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How to Convince Your Parents to Get You an iPhone



So you want to convince your parents to get you an iPhone? This is no small purchase, but with the right facts and details you can convince your parents that you need an iPhone and that you are responsible enough to use one.

There are trade offs to these arguments, like letting them be able to track where you are, and if this is the first time for an iPhone or especially a smartphone you’ll need to present all sides of the argument for getting an iPhone. This includes convincing your parents that you are responsible, that this is a tool you’ll use for school and one that you know how to use correctly and safely.

We’ll walk through the five areas you need to cover when you try to convince your parents to get you an iPhone. Keep in mind this is an expensive purchase. Even if it is the free iPhone there is a large monthly expense to adding a new line.

You’re best bet is going to be personalizing these reasons to your age and situation and talking to your parents about this when you all have time to spend discussing the pros and cons of getting you an iPhone. If you have enough money saved up, invite them to discuss it over coffee and treat them to coffee using the money you earned, even if it is money you earned from them.

How Much Does the iPhone Cost

Even if you decide to ask your parents for a free iPhone 5c, they’ll be paying around $40 more a month to add a new smartphone line to a shared data plan. That’s almost $500 a year that they’ll be spending just to add your iPhone to a family share plan. If you already use a flip phone or feature phone, the good news is that they’ll only pay about $10 more a month or $120 a year to switch to an iPhone.

You should ask about the type of plan you are currently on and then go online to see approximately how much the iPhone will cost each month and also how much the iPhone you want will cost to buy when you go to the store.

Come to a meeting with your parents with all of the costs for the iPhone worked out, and how you can help pay for this. If you are old enough to get a part-time job, this should help a lot. If you are not old enough for that identify projects you can help with at home or other ways to contribute to the cost.

Don’t underestimate the benefit of fully explaining the cost and outlining how you can help pay for it, even if it is just in work.

How You Can Use the iPhone

Bring a list of apps you can use for school and hobbies to the meeting with your parents.

Bring a list of apps you can use for school and hobbies to the meeting with your parents.

Here’s where you really get into convincing your parents to buy you an iPhone. Do research in the app store using a computer to find apps that you can use to help with home work and with hobbies.

There are dozens of great learning apps that you can use on the iPhone for school and also for hobbies and family activities. They will know this is not all about learning, so include how you can use this for games and entertainment as well, and explain why it will replace you asking for something else each month like a new movie, tickets to see some event or a new video game.

Make sure to identify what apps and tools are free and which ones are paid. You can recruit your teachers, and ask them what iPhone apps they recommend for studying so that you can get a better grade. During the meeting, make sure you tell your parents that a specific teacher said this app will help you.

iPhone Safety

You may not like it, but this is a big selling point for convincing your parents to get you an iPhone. Tell them that they can track your location, share calendars and always be in communication with them.

With Find My Friends, your parents can ask Siri where you are and see your location on a map. You should play up this feature as much as you can, even if you don’t particularly want them to be able to track where you are all the time. They need an iPhone or iPad to use this feature, but there are some other options if they use Android phones.

App Purchases and Spending

Let your parents know they can approve your purchases to avoid big spending.

Let your parents know they can approve your purchases to avoid big spending.

With the newest Apple Software they can set up a family to share purchases and to approve your app purchases. They can also give you an allowance for in app purchases and music and movies.

If they set up a family, they will get a notification when you want to buy an app, and they can approve or decline it. This is important to share, as they’ve probably heard stories about kids spending thousands of dollars on in-app purchases.

Let them know that you know how to use the iPhone responsibly and that you understand purchases made in apps and on your iPhone cost real money.

You are a Responsible iPhone User

Depending on your parents, this is potentially the most important part of convincing them to buy you an iPhone. You need to show that you are a responsible user who won’t do things like they see on the news – cyber bullying, spending hundreds on app purchases and sharing inappropriate photos.

You won’t like everything in thisParent to Child iPhone Contract, but show this to your parents and work out a version that suits you and your parents. This includes use of the iPhone, smart behavior and other activities that will go a long way towards showing your parents that you are responsible enough for an iPhone.

Armed with these five steps, you’ll be well on your way to convincing your parents to get you an iPhone.



  1. Linda Forti

    12/01/2014 at 6:08 pm

    Dont just keep asking your parents for any type a phone becase if u do it’s just gonna make things not work right so just wait like 13 to get a phone unless your parents really need u to have a phone ! Iphones don’t make u cool so don’t think that your really cool because u have it and other kids might not get a phone at this any type of age

    • Cheeseball

      07/25/2015 at 11:59 am

      actually i would totally disagree to that. iPhones are the latest trend nowdays, and most of my friends had a phone since they were about 10 or 11. I’m currently almost 13 and i still don’t have a phone so it all depends on the parent because one of my friends has had a phone since he was 6. so seriously… screw off.

      • nerdy

        07/29/2015 at 2:06 am

        ok. no that was a little mean though. but it really depends on the parent. Cheeseball, dont be so mean next time. heads up- try using different words next time to make it sound nicer.

        • Angela

          11/25/2016 at 11:25 am

          CHEESBALL Why did you say that? I am totally shocked! Nerdy was right. DON’T BE A MEAN WEBSITE BULLY! And the word s**** o* is bad to call someone. PROBABLY HURT THEIR FEELINGS NOW! Say Sorry to them please.

      • thehomeschooledgirl

        04/22/2016 at 5:47 am

        Hi Cheeseball, I would have to agree with nerdy on this. I know that everyone has an opinion and they want to state it, but I think the way you said it may have sounded mean. Yes, it’s true that Iphones are the latest trends these days, but we all have to be open – minded about others’ opinions.

      • Angela

        11/25/2016 at 11:29 am

        Not to be mean but you SCREW OF for saying such a rude and mean thing to someone. I HATE YOU CHEESEBALL!

