Wedding Gift for Husband: Etiquette and Gift Ideas


On her ‘D-day’, with all the excitement and zeal, when the wedding bells are ringing, the blushing bride would certainly wish to exchange a surprise wedding gift, sealed with a kiss, with her handsome husband. But with so many guests around, the bride hardly gets a moment to get this opportunity to share her love. Let us guide you in detail about wedding gift for husband etiquette and good choices of gifts to offer.

When to Give the Gift

Exchanging gifts with your life partner is totally a personal matter. And there is no cardinal rule to follow about time and way of presenting it, traditionally. But for your ease, it’s better to steal a moment before the things get frenzied and messy all around.

  • As usually happens, when the venue is filled and ceremony is about to begin. Some couples prefer exchanging wedding gifts earlier, through their bridesmaids and groomsmen, when all are dressed up and ready for the ceremony.

  • Secondly, you can exchange the gift with him, right after the reception. It would be a touching moment to share after a long and exerting day. If any of you foresee post-nuptials as a time of exertion and fatigue, hold on, take a breath and get a romantic moment, away from the gathering, between the ceremony, to exchange the gift with the keeper of your heart. It will surely add a more romantic feel to your relation, just after declaring your love for him amongst family and friends.

What Gift to Give Your Husband

One major wedding gift for husband etiquette? The gift must be meaningful! Most commonly, girls prefer wrist watches as wedding gift for husband. Again, it’s not a part of tradition. Follow your man’s preferences. Choose what he likes or loves to have. You can gift him some costly item or something as simple as a greeting card to share your innermost thoughts and secrets. He would surely love it. Below are some gift ideas:

Delicate Handwritten Letter

The simplest the better. What could be more fascinating and romantic than a hand written and handmade note to celebrate your love. This message of love can have the reasons that made you decide to spend the rest of your life with him. Why you love him always and forever, how much you are mad about him etc.

His Love for Sports

If he is a sports junkie, plan a day out with him to his favorite sports. Buy him the season tickets. Join him in half of the games and let him free with his friends for the other half. If you find sports boring, then grab the tickets for some nicely romantic movie or music concert. This could be planned as your first official date as husband and wife.

Loving Breakfast with Note

Pre-nuptial jitters are quite common and natural too. He might be feeling weird that morning. Send him some tasty breakfast items most preferably from his favorite brunch spot. Or send him a bottle of champagne, whiskey, rye, tequila whatever he likes. And don’t forget to send him a love note with it.

Accessories for Your Man

Talking of wedding gift for husband etiquette, accessories are the trendiest ones. You have great options to choose from like watch, wallet, money clip, cufflink or a tie clip. You can get these accessories engraved with your initials, or with some suitable love quote.

Things for Travel

If he loves adventures and travel, get him some camera. Having any plans for honeymoon to some Caribbean destination? Buy him designer sunglasses.

Photo of Sweet Memories

A stunning photo frame with an old picture of you two, is another great idea. This will surely make him feel nostalgic. Or if you want to add more sultriness to it, then add some boudoir style image of you to fascinate him.

Fancy Tools

Fancy tools like a bottle opener, a Swiss army knife or some other functional tools might be given. A tool that would be helpful for him for many long years to come is the best choice. Others would include shavers or items that your hubby constantly uses in life.

Engraved Flask

A flask, engraved with his name on its side and filled with his most favorite liquor would be another perfect gift.

Personal Care Kit

Make a handy groom’s kit, if you want it to be more unique. You can add many useful items of your choice in it. To make it more personal, add a pair of socks, if he often has cold feet. Mints for a cool and fresh mouth any time (it’s also good for you). A nip of alcohol can also be added, if he likes to have it.

What Others Say About Selecting Gift to Husband

Gaming Device

“I bought a Xbox360 for him. It kept him engaged for quite a time and it also gave me some time to plan many other after-nuptial tasks like honeymoon planning, packing etc.”


“Being a resident of Los Angeles, made me plan something bigger and bolder, so I opted for a boudoir session, with a professional photographer. It’s a unique as well as reasonably priced idea.”

Nice Shoes

“It would sound funny to many, but yeah! I gifted my hubby with a pair of shoes. He wanted to have them since long, but they were quite expensive. So I bought it for him. And gave him a nice surprise.”


“After thinking on various options, I ended up on a more creative idea. I made a scrapbook and added many old and forgotten pics of ours in it, with my comments below each image and also wrote a few lines about the sweet memories attached to those images. What inspired him the most was the lovely note on the last page, expressing my desire to continue the making of new memories (only with him) in all the years to come.”

His Star Sign

“When I came to know that our wedding date was matched with the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, I knew I would give him his star. Though it’s quite a unique idea but I thought of it because he was always into the sci-fi things. So I got them from online vendors. It was his star sign with a map and many other related items with it. These purchased stars are also available in the form of a book.”


“Needlework has always been my passion, so I thought of creating something for him myself. I cross-stitched our wedding chorus song with our names and the wedding date. The best thing was that he appreciated it a lot.”

Just Follow Your Heart

“Both of us are great fans of LOTR. And coincidentally, I found a great silver money clip with inscription, “My Precious”, (like Sméagol says in LOTR) so I picked it at once for him. Sometimes you just don’t have to follow any wedding gift for husband etiquette, you just follow your heart.”