the stem (it is soft but can be painful!), the Eva Cup might be a good alternative. It has a shorter stem, so you’re less likely to feel it poking you in the vagina.

15. If you’re super brand-loyal: Tampax Cup

Tampax Menstrual Cup

Menstrual Cup
Now 41% Off

Maybe you are ready to try a cup but don’t want to totally branch out. If that’s the case, meet the Tampax cup. The brand behind all the boxes you see in the tampon aisle also makes a cup that comes in a plastic carrying case and with free liners (in case of cup spillage or leaks).

16. If you want something you can take on the go: Lily Cup Compact

intimina cup

Shop Now Lily Cup Compact

Is there anything worse than getting surprised by your period, like, a DAY earlier than it’s supposed to arrive? And then you have to use the scary, archaic cardboard tampons from a vending machine or sit in a makeshift toilet-paper diaper all day. Sure, menstrual cups are all well and good, but if you don’t want to sacrifice precious tote-bag real estate for a silicone cup “just in case,” try the Lily Cup. The handy-dandy collapsible cup folds into an included case that’s smaller than a foundation compact, so you’re always covered.

17. If your flow changes: Happy Cup

Hawwwy Happy Cup

Happy Cup

If your flow changes throughout your cycle, get this cup set. You get a cup for normal flow and one for your heavier days.

18. If you wanna go out and buy one right now: Diva Cup

Diva Cup Diva Cup (Pre Childbirth Size)

Diva Cup (Pre Childbirth Size)

You can pick up a Diva Cup—probably the most widely available menstrual cup—at your local drugstore or Walmart. The tried-and-true Diva Cup is made of hypoallergenic silicone and comes with a special bag for storage. Dr. Sherry also likes it. The Diva Cup is only available in the clear color, which will discolor with time, so be aware!

19. If you still want something disposable: Softdisc

Softdisc Softdisc Menstrual Discs - 14ct

Softdisc Menstrual Discs - 14ct

The Instead brand Softdisc (formerly known as 'Softcup') isn’t quite a menstrual cup, but it’s not a tampon either. If you want to try out menstrual cups but are uneasy with the whole washing-it-out-and-reusing-it part, try the Softdisc. It’s disposable, and instead of being a silicone cup, it’s more like a VERY sturdy Ziploc bag with a flexible rim (if that makes sense?). There’s also no stem to pull for removal. Instead, you hook one end of the rim and pull it out. You can also have mess-free period sex with a Softdisc inside you (something you can’t do with regular menstrual cups and definitely not tampons), so bonus! Dr. Allen recommends these disposable cups as a good option for women on the go and says to wear them for four hours, then throw away. Basically like a tampon.

20. If you want a budget menstrual cup: Faginey

faginey cup

Shop Now Faginey Menstrual Cup,

The Faginey cup gives you a food-grade silicone cup for $10, which makes it the easy choice for buyers who don’t want to throw down $40 on something they might not like right away. This is a great entry-level menstrual cup option. If you want a softer silicone discovery option, try these puppies.

21. If you have a low cervix: FemmyCycle Low Cervix Cup

FemmyCycle FemmyCycle Menstrual Cup Spill-Proof with Removal Ring Made in The USA, Regular Size

FemmyCycle Menstrual Cup Spill-Proof with Removal Ring Made in The USA, Regular Size

If you have a lower cervix than most and the sight of these long menstrual cups is making you dizzy, try the FemmyCycle. The unique bulb-shaped cup is perfect for accommodating women who have lower cervixes. There’s also a loop design to make removal a breeze, and the cup has a specially designed lip to keep the contents from spilling out during removal. If you don’t have a low cervix but the loop handle and no-spill design are calling your name, then have no fear—there’s also a regular-size FemmyCycle and a petite FemmyCycle for you.

22. If you just want a plain menstrual cup: Athena Cup

athena cup

Shop Now Athena Cup,

Yeah, colors are cool and all, but sometimes you just want something plain that hasn't been dyed with a ton of unnatural colors. For that, you'll wanna try the Athena Cup which comes in a solid gray/black and is also made of medical grade silicone.

23. If you want a reusable cup you can wear during sex: Ziggy Cup

Intimina Ziggy


If you like the concept of Softcup but want something reusable, try the Intimina Ziggy. Both cups resemble covered discs as opposed to the traditional bell-shaped design of other menstrual cups, but they differ in material. Where the Softcup is made with a flexible plastic ring and transparent plastic covering, the Ziggy is made of all medical-grade silicone. It also folds up neatly into a special carrying case, so you never have to worry about surprise leaks.

24. If you're worried about leaks: Glad Rags XO

Glad Rags Xo Flo Menstrual Cup

Xo Flo Menstrual Cup
Credit: Walmart

While a menstrual cup can typically hold more than the average tampon, if you’re still worried about leaks, go with this one. It’s got a unique X-shaped design to hold in fluid and prevent mess.

25. If you want a cup packaged with recycled materials: Organicup


Shop Now Organicup,

If you’re looking to get a menstrual cup with as little environmental impact as possible, invest in an Organicup menstrual cup. The actual menstrual cup is made with medical-grade silicone like many other brands, but the packaging and cotton carrying case are extra eco-friendly. The cotton bag is unbleached, and the packaging is made from recycled materials.

26. If you don’t want a cup that will discolor: Saalt

saalt Saalt Soft Menstrual Cup - Super Soft and Flexible - Best Sensitive Cup - Wear for 12 Hours - Made in USA (Grey, Regular) Grey

Saalt Soft Menstrual Cup - Super Soft and Flexible - Best Sensitive Cup - Wear for 12 Hours - Made in USA (Grey, Regular) Grey

It’s a reality of life that using a menstrual cup over time might change the color of the cup. What starts out all pretty and bold might get kinda meh over the years. If you want something that looks as new the day you get it, years down the line, get a Saalt cup. The grey color is purposefully designed so that it won’t show discoloration as much.

Bonus: another thing worth picking up:

Now that menstrual cups are becoming more and more popular, companies are also releasing new ways to clean and sterilize your menstrual cups, like the Pixie Cup Steamer. A few years ago, the most common way of sterilizing was boiling your cup or using prepackaged cup cleaner that was sold by specialty brands, but now, you can find tons of handy menstrual cup steamers on Amazon. You simply pour water into the unit, place your cup inside, and turn it on. These steaming devices tend to be faster than boiling, and you’ve got a bonus way of keeping your cup sterilization contained as opposed to having to mix it with your cooking pots and pans.

pixie cup steamer

Shop Now Pixie Cup Steamer

Headshot of Carina Hsieh
Carina Hsieh
Sex & Relationships Editor

Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

Headshot of Hannah Smothers

Hannah writes about health, sex, and relationships for Cosmopolitan, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Her work can also be found in the Cut, Jezebel, and Texas Monthly.