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Four Financial Technology Tools You Can't Ignore

Updated Oct 6, 2016, 01:39pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

I’ve been in the financial services industry long enough to remember a time when financial professionals wore the term “salesman” with pride. Today, not so much.  The term conjures visions of commission-hunting, product-peddlers out for the big payout at any expense. Increasingly, investors expect that consultative relationships are instead built on trust and transparency and based on the assumption that they’re working together with their advisors to accomplish their financial hopes and dreams.

Back in the spring—just a few weeks into my job as the CEO of eMoney Advisor— the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a ruling that expanded both the definition of a fiduciary and the number of financial advisors who must adhere to it. Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), an advisor acting as a fiduciary is required to provide financial advice with their clients’ best interests in mind, operate with full transparency and disclose or avoid any potential conflicts of interest.

Now, it may shock you that putting the client first is a concept that even needs to be enforced via legislation. Many advisors have adhered to the practice for decades, long before the DOL sought to expand the definition of a fiduciary. But, even more, are now being compelled to do so.  And so what, you ask, was the tipping point? Why all of a sudden, does the federal government feel the need to implement rules and regulations forcing advisors to do the right thing? The answer is simple:  technology.

Since 2010, more than $50 billion has been invested in nearly 2,500 financial technology (FinTech) companies. This boom has driven financial advice head-first into the digital revolution, creating highly customized, highly advanced experiences for investors along the way. By using these innovative resources, advisors are able to provide services that are more comprehensive, transparent, collaborative and personal than ever before.

The technology available to advisors today spans from complex analytics and modeling tools to user-friendly client portals. Advisors use tech to assess how their clients’ spending habits, debt, income, and risk tolerance impact each other to affect long-term goals, among many other factors. So, as a starting point for investors who may not be familiar with FinTech, I’ve put together a list of four basic technologies you should look for from your financial advisor.

  1. A Personal Financial Management Website

A few high-profile companies have dominated the headlines when it comes to personal financial management (PFM) websites such as, CountAbout, You Need a Budget (YNAB) and Personal Capital, but, in reality, the fledgling world of online financial management is remarkably diverse. And as the technology propelling these websites continues to get more efficient, their use spreads to a wider market.

Individual capabilities vary, but in general, a PFM website provides a place where you can host all your financial information – from account statements to bank accounts to 401(k)s – online, and it enables your advisor to use the data from your website to provide a complete picture of your financial status and goals.

Since a personal financial management website acts as the hub for your entire financial life – monitoring spending, tracking goals, storing documents, making plan changes, and more – make sure to ask your existing or potential advisor about the PFM website they offer.

  1. Dynamic Online Financial Plans

Traditional financial plans historically have had two limitations: the changing stock market and the changing needs of the client. Dynamic online financial plans that update automatically solves for each and much more.

When examining advisors, pay close attention to how they create and deliver financial plans. Ideally, their process is collaborative (i.e. you are an active participant in the financial planning process), it’s interactive (i.e. you can see and make changes in real-time), and most importantly, it can support all of the types of planning you need throughout your life.

Regardless of your current situation, ask questions about different financial stages – such as how they would plan for retirement or model an estate – to get an idea of how an advisor can adapt to your changing needs.

  1. Big Data

Big data is watching. And that is a good thing – especially for you. Companies that use technology to reveal trends from large swaths of consumer data are able to better understand your needs, they can predict future problems, and they can do it all at a lower cost. And in an industry that puts the client first, those cost savings are passed down directly to you.

Big data is even being used for financial protection, too. IBM’s Moneygram International uses predictive analytics to spot potentially fraudulent claims and speed up the payment of legitimate ones.

When it comes to financial advice, using big data allows advisors to create better financial plans that not only recognize but anticipate your financial needs. While advisors have only begun to scrape the surface of big data’s true potential, innovations such as predictive analytics and facial recognition will soon radically improve the effectiveness of the advice you receive.

  1. Communications and Multimedia

Technology fuels communication. Last year, Portio Research reported that 6.1 billion people use short messaging services (SMS). With channels like text messaging, social media, virtual meetings and video chat used as everyday communication channels, it’s important to make sure your financial advisor compliantly communicates with you in the method you prefer.

In addition to communicating and then documenting matters that are central to your relationship, advisors should also play a role in your ongoing financial education by sharing relevant news and content that relates to your needs and interests. Whether that means sharing a quick YouTube video on the basics of 529 plans, tweeting you an article about stock market trends, or setting up a virtual meeting to accommodate your schedule, working with an advisor who is accessible and continuously looking for ways to enhance your financial knowledge is always a plus.

Although advisors vary greatly in style and approach and come from different types of firms, technology should be the constant thread that weaves together their expertise and regulatory obligations with your unique needs and financial goals. And lucky for advisors, they have a wide range of options to help them do this. In the end, you win.

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