
Meditation in pregnancy

Pregnant woman meditating in lotus position
Photo credit: Andrea Gomez for BabyCenter

What is meditation?

Meditation is an integral part of yoga. Also known as "dhyana" in Sanskrit, it helps you achieve a harmonious balance between your body and mind. It brings you into a state of peace inside.

You can meditate during all stages of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Yoga experts believe that meditation helps you to:
  • connect with your inner-most feelings
  • focus and concentrate
  • deal with mood swings
  • increase self-awareness
  • bond with your baby
  • feel better about your changing body
  • become calm and relaxed
  • prepare yourself mentally for birth and beyond
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Meditation can also help you to improve your mental focus. Both of these skills will prove invaluable when you go into labour.
There are many forms of meditation. Talk to your yoga instructor about trying different types and styles, so you can find the one that suits you best.

Here are a few examples:

Vipassana meditation
makes you more aware of your present state, helping you focus inwards, and on your immediate environment. Vipassana means "to see things as they really are".

Mantra or sound meditation uses a particular sound, phrase or prayer such as "Om". Chanting these creates sounds that aim to balance what yoga teachers refer to as your body's energy centres (chakras). You may want to listen to a recorded chant or a relaxing piece of music while meditating. Why not try our pregnancy shlokas and garbha sanskar music?

Deep breath and breath awareness meditation involves focusing on your regular breath to observe its nuances and movement. You may wish to put your hand on your growing baby bump while you keep of your rhythmic breathing.

Concept meditation is a technique where you visualise a concept or object. This can include the waves of the sea, a blue sky, a flower, leaf, crystal, pebble, a religious deity or your growing baby. You learn to focus on the relaxed, quiet feeling fostered by the imagery, and meditate.

Walking meditation can calm your restless mind. Walk around a chosen spot and, as you move, concentrate on your breathing and your pace. This can be very effective in labour, helping you to focus on your baby's birth, while keeping active and mobile.

How can I get the most from meditation?

Choose a place that is calm and quiet, where you are unlikely to be disturbed. If you're indoors, make sure the room is well ventilated. Depending on the time of year, you could sit in your garden, or balcony or in a peaceful spot in a park.

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Get yourself comfortable in a seated position. It's best not to meditate after a heavy meal, or when you are tired. If you can't comfortably sit on the floor because of the size of your bump, sit on a firm chair. Keep your spine long and straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your hands gently resting in your lap.

Follow a set routine. Start meditating for just a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the length of your session. Don't worry if your mind wanders, just gently bring it back. Visualise any unwanted thoughts flying away like birds, butterflies or clouds moving away.

Follow up your meditation with a session of deep relaxation (yoga nidra).

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Diane Rai
Diane Rai is BabyCenter India's Editor.