Bananas are packed full of goodies that are great for your health, with potassium, zinc, amino acids and a whole host of vitamins, which make you look and feel great from the inside out.

But before you discard the peel after your next fruit fix and cause a Mario Kart collision; take a moment to rub the inside onto your face. As weird as it sounds, banana skins are serious multitaskers; amazing for polishing leather, silver, and an even more precious surface: your skin.

The peels themselves are rich with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which encourage cell-regeneration, making them perfect for treating loads of skin problems. You can use it to soothe mosquito bites, soothe rashes and sensitivity, plus the addition to your daily beauty routine is (essentially) free. 

Make sure you use fresh peels as they don't keep well, and avoid non-organic bananas so you're not getting any pesticides near your skin. It's a bit slimy and smelly, but trust us, it works!

banana skin facial

Brighten skin and fight lines

The residue that comes from rubbing the inside of a banana peel makes an excellent face mask. The action of rubbing the skin has a gentle exfoliating effect, and as it dries, it draws out dirt and grease. The vitamins nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving you with fresher looking skin.

How to:
Rub the inside surface of the peel all over your skin, until the surface starts turning brown and leaves a slimy residue, and then leave it on until dry. For anti-ageing treatments, leave the mask on for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, pat dry, and moisturise as usual.

Banana skin nose

Treat acne

Bananas are a great natural treatment for acne, with the antibacterial properties of lectin and zinc helping spots heal faster, and potentially preventing new ones.

How to:
Same as above, but apply the peel only to the affected areas, and gently so as not to further irritate the skin. It may sting slightly, but make sure to leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. Apply a few times daily for maximum effect, and you should see results within a week.

Isabella after the mask

Soothe puffy eyes

Eating bananas can be great for puffy eyes, as the potassium helps counter the salt intake that leads to fluid retention. In the same way as kicking back with cucumbers on your eyes, using the banana skin on the area is also an effective way to reduce puffiness.

How to:
Apply the underside of the skin to the under-eye area, being very gentle as this is very fragile skin. Leave for a few minutes (balancing the pieces of peel over your eyes if you want to go all out), and rinse with cool water. To make it even more refreshing, put a piece of peel in the freezer for 15 minutes, and the cooling effect will be extra soothing.

Headshot of Isabella Timothy
Isabella Timothy
I’m interning with Beauty. Bit of a hairstyle chameleon; mainly because my hair has a mind of its own and will never do the same thing twice. I spend the majority of my time watching cartoons, and the rest doing massive drawings of my hilarious face.