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6 Ways To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew

When in doubt, channel your inner MacGyver.

Headshot of Leah SilvermanBy Leah Silverman
Barware, Corkscrew, Pliers, Tool, Claw, Multi-tool, pinterest

It's been a long week and you could really use a glass of wine. But alas! You can't seem to locate your corkscrew. Don't go breaking the bottle just yet—try some of these super simple hacks to open your wine with tools you can find in your kitchen.


With A Drill

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1) Using a drill and a nail about the length of the cork, drill the nail into the cork leaving just enough space for you to lodge the back of a hammer around the nail.
2) Then, as you would pulling a nail from a wall, slowly but with consistent pressure pull up on the nail (without ripping it from the cork!) and the cork should follow.


With A Wooden Spoon

1) In this method, you won't actually get the cork out of the wine bottle, but you'll at least get it out of the way.
2) Using the back of a wooden spoon, press with consistent pressure down on the middle of the cork.
3) Keep a steady and tight grip on the base of the opening, on the neck of the bottle, and the cork should push down into the body of the bottle.
4) You may have to keep pushing the cork down to get it fully out of the way!

If you want the cork removed from inside the bottle, try this.


With Keys

1) Stab the key as deeply into the cork as you possibly can (this may require you to push the key consistently to lodge it tightly in the cork.)
2) Then wiggle the key without ripping it from the cork and watch the cork pop out!

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With A Shoe And A Pair Of Pliers

1) This is a method that requires patience and solid biceps. Place the bottle snugly in a shoe with a thick rubber sole. The shoe is intended to keep the bottom of the bottle from shattering.
2) With the bottle perpendicular to a wall, consistently bang the base of the bottle in the shoe against the wall.
3) The pressure should push the cork out, but be careful it doesn't fly out!
4) Just bang the bottle enough to push the cork up to a point where you can clamp onto it with a pair of pliers and pull it the rest of the way out.


With A Steak Knife

1) Use caution with this method. Twist the knife into the cork (make sure to choose a knife that isn't wider than the mouth of the bottle.)
2) Don't screw the knife all the way through the cork.
3) With consistent and steady force, wiggle and pull the cork out.


With An Air Pump

1) Insert the needle of the pump deeply into the cork.
2) Pump gently and consistently until cork starts to bugle out.
3) Take caution as it is possible that the pressure from the pump will pop the cork out quickly.

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Buying A New Corkscrew

Barware, Corkscrew, Bicycle part, Fashion accessory, Metal,
Neiman Marcus

Of course you could forego all the DIY methods above and buy a new wine key. Like this Godinger Race Car corkscrew, Buy now $25.

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