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6 Ways Students Can Use School Closings To Prepare For College Applications

Updated Mar 26, 2021, 11:58am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

With many schools around the country closing until the end of April or later, high school students are finding themselves with more free time on their hands. However, now is a critical time for students to use their time wisely, even if they are quarantined at home. Here are six ways high school students can use school closings due to coronavirus to prepare for college applications. 

1. Create A College List

One important thing you can do to get ahead is to create a college list. Start by listing all the colleges you want to attend in an Excel spreadsheet. Compile the average stats for the previous year’s applicants (GPA, SAT/ACT, acceptance rates) and make sure that your scores fall within this range (hopefully within the top 25%). 

As you strategically build your college list, you should be able to split your list into three categories: safety (your stats are in the top 25%), match (your stats are in the middle 50%), and reach schools (your stats are in the bottom 25%). It’s important to note that every school that has an acceptance rate of under 30% is a reach for everyone, regardless of who you are. By having an even mixture of the three categories, you can increase your chances of getting into a university next year. 

2. Start The Common Application Prompts

If you are a junior applying to college for the 2020-2021 cycle, you can start your Common Application now as the personal statement prompts for the 2020-2021 cycle have already been released. Many of the students we work with spend weeks, if not months, perfecting their 650-word personal statement. It takes time to brainstorm, revise, edit and finalize your personal statement. By not delaying, you have the space to brainstorm a topic that showcases who you are as a person and what you will bring to the college. Take the time to think of the image you want to portray. 

A few tips for writing your personal statement include:

  • Brainstorm an important moment in your life, perhaps something that makes you unique or a time when you showed leadership.
  • Avoid repeating things that can be found elsewhere on your application.
  • Do not summarize all of your extracurricular activities, awards and other accomplishments within this one essay.  

The free online course How To Write A Winning Personal Statement walks you through strategies for writing your essay. Students can see real-world examples of essays that worked and why they were effective. By learning from the experts, you can write a compelling personal statement that demonstrates your best qualities to the admission officers. 

If you start working now, you might be able to finish your personal statement before the summer starts. Once you can apply to colleges, you’ll be way ahead of your peers and won’t have to stress writing your personal statement while also juggling schoolwork in the fall of your senior year. 

3. Prepare Your Resume

The resume serves as a summary of your leadership examples and achievements. When you fill out the Common Application, you only have 150 characters to describe each of your activities. If you have been heavily involved in an activity for several years, that limited character count isn’t enough space to adequately describe it. By supplementing your application with your resume, you can set yourself apart from the crowded applicant field and give more context to your achievements. 

When it comes time to ask your teachers, counselors, managers or mentors for a letter of recommendation, it can be helpful to give them your resume to remind them what you have done. 

When creating your resume, use action words to describe your experiences and quantify your achievements (i.e. raised $500 for Hurricane Harvey victims) to help the admission officers visualize your successes better.  

Although not every college requires a student resume, some do, such as Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, Florida State University and the prestigious Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester. Other schools encourage it, such as Washington State University and Bentley University

4. Build A LinkedIn Profile 

Your LinkedIn profile is another great way to bring your application to life. Once you have completed your resume, transfer the material to your LinkedIn profile. Here is where you make your experiences come to life by adding pictures and videos to your LinkedIn to further demonstrate your activities. For example, if you play the violin, post a video of one of your concerts. If you went on a mission trip, upload pictures of you working with the children. 

You can also follow universities on LinkedIn, connect with your peers and ask your teachers or managers to write you a recommendation. 

5. Apply To Scholarships

No matter what year you are in high school, you can apply to scholarships. Maximizing your scholarship wins isn’t difficult as long as you are willing to put in the effort. No scholarship is too small—in fact, you have a better chance of winning the smaller local scholarships because they tend to have fewer people applying. Don’t be afraid of writing essays: Other students might not want to write essays and will skip over these scholarships, meaning less competition for you.

Look first on your school’s website to see if your guidance counselors have posted any scholarships. You can also check other schools in your region. Many private scholarships from local nonprofits and businesses will only contact a few high schools in the area, but all students in the county are often eligible. Other organizations you should check out for scholarships include Rotary Clubs, Toastmasters, 4-H, churches, Boy Scouts and local nonprofits. There are many scholarships out there in your area that aren't widely publicized—you just have to get out there and find them.

As you search for scholarships, be careful of sites that require you to pay a fee or enter you into a giant sweepstakes competition. These are often spam sites that want to steal your information. 

6.  Take A MOOC

Sites like edX or Coursera have a plethora of options for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). If your school isn’t providing digital learning resources for you, you’ll want to keep your skills sharp and the knowledge fresh. 

On Coursera and edX you can find thousands of courses on a variety of topics such as mathematics, science, language, history and much more. Taking a MOOC in your intended major is an excellent way to demonstrate interest and prove to colleges that you are prepared and mature enough to tackle advanced material. If you have a niche interest you would like to explore, now is a great time to do it. While most of the courses are free to take, you can pay for a certificate at the end of the modules, showing that you learned the material. 

Here are a few tips on how to choose the right MOOC for you. 

7. Build Your Resume Virtually

STEM-focused students can gain hands-on research experience through an online camp. One example of a virtual research opportunity for high school students is Rising Researchers, which allows students to earn two college credits. This experience goes beyond the Zoom screen; students are mailed a lab kit, including a microscope, to perform their research at home under the guidance of a leading scientist at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.

By the end of the four-week program, students will have a strong foundation in answering research questions, making observations, and interpreting results. Many students go on to have their research published in scientific journals. 

Remember to stay productive during the upcoming weeks or months. By using your time wisely, you can get ahead on your college applications. 

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