Struggling to Pick a College? Try a Pro-Con List

Kelly Dunham, coordinator of the counseling department at Cherry Creek High School, with Michael Thompson, a freshman.Matthew Staver for The New York Times Kelly Dunham, coordinator of the counseling department at Cherry Creek High School, with Michael Thompson, a freshman.
Cherry Creek High

Cherry Creek HIgh Student Bloggers

Six seniors at Cherry Creek High, a public school in Denver, blog their college searches.

Ms. Dunham is the counseling department coordinator at Cherry Creek High in Denver, whose students are blogging their college admissions process in a series on The Choice.

What do I do? Where do I go? How do I choose?

By now, virtually every high school senior who has applied to college for this fall’s freshman class has received a decision — accepted, denied or placed on the waiting list. Those same seniors now have until May 1 to notify those colleges of their decision: accept or not accept, or, in some instances, remain on the waiting list or not.

For some this is easy, particularly if they have a strong first choice. But for many others, a final decision is thus far elusive, and they go back and forth between colleges daily.

What to do? I recommend the old-fashioned way. Take each college and make a pro-con list, preferably on a large flip chart, and hang the results around a room (the student’s bedroom or another room in which much time is spent).

First, some ground rules: for the purpose of this exercise, the high school student should not create these pro-con lists with any adult who has a stake in the student’s decision (parents, grandparents, siblings, friends).

If the student needs help, he or she should find a neutral adult (a high school teacher, coach, counselor). I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoy helping my students with their college decisions.

What should be on these student-generated pro-con lists?

Below are some general factors — many of them, I should warn you at the outset, have been written in the clipped shorthand of a busy college counselor — on which each high school student should reflect, and also have an opinion:

Financial fit — This is by far the most important factor, and this is a discussion that the family needs to have before any pro-con list can be made. All colleges that the family cannot afford should be removed from consideration. If a college is offering scholarships and financial aid that are close to meeting the family’s need, but not quite there, I recommend that the family call the college and share this information. The college may well be able to close that gap.

Environment — Here are some factors worth considering in this category: public versus private; size of the campus and surrounding community, as well as various offerings of that community; religious affiliation, if any; typical class sizes; opportunity for close consultation with professors.

Location — Region of the country; distance from home; weather.

Students — Enrollment size; diversity; male versus female; how GBLT (Gay Bisexual Lesbian or Transgender) friendly; liberal versus conservative.

Athletics — School spirit; school-sponsored athletics; level of competition (N.C.A.A.? N.A.I.A.? Club level? Intramural?).

Activities — Greek life; clubs; student government; community service opportunities.

Majors — Even if the student does not know what he or she wants to major in, does the college at least offer the subjects of most interest?

Programming — Honors programs; internships; learning labs; disability services; counseling and health care services.

If, after taking into account all these variables, the student still cannot make a decision, a campus visit — provided it is within the family budget — could help. Once there, the student could spend the night in a dorm, eat in the student dining hall, attend a class, and take in a sporting event or performance. In other words, experience the campus life, perhaps for a second time.

One topic I have not mentioned is what to do with a waitlist offer. Again, a pro-con list can help, but questioning the college about how many people are on the waiting list is extremely important. Also, make sure to determine how many offers of acceptance have been made from the waiting list over the last five years. This can help you assess how realistic your chance may be of coming off the waiting list.

Hope this helps, and good luck to all of you.

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My daughter decided on her college choice this week after a very long process, so I feel well-versed in this subject.

Academics level was a major decision factor. Do you feel the classes will be too easy or too difficult? (Based on the other students who are attending) Do you want to be the smartest student in the class, or are you comfortable competing against students who had better grades and better test scores?

Prestige – Berkeley was my daughter’s second choice, mainly because of the name recognition. She felt that perhaps graduating from such a famous school would open doors for her later.

“Religious affiliation, if any” – don’t forget to take into account the religious makeup of the student body, and the general religious atmosphere (or lack thereof) on campus, which may or may not have anything to do with the institution’s religious affiliation.

This article made me happy, as I feel my daughter did exactly this, in a less formal way. She chose colleges to apply to, in differing academic spheres, based on her happiness quotient (which often translates over time to success quotient). She ultimately selected her August destination based on all of your criteria and —eschewing the highly stressed and competitive “feel” of so many places—we are thrilled with her choice. She has a great chance of being a leader, content and very academically successful. Wouldn’t it be great to be Phi Beta Kappa at a place that you love (and that wanted you)?