        • suck it hard #lollipop (or if you think wrong you are nasty minded) #mcswain school (wich that school is a piece of sh*t

          01/17/2017 at 9:24 pm

          shut up cheesballs is in my team

      • Noor

        05/01/2019 at 6:31 am

        cheeseball you son of a motherless goat

      • Ari

        05/19/2019 at 2:46 pm

        Ya Cheeeball is true. We all like phones

        • Ari

          05/19/2019 at 2:47 pm

          I want a iphone X or a iphone 7 because iI like both types

    • I want a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016

      02/13/2016 at 2:08 pm

      I feel like all my brothers are here.I know how it feels all of u…It really sucks of beeing a 12 year old kid without a smartphone.All my friends have phones showing off them.I hate that my phone was stolen in school.Someone stole my Samsung Galaxy s3 neo phone and now my parents think that I am not enough responsible to get me a new one…I said that I wont take it to school again.I tryed doing chores telling please but nothing.And I even have the money to buy the new A3.I just hate my life :(

    • thehomeschooledgirl

      04/22/2016 at 5:50 am

      Thanks for the advice, Linda! We’ll keep that in mind, but most people here want Iphones. Don’t get me wrong, but the advice can be helpful for those who got old phones and have no possible way of getting an Iphone. I think you should be a motivational speaker! Haha.

    • Hiefer

      05/06/2016 at 10:11 pm

      Hey Linda,i’m just 10 this june and how can i ask my parent to buy me an iPhone and if your advice doesn’t make me stop asking my parent to buy an iPhone what should i do?

    • lo necesito por farvol

      08/01/2019 at 6:51 pm

      Por favor quero yo compre una y se medaño Mandame un hoy ha las 10:00

  2. Abigail

    12/30/2014 at 9:11 am

    My mom wants to get me a 5C instead of a 6. How do I convince her otherwise?

    • iFan

      04/03/2015 at 5:09 am

      OH! You don’t like the 5C? Ok, once you get a 6, can you give me the 5C? Please?

    • thehomeschooledgirl

      04/22/2016 at 5:53 am

      Hi Abigail, an Iphone 5C is one of the best choices, take it with you and be responsible, then for the next upcoming year, you can ask her. Maybe your mom is doing that to see how you do with a phone. Hold on to that Iphone 5C of yours because almost everyone here wants to get an Iphone. Hahaha. Have fun! :)

  3. Eve

    01/10/2015 at 1:47 pm

    Abagail, you’re lucky you’re even getting a iPhone 5C! I have my Dad’s old iPhone but it doesn’t have a sim card which is pretty pointless.

    • Abigail

      01/10/2015 at 2:53 pm

      Thanks for the response, Eve! Haha, at least you have an iPhone! Well, I think I might have convinced my mother into getting me an iPhone 6, so I’m probably getting it in 15 days if all goes well lol and yes I’m counting. I’m trying to be understanding and won’t pressurise my mom so if she gets me a 5C, I’ll still be grateful.

      • Allision

        08/20/2016 at 12:18 pm

        I really want to get an iphone but i am only 10 years old and all my friends have it and i cant help being a bit envious.I mean i cant stand it when everyone brags it hurts my feelings and i really want an iphone but my parents think i am to young and say dont compare yourself with other kid what can i do plz help me

        • Noor

          04/30/2019 at 6:43 am

          same thing i am 12 and my parents are not letting get a phone and all of my friends have a phone but this website will help me.

  4. Rachel

    02/19/2015 at 1:02 pm

    My mom wants to get me the iPhone 5c for my birthday but my brother does not have a phone and he is 13 and I am 10…….

    • melissa

      07/18/2015 at 5:23 pm

      you should probably say that your brother needs it better than you do and probably
      your mom will give it to both of you guys

    • zaxlikes dickz

      03/07/2016 at 3:06 pm

      omg wow

    • Charlie

      03/12/2016 at 1:36 pm

      You’re lucky

  5. Bananaaa

    04/29/2015 at 6:33 am

    Today is my 13th bday and i want an iphone 5s but my parents said no.I tried all the steps but nothing worked.Thanks for some tips

    • marie

      06/17/2015 at 1:41 pm

      your 13 what did you expect??

      • a

        07/25/2015 at 12:01 pm

        everyone has a phone when they’re 13, sherlock. my friends have had them since grade 5.

        • CoolStuff

          07/26/2015 at 2:38 pm

          True Parents feel like nowadays it’s more safe to have a phone.Even if you are young.

          • Noor

            04/30/2019 at 6:45 am

            Thats not true my parents are not and i am 12

  6. vanessa

    05/14/2015 at 8:07 am

    These are good facts

  7. Mayan Daly

    06/08/2015 at 7:16 pm

    I tried too many times. This didn’t work. I feel left out and ashamed. Please help!! I told my parents I was responsible but they kept making up excuses like, we just paid for the new car, and we just paid the house mortgage. I’ve even left notes on my mom’s phone saying how responsible I will be. She just ignored me, and it hurts my feelings.

    • Hanna Joseph

      06/09/2015 at 9:57 am

      Maybe your not old enough for a phone if you pout like this.

      • Josh Weirch

        06/09/2015 at 9:59 am

        I agree with Hanna. Either suck it up or buy it yourself.

        • Mayan Daly

          06/09/2015 at 6:51 pm

          Ok. Thanks!

          • Lindsy

            06/10/2015 at 5:31 pm

            No wait just try to tell her like I will do chores or like say when I have enough money I will give you back or like I will be really responsible like I need it for school I mean I’m 10 and I have a phone that doesn’t exist anymore so I maen try to make your parent feel the pain your having and make them feel bad for you do anything even though that thing you don’t want to do it it is a little bit worth it.

  8. i phone 6 also apple iwatch

    06/12/2015 at 12:50 pm

    i basically said to my parents if u want to go germany beforen u go u have to get me a i phone 5 s but they didnt now theyre back i said well remember u said ull get me a 5s now ull have to get me a 6 ( i did say if u dont get me it ull have to get me a 6)

    • Phoneless

      11/03/2015 at 2:23 pm

      How old are you?? xD gimme a phone lol im 14 and my parents wont buy me a phone at all

  9. Mayan Daly

    06/15/2015 at 1:06 pm

    Thanks Lindsy. Thanks for helping.

