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The 3 People You Should Actually Take Advice From

Updated Jun 23, 2016, 11:25am EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

The other day I received an email from an acquaintance that read, “You know what you should do? You should change the title of your online course. Make it about mental health, instead of mental strength.”

Since my work revolves around helping people build mental strength, it seemed like odd advice. Needless to say, I didn’t take it.

But unsolicited advice seems to be fairly common these days. Whether it’s financial tips from your father-in-law, or business suggestions from a random stranger, everyone has an opinion about what you should do.

Social media and online forums seem to fuel the notion that it’s good to share your advice, regardless of whether someone is looking for suggestions.  And while there are times when unsolicited advice can be helpful, quite often it’s irrelevant or impractical.

So it’s important to distinguish whose advice is actually worthwhile, and whose advice you should tune out. Otherwise, you could waste a lot of time and energy considering advice that just isn't helpful.

Here are the three people you should actually take advice from:

1. People Who Care About You

People who truly care about you, whether it’s your mother or your lifelong friend, will give you heartfelt words of wisdom. If they disagree with what you’re doing, those who care the most will be willing to tell you.

Their motivation is to help you and they’ll be happy for you when you succeed. Quite often, they’ll be able to see your work from a different angle and their suggestions may be instrumental in helping you move forward.

Of course, there may be times when you have to set limits with an overzealous well-meaning person who insists on bombarding you with advice. Too much unsolicited advice, even when it's well-meaning, can get in the way of your goals.

2. People With Clear Expertise

It's easy for spectators to criticize your work, but their opinions shouldn't hold much value if they aren't in the ring with you. Look for a successful person with proven expertise.

Whether it’s a formal mentor or a kind stranger, be curious about the strategies successful people find helpful. Ask questions and listen more than you speak. You can learn a lot from people who understand the obstacles you face.

3. People Who Use Your Services

It can be tempting to get defensive when a client or customer criticizes your work. But, it’s important to listen to the people you serve.

They’re in the unique position of knowing what it’s like to be on the receiving end of your business. And that means they are the people who are best qualified to tell you what would improve the user’s experience.

So when they tell you that your website is difficult to navigate or that your products aren’t worth the cost, believe them. That’s not to say you have to make changes every time someone complains, but it does mean you should take their feedback seriously.

Tuning Out the Bad Advice

You can waste a lot of time worrying about a harsh critic or getting defensive toward an acquaintance who claims you’re making a big mistake. But, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your career, is to learn to tune those people out.

Don’t waste a single second of your time justifying your decisions or arguing with people whose opinions you don’t value. Doing so gives away your power. Instead, reserve your time and energy for the things that matter most.

Tuning out unhelpful advice gives you more opportunities to listen to valuable guidance. And that can be the secret to reaching your goals.

Amy Morin is the author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.