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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 3 | Fagaceae | Quercus

60. Quercus garryana Douglas ex Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 159. 1838.

Oregon white oak, Garry oak

Quercus douglasii Hooker & Arnott var. neaei (Liebmann) A. de Candolle; Q. garryana var. jacobi (R. Brown ter) Zabel; Q. jacobi R. Brown ter; Q. lobata Née var. breweri (Engelmann) Wenzig; Quercus neaei Liebmann

Trees or shrubs , deciduous, trees to 15(-20) m, with solitary trunks, shrubs to 0.1-3 m, multitrunked. Bark light gray or almost white, scaly. Twigs brown, red, or yellowish, 2-4 mm diam., densely puberulent with spreading hairs or glabrate. Buds brown or yellowish, ovoid or fusiform and apex acute, 2-12 mm, glandular-puberulent or densely pubescent. Leaves: petiole 4-10 mm. Leaf blade obovate, elliptic or subrotund, moderately to deeply lobed, 25-120(-140) × 15-85 mm, base rounded-attenuate or cuneate, rarely subcordate, often unequal, margins with sinuses usually reaching more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes oblong or spatulate, obtuse, rounded or blunt, larger lobes usually with 2-3 sublobes or teeth, veins often ending in retuse teeth, secondary veins yellowish, 4-7 on each side, the more distal veins often branching within distal lobes, apex broadly rounded; surfaces abaxially light green or waxy yellowish, often felty to touch, densely to sparsely covered with semi-erect or erect, simple and (2-)4-8-rayed, fasciculate hairs 0.1-1 mm, secondary veins raised, adaxially bright or dark green, glossy or somewhat scurfy because of sparse stellate hairs. Acorns 1-3, subsessile, rarely on peduncle to 10(-20) mm; cup saucer-shaped, cup-shaped, or hemispheric, 4-10 mm deep × 12-22 mm wide; scales yellowish or reddish brown, often long-acute near rim of cup, moderately or scarcely tuberculate, canescent or tomentulose; nut light brown, oblong to globose, (12-)25-30(-40) × (10-)14-20(-22) mm, apex blunt or rounded, glabrous or often persistently puberulent. Cotyledons distinct. 2 n = 24.

Varieties 3 (3 in the flora): w North America.

Quercus garryana (no varieties specified) was used medicinally by Native Americans to treat tuberculosis and as a drink and a rub for mothers before childbirth (D. E. Moerman 1986).

1 Trees to 15 m or more, trunk usually solitary; buds yellowish or cream, usually fusiform, 6–12 mm, apex acute, densely pubescent; twigs persistently puberulent, with spreading hairs.   60a var. garryana
+ Shrubs or small trees usually less than 5 m, multitrunked, spreading and clonal; buds reddish brown, ovoid, 2–5 mm, sparsely glandular-puberulent; twigs sparsely puberulent or glabrate, without spreading hairs.   (2)
2 (1) Leaf blade abaxially velvety to touch, hairs usually 4–6-rayed, rays 0.25–0.5 mm.   60b var. breweri
+ Leaf blade abaxially not velvety but sometimes felty, hairs 6–8-rayed, rays less than 0.3 mm.   60c var. semota

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