  10. Mimi

    06/17/2015 at 11:59 am

    im ten and I got an iPad Air and I soooooo want a 5c but my mom thinks I have been asking for too long and I’m not responsible enough. I’ll try out these tips but one question for all y’all… Do you just come to this website and complain that you can’t get a phone? Seriously…. Why.

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:25 pm

      i will take your ipad air PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

    • Prankster

      01/18/2016 at 6:51 pm

      Hey I’m 10, too. It really sucks because I have an iPad Air too, but my mom won’t even let me have any iPhone. I mean i have good grades and everything. I have no idea why she won’t let me get a phone. Lol who am kidding I probably won’t get a phone ’till 19 because of adults.

      • Emily

        03/20/2016 at 7:44 pm

        God, I’m 11 and I only have an IPOD touch. All the other electronics that my family shares all have passcodes. My birthday is coming up, and I would DIE for even an iPhone 5. I get good marks, I’m responsible, but it’s all “oohhh, why does an eleven year old need a phone?” And “you don’t need one”. I’m starting 6 grade next school year ppl!!!!! Jeez……

        • Saphien Gaming

          06/08/2016 at 12:33 pm

          Emily i am 13 almost 14 and i am going into high school and all i got is a Ipod touch so emily YOU DONT NEED A PHONE FOR GRADE 6 holy crap xD like six grade what u going to do with a phone in grade 6???

        • PublicSchoolGal

          06/12/2016 at 1:20 am

          omg same here!!! im walking home by my self half of the time! my dad has a fricken 5s, and i dont! my mum has a flamin microsoft phone. i do have a phone but its my mums old old old one – sony xperia t. One minute my mum says yes, then the next minute she says no!!! i mean who would do that?!?!? I am responsible and that…. PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME?!?!?!

  11. The struggle is real

    06/21/2015 at 5:20 am

    I have tried to convince my mom to get me an iPhone 6. I even offer to pay in installments and I would be paying 80% but she still won’t go for it. She seems to want to fix my old samsung phone instead and I REALLY don’t want her to do that becuase it sucks. Can someone help?

    • I Understand Your Struggle

      07/25/2015 at 12:04 pm

      Damn… don’t let her do that because Samsung sucks donkey balls. This is coming from a guy that lives in the country Samsung was made in, so I suggest you take it seriously. And if you’re paying 80% of the cost, your mom should be able to pay the tiny little 20%, so your mom must really suck. A parent is a parent for a reason, they should be able to grant the majority of your wishes, especially if they only have to pay about 1/5 of the actual cost.
      Conclusion: I think you’re adopted.

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:22 pm

      tell her youll pay all of the money and show her you are responsible. and if you succeed then give me your old phone.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

    • gus

      09/13/2015 at 5:46 pm

      I’m 15 and am offering to pay for both the phone and the plan completely. I”m pretty sure I’m gonna have to get a job to pay for it, and I have offered to do so but my dad wont come round. I’ve tried all these methods and he says he needs better reasons. What should I do?

    • gus

      09/13/2015 at 5:47 pm

      I don’t have a smartphone. I’ve had a phone for a while and never asked for a smartphone

  12. lottdotts03

    06/25/2015 at 9:59 am

    I have an ipad air and a cheap smartphone so my parents think that I dont need an iPhone. I’m really grateful but the phone has not got enough storage etc. What do I do?

    • PanDa455

      07/18/2015 at 3:23 pm

      But ur so lucky lottdotts03, I only have a iPad 4 :(

      • Adrianna Victoria

        07/27/2015 at 1:24 pm

        Umm I dktn have ANYTHING. Soo yeah

      • Adrianna Victoria

        07/27/2015 at 1:24 pm

        Umm I don’t have ANYTHING. Soo yeah

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:27 pm

      give your ipad air and smartphone to me then show them you dont have anything

  13. Jane

    06/25/2015 at 8:10 pm

    I am 12 and I have a blackberry. All of my fiends have I phones and they are always on them. I am always just sitting there a lone…. Me and my mom are in the process of getting a I phone. We made a deal that if I don’t complain about my Spanish and math touter and I read more she would get me one. It’s iist that it stinks to wait. I have been waiting all my life

    • Go back to grade 1

      07/25/2015 at 12:05 pm

      friends* iPhones* alone* an* iPhone* tutor* just* .*

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:29 pm

      if you get a i phone give the blackberry to me PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

  14. Husein

    07/22/2015 at 5:48 pm

    I’ve been asking 4 a whole year it’s boring to see ur friends playing the latest version of whatever phone they have my mom wants me to get a flip phone but flip phones are useless

    • I feel you

      07/25/2015 at 12:06 pm

      damn are we clones or smth

  15. Keep trying.

    08/03/2015 at 11:00 pm

    I usually just my mom and she’s like “You can have my old iPhone 4” which has 4 GIGABYTES.But I’m only planning on taking 20 pics and Facebook or wifi free games .But then the talk goes downhill .”But no service.”Means no texting or calling.”(Pretty much what phones are for.
    Or a flip phone .One word.:No.

    -I can’t work yet so when I’m finally 12 or thirteen I get to work in my parents resturant and pay my own phone.So yay and I can talk them into it with this speech I’ve been practicing.Im 1 year away.:DDDDD.


    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:19 pm

      i will take your moms old phone

      • annoyed person

        04/05/2016 at 5:56 pm

        @ Elizabeth stop asking for people’s shit damn

  16. Crystal

    08/09/2015 at 9:37 pm

    I just passed all my math exams whichs mean iphone 5s hopefully

  17. Olivia

    08/11/2015 at 12:00 pm

    I have a Vodafone 1G and it sucks! For my birthday I really want an iphone 5c but my mum said NO!!!!!

  18. Wookiee

    08/14/2015 at 8:40 am

    I have tried all of these steps but to no use. I’m not being a whiny kid, either. My phone (My dad’s old 4S) was given to me in May, but since has proven it belongs in a dumpster. It delays typing, the sound stops working for days at a time, and the top half inch of the touch screen is unresponsive. I even have saved up enough money to upgrade to the 5S ($150). What makes it bad is my father, who knows about both factors, still says I cannot get a new phone with my savings and refuses to tell me why. Ideas?