Its essential to visit the college, and having a parent along can help tremendously. When my son visited a top engineering university, he wanted to live with the brillaint math scholars, until I pointed out that their shelves were lined with empty liquor bottles and their sinks full of filthy dishes. He also didn’t notice that their shades were all drawn, making the place dark and gloomy. We toured some dorms he had not considered, and he quickly realized how important orderliness, sobriety, and sunlight were to him.

I currently teach at St. John’s Preparatory School in Astoria, Queens, I when I first read this article, I was glad to see that that “Financial Fit” was at the top of the list. I cannot tell you have many seniors came up to me this complaining about how even though they got into the school of their dreams, their family was unable to pay for it.

The cost of a college education seems to increase by a few hundred (even several thousand) dollars each. At this rate, the average cost of a college education is going to be between seventy and eighty thousands dollars a year when my kids finally go to college (I don’t have any kids yet… but within the next five years that will probably change). This is obviously a trend that needs to stop increasing. If the cost of a college education continues to rise, more and more young people will miss out on that important opportunity because they simply cannot afford it.

Unfortunately, I do not have any solutions to this problem. i am just happy to see that “Financial Fit” is a primary concern that is being recognized at this moment in time.

I’ve been working on pro-con lists for weeks, and I’ve visited my two remaining choices 3 times each (including an overnight at both). Still unable to make a decision. It was suggested to me, however, that it might help to have four categories for each school on lists like these: pros and cons of attending, and pros and cons of NOT attending. Since you have to consider what you would miss about each school, it forces you to think about what you love and why you love it.

What Patrick Turano is experiencing is something that most College Counselors are seeing no matter where we are (I am in Bangkok). Kids are getting in but can’t afford it which calls into question should that school have been applied to in the first place. Are kids and families pinning to many hopes on financial aid coming through?

I have to take issue with him, though, when he says “If the cost of a college education continues to rise, more and more young people will miss out on that important opportunity becasue they simply can’t afford it.”

There are nearly 5,000 post secondary schools in the United States and many of them will not be full this coming fall. More emphasis needs to be placed on college selection instead of larger and larger numbers of kids applying to the same group of schools.

After all, after your first job, no one cares where you went to school.

Brian Quinby, Independent Collete & University Counselor
Bangkok, Thailand

Susie Watts, College Direction, Denver, Colorado April 14, 2011 · 10:29 pm

I couldn’t agree more with the above comment from Brian
Quinby. I think it is important to introduce students to many schools that go beyond the “brand names” with which they are most familiar. Frequently, I have had students return from a college visit to one of the lesser known schools on their list and suddenly it has become #1. Choosing a college does take time and thought. However, I believe that if students have put in that time, thought, and research in their initial college search, making that final choice will not be as difficult.

@2 makes an excellent point. There are many Jewish kids from my predominantly Jewish area who don’t truly understand what a minority they are in this world and have no concept of what it feels like when you are part of a tiny minority. A student may decide it doesn’t matter to them but they should think about it, especially if they come from an area where they never felt like the miinority they are.

Although arguably included in “Majors” or “Programming” I’d include a factor for academics. After all, that’s the point of attending college and the level of academic rigor varies widley between schools.

Also, I’d include prestige as a factor. Fair or not it is tremendously important in certain fields.

As a professor at an elite school, it never ceases to amaze me that the most important factor is invariably left out. Which is: How much will you learn!

You need to pick a school where you think you will learn the most. You can take a broad definition of learning, much of it can be outside the classroom – but it is about learning.

I find it appalling that a counselor would not make learning a priority.

In response to the discussion of cost and financial aid, My son applied and was accepted to his first choice college and one that his brother had also attended. We used our past experience with financial aid and assumed he would be able to attend based upon the FAFSA expected family contribution. But we were dismayed when we learned we were expected to contribute over $40,000 a year! Our income only increased slightly from when our first son attended but tuition and fees have increased over $8,000. I felt like we were informed consumers about the college process but there seem to be too many factors at play. I am glad we won’t have to go through this process again. It is too stressful.