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5 More Facts To Consider Before Buying And Selling Gold

Updated May 1, 2013, 09:21am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article called 5 Facts To Consider Before Buying Or Selling gold.

On the 16thof April I suggested that buying  10th ounce gold coins wasn’t a bad idea all in all. On the 23rd Reuters reported the U.S. mint had suspended sales of 10th ounce Eagles as they had gone out of stock because of sudden demand.

I’m going to take credit for that, however unwarranted, because if I don’t someone else will.

With this success in mind I thought I should write more. So here are 5 further things to consider about gold before buying or selling.

1. Gold is political

People talk about central banks buying and selling gold as if it is some kind of big deal. The question has to be asked as to why banks hold gold at all. There are many other things banks can hold to diversify their reserves and most of these instruments don’t need a high security vault that can cost 1% of the value of its contents a year.

So why do governments hold gold?

Government holds gold because in a war, gold is what you end up paying for war materials with international trade. That is how the U.S. ended up with most of the world’s gold at the end of the Second World War.

In war, paper promises significantly lose their attraction and gold does become money. Gold fluctuates with uncertainty, which can be a double edged sword. Although you won’t read much of it, positive developments in the real world are bad news for the price of gold.

2. Gold consumption is approximately 6,000 tonnes; gold production is 3,000, however...

It’s impressive that consumption is so much higher than production, however gold isn’t sugar. Roughly 700 tonnes of gold are recycled every year, so just how much of a year’s production is actually consumed—i.e. lost forever—is hard to say.

Apart from lost earrings and the gold in industrial and consumer consumption ending up in landfill, gold can’t really be said to be consumed at all. With only 300 tonnes going to actually make stuff, the rest is going into storage,  or dangling off limbs and appendages, ready to pop up for sale when the price is right.

Remember there is $9 trillion dollars of gold knocking around. Let us say there is about an ounce of gold for every man woman and child on the planet with supply growing by 2% a year.

If gold was money that would be way too little. However, as a supply for dentistry, electronics and bangles and some portfolio diversification, that’s probably enough.

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3. People are mad for gold; irrational and barbaric jibes are not an argument against gold

People love gold. As such it can bubble. History is littered with crazy bubbles. Asset valuation bubbles are part of the landscape and gold’s crazy streak and atavistic attractions makes it a strong candidate for a bubble of the future.

Don’t expect to get a serious reaction to gold, but that is simply a hint that with the right set of circumstances gold can really go off the dial in price. Think of gold as something with huge and animal beta. Risk equals reward and there is little as risky as a metal that can make grown men shake.

4. Gold is the anti-dollar

Gold is the inverse of the dollar. It is not the only dollar hedge but it is a pretty basic one. While gold isn’t really the immutable store of value it is cracked up to be, as a valued quasi-currency, it is only being inflated by its 2% yearly production. Money has no value, even golden money; it is just a means of exchange. Or so they say. Yet as a means of exchange, gold is a good proxy for a mirror image of the U.S. dollar.

This isn’t necessarily good for gold. Imagine for some unexpected reason, Japan and Europe were going to devalue their currencies against the dollar. (Oh whoops!) The dollar would be strong. Quite likely that would make gold weak. In the short term “short gold” can be the same as “long dollar.” That could be painful to gold holders, even in the middle of a global financial crisis.

However, in the long run as the value of money falls, so the nominal value of gold rises. As always it’s the long term that pays off.

5. You can’t eat gold

Some people think that gold is the only backstop to have to protect from a major—read cataclysmic—crisis.

This is wrong.

If you just can’t help being millennial about the future, you need to think harder.

In truly extreme times gold loses its value. In war people give up their gold watches for cigarettes, soap and chocolate. Gold is great for bad times but not awful times. To those who are buying gold as insurance from the great comeuppance, I say, don’t just buy gold, buy silver too.

You can’t eat silver either but its unit value is more practical.

It’s silly to talk in these terms of course but let’s face it, people buying gold coins aren’t doing it as a straight financial investment, they are doing it because gold feels like some kind of insurance against the vast withering unknown of the future.

For that anxiety, there is nothing better than gold.

If of course you can keep it in a safe place... And you are sure it’s real... and the government doesn’t come to confiscate it... and...get the idea?

Clem Chambers is CEO of leading private investor’s Web site, offering free real-time stock charts, date and in-depth news, and author of the Amazon bestsellers 101 Ways to Pick Stock Market Winners and A Beginner’s Guide to Value Investing.