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:16 pm

      you should show him you are responsible and you should try to not argue or fight with your also should not annoy him about it and give him time.

    • elizabeth manning

      08/30/2015 at 6:18 pm

      try to get strait a’s in school

      • loucine

        10/16/2015 at 4:39 pm

        thats a really good idea my grades come out in november so i will be a great time to make sure to ask

  19. elizabeth manning

    08/30/2015 at 6:11 pm

    I am ten and i dont get a cell phone till i am 13 and i dont get a smart phone or iphone till i am 18

  20. elizabeth manning

    08/30/2015 at 6:12 pm

    i have begged

  21. Marbear

    08/31/2015 at 6:14 pm

    I have the cruddiest oldest Samsung phone that doesn’t even exist anymore. I’ve tried these tricks, doing chores, having decent grades, being responsible, etc. But they still won’t get me an iPhone 6! All my other friends have one, and I feel like a loner.

  22. julia

    09/07/2015 at 12:22 pm


  23. julia

    09/07/2015 at 12:26 pm

    My parents don’t listen to me at all I beg and beg and seem to be getting no where… any advice?!

  24. Joellen

    09/09/2015 at 2:00 pm

    After this, my mom said I might get an IPhone 5s. I went all out and did a presentation. You gotta do what you gotta do.

  25. 15 and Phoneless

    09/10/2015 at 6:40 pm

    I’m 15 and I still don’t have a phone. I threaten to go out and buy a cheap one, but my dad tells me that I’m getting an iPhone and I can’t buy a cheap one. We are not poor. My 16 year old brother has a Macbook Pro, an iPad Air, and an iPhone 5s. It’s unfair to me. I have a 4.0 gpa and I never get in trouble. I feel very left out because all of my friends have iPhones. What do i do?

    • I like phones

      09/13/2015 at 6:16 pm

      Give it time. All the people here are desperate, and the only true answer is to behave well and give it time. Seriously.

  26. Niki1250

    09/14/2015 at 1:41 pm

    I’m 11 and I DON’T HAVE A PHONE and all my friends have I PHONES!!!!!!!!! I’ve tried everything!!!!!!my life is OVER!!!!!

    • Makayla

      11/01/2015 at 8:30 pm

      Dude, calm down. Im 13, and my parents wont get me a phone till im 16 sooo yeah. Your life aint that bad dude.

  27. Good thoughs

    09/17/2015 at 5:49 am

    just gona say, Good luck people

  28. Kaitlyn

    09/22/2015 at 8:05 pm

    I’m so close to getting the iPhone 6. I have a flip phone right now and my mom said that if I am responsible with that phone I will probably get an iPhone.

  29. #iphone 6s plus

    09/30/2015 at 2:41 am

    I have an iPhone 6s plus

  30. sara

    10/13/2015 at 2:21 pm

    i keep asking my parents for an iphone and there like u dont need one because u have an ipod 5 and im 14

  31. N00b

    10/25/2015 at 5:05 am

    Me NeeD iPhoNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  32. CUTIEPIE123

    10/27/2015 at 1:11 pm

    Will someone get me a ipod im so sad that i don’t get one tell im old enogh to buy 1


    10/29/2015 at 3:32 am


  34. Steve Stifler

    10/31/2015 at 4:25 pm

    Wow. This world is full of ungrateful brats.

  35. J.F

    11/14/2015 at 9:28 am

    It sucks that i dont have a phone and i asked for an iphone 5c but my mom always wants to be like you are ungrateful and i am like i get good grades and work hard but no she wants to be cheap

  36. Amulya

    11/16/2015 at 4:02 pm

    Instead of getting an iPhone get an HTC Desire 626 ( it is a pretty good phone) and it is cheap. Try asking for an iPhone later.

  37. me

    11/20/2015 at 2:06 am

    u noobs only 13 and u want the latest iphone, ask for a new phone when ur around 15 they would probably get u one.

  38. Why doesn't she understand!!!

    11/25/2015 at 4:52 am

    I really want an iPhone 5s because my crappy Samsung broke. That’s how old it is, and my mom wants to give me a phone that’s even older than that one.

  39. Asian moms -_-

    11/25/2015 at 8:30 am

    I’m 13 and I used a flip phone since i was 11, and my friend gave me her 3.5 year old Samsung last year ( barely works anymore ). I really want an iphone 5s and I agreed to get the cheapest texting and calling plan there is, but my parents still want to buy me a Samsung that’s older than the one I have right now. Getting good grades won’t help because I have gotten straight A+’s my whole life so it’s expected of me now. What should I do?

  40. Cady Lee

    12/04/2015 at 3:52 pm

    Okay so I really want an Iphone 5 and I’ve begged my mom all day for one. Christmas is soon and I’m asking for on for it. I have a stupid android phone and I hate it so much and I just want a nice iphone. I don’t even have an ipad. I just have a macbook pro and a stupid android.

    • Poop

      08/16/2016 at 7:19 pm

      I have a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge and i got it last year and it has a TWO year contract I got it last Christmas and I asked for an iPhone 6s rose gold phone and my mom said NO you HAVE to wait until NEXT Christmas! PLEASE HELP!!!!! I’ve asked her SO MUCH and she said NO! wait until next Christmas! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

  41. Orion

    12/15/2015 at 12:56 pm

    Im 12, 13 in april and since christmas is soon I asked my mom if i could have an iphone she didn’t even look up from her book “NO”.

    • Saga5

      01/08/2016 at 5:09 pm

      Why would you need an iPhone? I don’t think you will be able to use it to its full potential. It would be wasting money. You don’t need a flagship phone for Facebook and some games.

  42. Abhishikta Mohanty

    12/25/2015 at 12:29 am

    Come on guys, some of you have an Iphone. Dont care whether its a 4 or a 3gs. At least it is an Iphone! I am ten and I have no expectations of a Moto G2 even ! My parents would never get me a smartphone! We dont have a single apple product in our home! I am really desperate

    • nope

      01/18/2016 at 7:32 pm

      Lol u are 10 I didnt even have a flip phone when i was 10

  43. doritogirl9355

    12/25/2015 at 7:59 am

    I’ve been doing research, and the secret to getting an iPhone is not throwing a tantrum if they say no, and then trying again in a month.

