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Job Interview Mistakes To Avoid, Part 3: Phone And Video Interview Pet Peeves

Updated Jun 4, 2018, 04:05pm EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

Your next job interview, especially if it’s a first-round interview, may be a phone call or video interview, instead of a live meeting. This series on Job Interview Mistakes first covered seven non-verbal communication pet peeves and then seven verbal communication pet peeves but there are best practices to follow with phone and video interviews that are different from the in-person setting. Here are five phone and video interview pet peeves to watch out for:

Technology or equipment failure

The Internet is slow so your video call breaks up. Cell phone coverage is weak so you have a hard time hearing each other. You’re ready to start your call and can’t log in to Skype, Zoom, Google Hangout or whatever platform the interviewer is using. Sometimes technology fails unexpectedly, but many times you can circumvent these issues with some advanced preparation. I’ve had too many interviews that needed to be rescheduled last-minute because the candidate couldn’t get their technology to work .

The fix? Test your Internet speed to ensure you have enough bandwidth for both audio and video. If you’re using shared wifi, see if your roommates can stay off YouTube, Netflix or other bandwidth hogs for your interview. Test your cell phone in the area you will be when you take the interview. If you plan to take the call in public, say a point along your commute, make sure that particular spot gets good coverage. Finally, test the specific video call platform you will be using for the interview – if you have never used Zoom, sign up and try a call well in advance. If it’s been a while since you have used Skype, don’t assume your log in information is saved on your computer still – make sure your account is accessible.

Noisy background

Phone and video interviews are already hard on the interviewer because the majority of messaging is from the non-verbal. Too many times, there is also background noise that makes it even harder to hear or focus.

The fix? Make sure you’re in a quiet spot for your interview. If you have to take your phone call while in transit or in a public space, you are taking the risk that a fire truck will swing by while you’re pitching why you’re the perfect hire! Ideally, you’re at home or in a closed-door office where you can better control any external noise and disruptions. Put pets out of the room. Ask roommates, family, colleagues who may stop by to stay away. Have your water, resume and other supplies you need for the interview readily available so I don’t have to hear the clink of glasses or the typing on your computer and can just focus on your interview.

Low energy

Phone and video cut off your energy level. You can more easily convey enthusiasm and excitement in-person than over the phone or on a video. This means, you have to work harder to maintain the same energy level that would naturally convey in person.

The fix? Stand up for a phone interview – when you’re seated you lose all that energy from the waste down. Make eye contact on a video interview – this is harder than it sounds because the webcam that captures your face is often positioned slightly higher than the monitor that captures the interviewer’s face. You think you’re looking at them on the display, but the interviewer sees you looking down. You have to practice making eye contact which will dramatically improve your energy level.

Casual language

Just as phone and video artificially lower your energy level, I find that these mediums encourage more casual speak during the interview. I think it’s the formality of in-person interviews – being at company, in the interviewer’s office or in a conference reinforces that this meeting is official. When you’re on the phone or a video call, it’s less official, more social, and too many candidates speak more casually. (This is where those filler words I warned about in Part 2 of this series can undermine your communication!)

The fix? The tips on raising your energy level will help here – the more alert you are, the more attuned you will be to your language. You should already be formally dressed for a video call since you’ll be seen, but you should also dress for a phone interview. This will reinforce the professional nature of the call. You will also be ready if the interviewer asks to turn your phone interview into a video call, which doesn’t happen often but does happen!

Failing to customize your interview technique for each medium

When a candidate doesn’t do well on a phone interview or video call, I think of it as a failed interview. In my 20+ years of recruiting, I have never had the inclination to assume the candidate would do better in-person and therefore give them another chance. I always tell the candidate if the interview will be live, over the phone or by video, and I expect them to be ready for that medium. For phone and video, this means you’re ready with the technology, in a quiet space with a good connection, and with the same energy and professional presence that I can expect in a live interview.

The fix? Take phone and video interviews as seriously as live interviews, and prepare for these types of interviews specifically . Phone interviews are different than live meetings or video calls, so prepare accordingly. Similarly, video interviews require different skills, focus, and therefore preparation.

This three-part series on communication pet peeves in the job interview was inspired by a question I got on how recruiters evaluate non-verbal communication. What questions would you like to see covered in future posts?

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