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Your shower could be ruining your hair, and it has nothing to do with the products you use

easy a hair washing
If you feel like your feels differently when you travel, it's probably not all in your head. Sony Pictures
  • Hard water is bad news for your hair.
  • pH of both your water and your hair care products also plays a role.
  • Celebrity hairstylist Marc Mena has several helpful suggestions for battling hard water damage (and winning).
  • If you live in the US, check the US Geological Survey for up-to-date information on your local water quality.

When you chose your place of residence, I'm guessing you didn't think about how the local water would affect your hair when you moved in.

But now that you're thinking about it, you've probably noticed your hair feeling a certain way after a wash. Maybe you blamed it on a new hair care routine.

But have you considered that it might not even be your hair products?

The real problem could be much simpler. You may have hard water, which is raising up the tiny little scales along each hair strand and making them catch on each other. Think about when you have a hangnail that catches on everything — this is only smaller and more difficult to tame.


What is water hardness?

If soap scum and those white, filmy mineral deposits on your shower head and faucet are regular problems, you probably have hard water where you live.

The phrase "hard water" refers to high levels of certain minerals (mainly calcium and magnesium).

Hard water isn't only bad news if you want a scum-free shower. It's also responsible for that scaly white buildup in your coffeemaker. If you regularly use white vinegar to clean it up and make your coffee taste good again, congratulations: You have hard water.

"Hard water and well water can negatively affect both the color and texture of your hair. It causes color fading and dryness, which leads to frizz because of the excess mineral buildup in hair," celebrity hairstylist Marc Mena told INSIDER. You've seen his expertise on the beautiful tresses of everyone from Mindy Kaling to Christy Turlington to Nicki Minaj.

Washing hair
Sahacha Nilkumhang/Shutterstock

Audrey Sivasothy is a certified trichologist (that's a dermatologist who specializes in hair and scalp health) who runs The Science of Black Hair YouTube channel. Her 4-minute video on this topic gives helpful visuals to explain the science behind what hard water does to all types of hair — with some specific recommendations for Black hair care.

Now that you have a greater understanding of how hard water affects your hair, let's talk about soft water.

Water softness can also have an effect. 

If your tap water tastes salty and you don't have buildup, you might have soft water. This could be a natural occurrence, or it might happen because you have a water softener installed in your home.

Although soft water doesn't pose as tough a problem for hair as hard water, it still comes with its own set of challenges.


"It takes longer to thoroughly cleanse hair of hairspray and other styling products, which results in product buildup on the scalp. This is especially an issue if you have naturally oily or fine hair—leftover products remaining on the scalp weigh hair down and make it feel greasier," salon owner and hairstylist Oscar Blandi told Glamour.

pH levels also come into play

Think back to high school chemistry class. You may remember that the pH scale goes from 0 to 14, and that a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Anything below 7 is considered acidic, while anything above 7 is basic (or alkaline).

Your hair is somewhere around a pH of 4.5 to 5. Meanwhile, hard water is 8.5 or sometimes even higher. That's not taking into account the pH levels of your shampoo, conditioner, and any other components of your hair care regimen.

"If hair's pH gets above a 10 or so, the fiber swells, and it will cause irreversible damage," cosmetic chemist Randy Schueller told Allure. See Audrey Sivasothy's pH video for some great visual illustrations of how pH affects individual hair strands.

Forehead hairline

How to find out what your local water is like

The US Geological Survey is constantly monitoring water quality throughout the nation. You can access this data at any time on their site.

For up-to-the-minute pH info, you can purchase pH test strips (like the kind used for hot tubs or swimming pools) and test your water yourself. You can also use these to test the pH of your shampoo, conditioner, honey, coconut oil, and anything else you want to put on your hair.

What you can do to help your hair

Marc Mena has two suggestions you can take right now to combat hard water damage:

"If you have hard water, I suggest clarifying once a month and applying conditioner in your hair before it's wet to protect it from the minerals and fight frizz."


For those who want to address water quality issues while you fight hard water damage directly on your head, you can try some (or all) of these solutions:

  • Purchasing a shower-head water filter
  • Whole-house water softener
  • Natural rinses like apple cider vinegar

Although that expensive water filter may offer a small amount of help, it probably won't solve all your problems.

"Hard water is problematic for all hair types and you're going to see the effects regardless of your natural hair texture. There are some great shower head filtration systems that you can use, but be warned — they won't fully prevent hard water build-up. [However,] they will help to diminish the effects," Marc Mena told INSIDER.


As always, consult a trusted hair stylist, trichologist, or other local hair experts for concerns about your local water, hair care regimen, and specific hair care issues.

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