  44. shelby

    12/25/2015 at 10:25 am

    I begged i got one i was so happy

    • K.G.

      09/20/2016 at 1:15 pm

      Lucky [pouts]. I’ve been asking for 11 YEARS!

  45. Jess

    12/29/2015 at 8:49 am

    I have been asking my parents for an iphone since ages. They keep on saying that they’ll see but they never buy one for me. My patents got a phone when they were 13 and 14 but i’m 15 right now and i still don’t have a phone. They keep on saying that i’m not old enough but im15. They just wont understand. It makes me soooo sad.

  46. Jess

    12/29/2015 at 8:51 am

    What shall i do? I have been asking forever

    • Don't give up

      01/18/2016 at 7:29 pm

      It took me a really long time to convince my parents to get me an iphone ( like 2 years or so? ) Since getting straight A+s and the fact that I had twice the amount of money needed to buy it didn’t help, I got into science olympiad which is extremely hard to get into and I won the spelling bee which is basically memorizing thousands of words since competition is pretty stiff at my school. So basically, you should prove to ur parents that u really deserve the phone that u want. I ended up getting a 6 instead of the 5s :)

  47. dogirl

    01/06/2016 at 12:53 pm

    I don’t even have an iphone but i think this is convincing enough for my parents (:

  48. Joseph lopez

    01/10/2016 at 7:55 pm

    I have a iphone 6 and I’m convenience ng my mom to get me a iphone6s what do I do?

    • wut...

      01/18/2016 at 7:30 pm

      theyre basically the same thing, why would u want to buy a whole new phone?

  49. Hynotisis Anime

    01/19/2016 at 8:48 am

    People. Stop complaining.

    Second of all, I have something to say. I want my mum to buy me an iPhone 6 or 6s or possibly a 5c. Almost everyone in my form (homeroom) has one,and I’m one of the few who have a crappy Samsung with me.

    Even my FRIEND’S upgrading to 6s in a couple of days!

    So, My Samsung acts up EVERY day, And does UNNECESSARY autocorrects, which makes me annoyed.

    I want an iPhone because it DOESN’T act up the way Samsung does. And no I’m NOT jealous of the kids who DO have an iPhone. I know that iPhone won’t act up, because I have an iPad and a Mac to prove it.

    So, after (little) research, I confronted my mum to say that I wanted an iPhone. She said no because I ALREADY have enough Apple Products, And she’ll become worried if I ever got an iPhone, because people will steal it. (Which will be unlikely due to the fact that our county/town/state is one of the safest in the Country). Then she asked what APPLE can do that Samsung CAN’T. Of course, I answered with the 3D touch, but wasn’t enough to convince her.

    Now, here’s where you guys come in. I’m going to have a DAD in a few months time, who has an iPhone, And after reading this, I want to have a second shot of convincing my parent(s). Should I, or just leave it at that?

    Hynotisis Anime

    • sara

      01/19/2016 at 2:48 pm

      you should at least try and see what happens

    • .

      01/21/2016 at 3:15 pm

      Instead of just asking her for it u should be on ur best behavior, do lots of chores, or accomplish something to make her believe that u deserve the phone bc it is true that u have a lot of apple products. No offense, just my advice :)

  50. Chesseball44444

    01/21/2016 at 3:03 pm

    Me cheese

  51. Hynotisis Anime

    01/22/2016 at 12:14 pm

    Yeah. I know that I have a lot of Apple products. But I know that if I don’t get an iPhone sooner, I’m going to be a loner/loser.

    Anyway, I might be getting an iPhone soon. Even after the advice my mum gave me about speeding up my phone, it STILL flipping acts up via and other apps.

    I told my mum about this via phone/cellphone. Said I should ask my dad to get me one. Then I ask her about an iPhone. She didn’t mind.

    So I called my dad, and he said when he comes over, we can have a talk about it.

    So yeah, I might be more or less a step away from my iPhone. I’m so elated!

    Hynotisis Anime

    • sara

      01/22/2016 at 3:58 pm

      thats good (:

  52. Jakecsnake

    01/22/2016 at 8:29 pm

    I have an iPod 5, a kindle fire, a kindle fire HDX, a nintindo 3ds, an Xbox 360, a wii, a wii u,and a computer

    • .

      01/23/2016 at 7:48 am

      and you want an iPhone

    • so many electronics

      01/23/2016 at 5:06 pm


  53. AppleG

    01/25/2016 at 8:05 am

    I’m 12 and I really want an iPhone 6s more than anything! But after 4 months of begging my mom she said maybe! Then my sister got me into trouble so my mom is saying no now.And everyone thinks I have an iPhone 6s When I don’t.What do I do?HELP!!!

    • Hynotisis Anime

      01/25/2016 at 9:36 am

      I feel your pain. I want an iPhone more than anything else. Almost all of my classmates have it. It just make you feel so jealous and tense to see that all your friends have an iPhone from a 4s to 6.

      No, let’s expand that. Almost all of my SCHOOL has an iPhone- even I see some of the teacher’s iPhone’s (They never reconginised me). It just make you so jealous that you’re one of those like 100 or 200 people in your school that have an android. I’m looking to upgrade, but my family doesn’t think I should. Even my little SISTER, because she said I was weak.

      Well, I gave her punishment.

      Ok, back to you. I don’t know WHY everyone thinks you have an iPhone 6s. Instead of just keeping a lie to make you popular (I don’t know if you are popular for the rumour), why not tell the truth. Even though everyone will make fun of you (Don’t know if that will happen), at least you got a lot of weight off your shoulders.

      Hynotisis Anime

    • .

