Hot Glue Wax Seals, Embellishments and Stickers!

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12:00 PM

Easy to make your own Wax Seal Stickers with...
You guessed it!
Hot glue!

You'll need your Glue Gun...and has tons of great ones...
or you might be lucky and win the giveaway here!
You'll also need a silicone a silpat or silicone hot pad.

Then you'll need something to make an impression with.
I actually had wax seals.  They were my moms...I acquired them
 when she died and haven't used them ever since then 14 years ago.

But you could use things around the house...
like fancy brads or embellishments...
or screws!

Make a blob of hot glue on your mat...

Press your seals onto them and let them cool a minute.

 Then, they peel right off!

 I painted half of them light gold...the other half silver.

 Then I used my metallic ink pads and just pressed
 them over the tops of the hot glue seals.
 Turning them shiny metallic!
 These ones with the screws looked like stitched buttons!
Then I ran them through my sticker machine.
You could just stick them on with tape, glue or a glue dot...

but I managed to squish them through the machine.
 Perfect, and great for a little Harry Potter Gift pack...
with quills and ink, some parchment paper,
a magic wand (also made of hot glue)
 and maybe an owl!

Then write a fabulous letter with a quill and ink...
 And give it the seal of approval!
Or even some homemade envelopes!
Used some on this card too!

Enter the Rafflecopter to win your own Hot Glue Gun!

Linking up to THESE parties this week!



The Polish Rainbow said…
ok, this blew me away - awesome idea
Ann Martin said…
They look wonderful (as does your Harry handwriting)!
rainy said…
They are great!
Quilly Nilly said…
How clever, thank you for sharing. Awesome!