      01/25/2016 at 3:16 pm

      Wow that sucks. Depending on how badly ur in trouble u could still get the iphone

  54. AppleG

    01/27/2016 at 8:43 am

    It’s not that easy to tell everyone though.Yesterday after asking my dad for it he went out.After 3 hours, he came back with the Rose Gold iPhone 6s! It turns out it wasn’t for me, but my OLDER SISTER.And all she had to do was ask my dad and my mom and the said yes! :( !

    To make matters worse, not only am I in trouble with my parents but at SCHOOL.They called my parents and they had a meeting and my parents are REALLY angry.So I don’t have a Phone now.and everyone at school won’t listen to me.They just say I have the iPhone 6s and don’t listen when I tell them I don’t.


    • Hynotisis Anime

      01/27/2016 at 1:46 pm

      Wow… Poor you. I couldn’t believe that your older sister got a 6s, and all she did was ask. Dude, if I were you, I’d get so mad, that I just TAKE the phone with me to school, just for a day (DON’T DO THAT)

      But the people SERIOUSLY won’t listen to you. Wow, they must not bother to listen for one minute. I’m sorry your parents took your phone. I hope that your life may rejoice with an iPhone. (Well, maybe). It must SUCK that you’re the younger one.

      Well, if you want an iPhone so badly, why not fix the problem you had at school. If it was for bad grades, maybe improve them. If it was that you got into a fight, maybe try and start getting into a friendship with they guy. Maybe, and maybe then, will your parents consider to get one for you.

      Hope this works!

      Hynotisis Anime

    • .

      01/27/2016 at 3:00 pm

      I agree. It must be really unfair in your family, but then again ur sister might be a lot older. the ppl at ur school are really stupid tho lol

  55. brayden

    01/28/2016 at 7:28 pm

    My older sister is 15 and she STILL doesn’t have an iPhone. Also, I can’t name anyone in my class EXCEPT ME that doesn’t have an iPhone!!! my dad is very anti-electronic and they think I’m to young. I don’t know what to do to convince them!!!!

  56. Benjamin Leung

    02/11/2016 at 4:05 am

    If your patience,ask your parents for an iPod touch as it’s the cheapest iOS device you can use.Use it for a couple of years and show your parents you can be trusted to get an iPhone.Don’t ask for something better than your parents,because it’s likely to be a no. Because your parents will be jealous if you get an iPhone 6s + and your parents only got an iPhone 6.Ask for something cheaper,like an iPhone 5s.It’s like the iPhone 6,but smaller.Or wait until April and get an iPhone 6C,which is a cheaper type of iPhone 6.

  57. Hynotisis Anime

    02/11/2016 at 12:18 pm

    Well, lucky for me, I’m getting a new phone in March… but there’s a 50/50 chance of me getting an iPhone or a Samsung. Well, a phone’s a phone… (No, I want the iPhone 6s!)

    To Benjamin Leung, the advice doesn’t really help. Really, it depends on the parent. So my advice is to just wait until your phone goes all CRAP, then ask your parents.(Worked for me, and I’m getting a new phone in March).
    My mum has a Samsung, but she doesn’t really care (Possibly because she’s pissed off with my dad at the moment.)

    And to AppleG, improve those grades to get your parents trust again, before asking again. Or get those grades up, or fix up those problems, wait for the iPhone 7, then ask your parents again, and maybe they’ll get it for you. Then you can wave that iPhone 7 up in the air in front of your older sister, tease her, and make her look jealous. (Or make her a fool if front of her friends.)

    And to Joseph Lopez, the iPhone 6s is basically the same as the iPhone 6: The only difference is the camera, Live Photos, and a bigger screen- so I don’t understand WHY you want to get a whole new phone.

    Cady Lee, I know you want an iPhone as bad as I do. But you’re not the only one that has a Macbook Pro (My mum has it), and I have a stupid Android- man, it acts up so much. And it’s laggy, and you feel like it’ll fall if you got it in one hand. I just want to break it so much!

    J.F: (P.S: My mum is a cheapstake too. Even my cousin told me that once!)


  58. Ashyra

    02/14/2016 at 3:12 pm

    i don’t have a phone and I’m 15

  59. shelby

    02/14/2016 at 3:26 pm

    I have a stupid android and like 5 of my friends and my cousin have an iPhone 6s rose gold i really want it but i know im never getting one so why even do this. My parents are like im never paying 600.00 dollars for a stupid iPhone u have a phone and u should be happy or im will just disconnect ur phone so stop complaining! Plezz help meee!! Sometimes when they say that to me it hurts my feeling and makes me feel like they hate me!

  60. Gianna

    02/24/2016 at 7:32 pm

    I have a lot of Apple devices

  61. Gianna

    02/24/2016 at 7:36 pm

    Jk jk

  62. AppleG

    03/01/2016 at 8:41 am

    I’ve fixed up my Grades and gotten like A’s & B’s in all my Subjects but my Parents are STILL saying NO! Instead of an iPhone, I’m getting a crappy SAMSUNG S7 :(! I told them I didn’t want it but they’ve already pre-ordered friends,my cousins AND my Aunt have one! What makes it worse is that I’m 13 now and my cousin is 11 and my aunt is 58!

    • Hynotisis Anime

      03/01/2016 at 8:59 am

      In fact… I actually heard that the S7 is a pretty good phone. Just get this camera thing that will record 360 degrees, then BAM. You just upgraded your phone. Even I’m now considering the S7 too. To be honest, once you have an android for a while, you actually get used to it.
      I’m sorry if you still want an iPhone but you’re getting an S7 that you don’t want, but there’s really nothing you can do now. All I can say is just get used to the phone.

      Hynotisis Anime

      P.S: Wait… Did you say your 58-year-old AUNT has an iPhone. Or have I just misunderstood your content?


    03/09/2016 at 1:41 pm

    I Have an ipod 3 and im 14 and my ipod’s battery is shot. all of my friends have iphone 6s and im asking for the iphone 5s and my parents have came to the conclusion that i dont need a phone because i have an ipod. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Gianna

    03/20/2016 at 8:14 pm

    Some parents can be really mean

  65. Yuvraj Walia

    03/23/2016 at 9:09 am

    See guys u all people live in the USA or somewhere in Europe
    What about the kids in India our parent just want marks and that’s it u guys have Christmas,thanksgiving,birthday etc
    But on our birthday we jus let get 3000-4000 RS that’s stinks where the iPhone starts at 55,000 for 5s 16 gb
    Being an Indian sucks monkey balls bro

  66. Hannah

    03/30/2016 at 1:33 am

    my mum will give me a phone but my dad wont what do i do mum said the maximum amount of money she is spending is $250 so how do i get the rest of the money do i just invite a heap of people to my party and tell them to just give me money or something else what do i do?????????????

    • .

      03/30/2016 at 9:43 am

      Ok definitely do not invite ppl to a party and ask them to give u money bc that is a really self centered thing to do. If its your birthday and ur friends ask u what u want, then sure i guess u could ask them for a reasonable amount of money. But if its a regular party, then i don’t think u should do that. When I got my phone my mom provided $200. I did chores to earn the rest of my money. Some chores I have to do for free like washing the dishes and the laundry , but i could still earn money by washing the car, cleaning the house, etc. Or if u have siblings u can charge them money for cleaning their room or something. Hope this helps! :)

    • erngu

      04/11/2016 at 2:23 pm

      Get over yourself, earn the money you democrat getting everything handed to you. @Hannah

  67. rneneinger

    04/05/2016 at 5:37 pm

    My parents literally suck. I’m 13 and don’t have a phone. All my friends have had phones since they were like 9……… I guess I’ll just live life being stuck in the loser section.

  68. fml yo

    04/09/2016 at 8:38 pm

    Im 13and at least everyone already has an iphone..i feel out cause i dont even have a phone..fml my parents say ima get a phone until im like 15 tf that too much..and it does depend on your parents which mine are strict

  69. fml yo

    04/09/2016 at 8:43 pm

    My parents will never pay like 600 dollars for a phone they say “until you have your own job”at least get me an iphone 5c!?

  70. Jamila_coco (@Jamila_coco)

    04/17/2016 at 1:31 pm

    omggg im 14 and my parents say i cant get a phone becuase i will get addicted and wont do any homeworks and im too young. i have tried convincing, my mum allowed me but nothing goes without my dads permisssion. He said i cant get it till im 16 . Everyone in my school either has a iphone 5 or 6 i dunno wat to do HELPPPPPPP

  71. Gabbi

    04/17/2016 at 7:57 pm

    If you’re young but your parents allow you freedom, like me, any type of phone is a good idea. You need to be able to keep in touch with your parent. It just depends how your parents feel!

  72. thehomeschooledgirl

    04/22/2016 at 5:43 am

    Hi Everyone! My name is Andie and I am currently 12 years old turning 13 on October 16, 2016. You see, my parents are very strict about having phones, and I can’t blame them. What hurts me is that when I try convincing my parents or doing all the steps, I end up with words saying, “We’ll think about it.” but I don’t think it will happen though. All my friends, (including the ones I grew up with) all have Iphones – even the latest Iphone, Iphone 6splus. What really bugs me out is that I have a really old Android phone, the camera is really bad, it lags a lot, and has a lot of glitching. I try doing everything like asking my friends to give me their Iphone if they are getting a new one or even begging my parents to just get me the Iphone 4s, but they won’t budge. I feel left out somehow, but I tried telling them and they keep saying the same old thing. I really need help and I don’t know what to do now.

    Many Thanks,
    Andie :-)

  73. baleigh

    04/25/2016 at 4:22 pm

    Its almost electronic day and I cannot come to school with a crappy tablet. My parents gave me a 5 in my birthday and I brung it to school and they never gave it back and im 11 everyone has a phone but me. Im left out becauz mh brother and sister and even parents think k have no friends but im the popular with most of the 5th grade. everyone talking about instagram snapchat and and I dont even have those. The only thing I have is my popularity wich my mom and dad a siblings dont believeve. They think they have all that cause they have phones. Like I dont even know what to do. And my parents think I not ready. My sister told them I have no friends to have a phone. I HAT MY LIFE.

  74. Rainbow🌈

    04/25/2016 at 7:51 pm

    I’m 11 and my mom won’t buy me anything! I am really jealous because my mom buys my brother 40$ Shoes and buys him again shoes that cost 200$ and me? My mom just buys me a 10$ shirt! I want a phone really bad! My cousin has an iphone and i want when they visit us here (they visit us once every four years) i have an iphone too😭😭😭

  75. Jalo

    04/28/2016 at 1:41 pm

    So technically lie to you parents about your usage of the phone

  76. phonesobadpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze

    05/02/2016 at 8:05 pm

    Im 11 too and my mom says I get addicted AUTOMATICALLY. I told her I wont but she got all mad at me!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AND 98% OF KIDS IN MY CLASS HAVE A PHONE!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. phonesobadpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze

    05/02/2016 at 8:14 pm

    and rainbow I feel so sorry 4 u it’s almost the same as me. my brother is ssssssoooooooooooo AAANNNOOOYYYIIINNNGGG and my parents take the blame on me whenever we fight because he’s SENSITIVE! all the kids in my class talk about and yes baleigh you don’t know how to spell that because u only HEARD of it. I know cuz I asked them how to spell it. and there’s a cousin in our house who’s gonna graduate to high school pretty soon but all he does is watch his phone and text and he evenn watches in the bathroom, at bed, and even in MEALS! like, who does THAT?

  78. Lailaaaa

    05/04/2016 at 1:08 pm

    Waw. Guys I’m turning 16 in july which is in two months but not only do i not have an I phone…I have no android phone at all. I dont know how to persuade my parents. Cost is seriously not an issue with them. However, their argument is that since its exam season i’ll get too distracted. Truth is, I’ll be under the pressure of exams until i’m 18 – about to go to university. That means another 2 years of having a brick nokia phone. Help me pleasee.

  79. Nasee

    05/21/2016 at 12:01 pm

    Ai am 15 and badly want a iPhone 6s but my parents not ready to buy me that but they want to buy me a 5c what should I be doing

  80. Dee

    05/29/2016 at 9:03 am

    I’m already 18 and I only have a second hand iPhone 4. I scored extremely well in my finals last year and I’m going to start my tertiary studies very soon. I’m going for matriculation and basically the whole programme only costs my parents 600 bucks. It even includes free accommodation and 250 bucks each month as my pocket money. I’ve been pleading them to get me an iPhone SE (I’m willing to pay half btw) but they just wouldn’t let me. I really have no idea why and I’m truly frustrated. I’m so sad and I know I should be grateful with everything but it really saddens me a lot. I’m not complaining about my parents but I just need a place to rant. Sorry for my terrible English as English isn’t the first language in my country. 😞

  81. Jeff

    06/26/2016 at 10:05 am

    I only have a crappy android lg thingy

  82. Stephxcruz

    07/09/2016 at 9:18 pm

    I’m 11 and I already have an iphone 6s plus. I’m switching to the iphone se because I’m using the iphone 6s plus with 2 hands. I have little hands so I’m switching to that phone. It really depends on what parents you have to let you have a phone or not.

  83. Cami

    07/11/2016 at 7:11 am

    I’m 12 turning 13 soon and I have a sucky samsung but I really want a rose gold iPhone 6s but my parent keep saying no cuz it costs too much money what should I do please help

  84. Jacob

    07/17/2016 at 11:10 am

    Guys I have an alcteal which nobody knows about which was my dads old old phone. I can pay for an iPhone and I come in the top ten in my grade. But my parents said that there are better things to spend my money on and that my phone is fine. Meanwhile i will pay for the iPhone. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

    • Missy. B

      07/19/2016 at 3:37 pm

      I am in the top 1% in English, 2% in Maths and top 4% in Irish in my country. I have never gotten lower than 85% percent in any test, nor have I gotten lower than 8/10 in my STEN scores. I do various extra curricular activities, mostly music and sport. I have an iPod 6 but it’s only 16GB, and my storage is full. I only have about 10 apps, and I keep having to delete photos that matter to me for more storage. My mam won’t get me a phone because I have said iPod. I don’t want a 6s or 6s plus or 7 when it comes out, because personally I think they would break too easily, and I don’t need that type of phone. But I’ve shown how responsible I can be, I feed the dog and cat, collect the eggs etc. Every time i ask my Mam, she just asks me why and says I don’t need one. Almost everyone in my class has a phone, my best friend got an iPhone 5s a few months ago, and I’ve been thinking about asking my Mam if she’ll get me a phone if I do more music camps, workshops etc. I am not stuck up or anything but I don’t think she truly umderstands. Also I can’t properly work a Samsung phone, but I am quite sure she thinks iPhones are too expensive. Help🆘📱😭

  85. Use The Site The Right Way Ppl

    08/11/2016 at 10:58 am

    People here that have phones shouldn’t be replying about how bad it is. Also ppl without phones should just shut up. I’m 11 and I don’t have a phone and this is for people that reply about this website being helpful or not.😐😐😐

  86. shawntae covington

    08/30/2016 at 5:13 am

    Help im turning 12 in october still dont have an iphone 6

  87. shawntae covington

    08/30/2016 at 5:15 am

    Someone help me my life sucks

  88. K.G.

    09/20/2016 at 1:11 pm

    Hey guys, I am 13 now and my parents won’t let me get an iPhone. I have made several good points and they say no every time. All of my classmates have an iPhone and my best friend just got the iPad Pro. Please help! I wanna be cooler and I want to be able to play games and text and call Mom without asking to use somebody else’s phone. Please please please help!

  89. Angel

    10/06/2016 at 2:20 pm

    If I ask my mom no is what she said my dad worse they are telling me I will get an iPhone until high school and I’m getting tired of going to fun Friday at my school oh by the way I’m in 6th grade but when I get to the class all that happens is I see my friends get out their phones while im the only one with a school iPad out and I really want an iPhone super bad plz give me tips so I can get one thank you😩😩😩😩😩😄😩😩😩

  90. xXemovampslayerrXx

    01/03/2017 at 3:15 pm

    I’m in freaking middle school and i dont even have a phone yet. I would KILL for even an iphone4, no joke!! My parents say that i already have a tablet and computer (which they cant count cuz it’s from my school and only for hw). I only have asked them about 2 or 3 times. I have gotten ALL straight As last year each semester up until now. Also, I do numerous chores for only a dollar every other week. My parents are very strict and won’t get me a phone and I’m frustrated, what do i do???? HeLp PLeAse?!?!?

  91. suck it hard #lollipop (or if you think wrong you are nasty minded) #mcswain school (wich that school is a piece of sh*t

    01/17/2017 at 9:21 pm

    you guys are all stupid

  92. MATTY T

    03/04/2017 at 2:27 am

    What Should I do All My friends have phones and had them science they were six or 5. PS: Im depressed so please dont leave hate comments.

  93. MATTY T

    03/09/2017 at 12:32 am

    i know how you feel i want a samsung galaxy a3

  94. pieface

    03/18/2017 at 7:37 am

    Thx it did help me a little

  95. Whyyy

    04/05/2017 at 9:47 pm

    I have straight a’state and really mature, but NOPE.

  96. Elie

    02/07/2019 at 4:02 pm

    I want the iPhone XS Max but my parents say no because I’m not responsible enough and I’m almost 13 all my friends have new phones and I have decent grades what should I do?

    • Sophia

      02/11/2019 at 6:53 pm

      Wait for the right time.

    • Sophia

      08/26/2019 at 9:31 am

      THANK U first person from 2019. I know I’m like four years younger than u, but I’m super close to getting an old iphone 6 from my aunt for my 10th birthday, but that seems so old in 2019 so im trying to convince my parents to get me a new iphone xs max from apple any ideas. also, plz dont leave hate comments saying im so young and u dont have anything an ur 13.

  97. Alyssa

    06/23/2019 at 3:18 pm

    Ok so I already have a phone but my parents said they will get me a new one but, my teacher called because I had to make up a few test so I did and passed. My grades aren’t the best but, im not failing any classes. What should I do? No matter what I try I keep on getting the same grade

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