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How to Clean a TV Screen for a Streak-Free Picture

Don’t let dust, streaks and fingerprints get in the way of movie night magic.

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The TV screens in our homes aren’t just big – they’re a big investment. And with all the technology in today’s newest and best televisions, it’s important to know how to clean them properly and how often to do so. Using the wrong cleaning method (like spraying your TV directly with harsh chemicals) can cause permanent damage and negate any warranty that may still be in effect so you do need to be very careful, but it’s also not as complicated as you might think.

To help make TV-cleaning less intimidating and risky, the Good Housekeeping Institute’s Cleaning and Media and Tech Labs joined forces to recommend the safest, most effective TV cleaning method and products. Here's the best way to clean any kind of flat-screen TV without ruining it or ending up pesky little streaks, along with some useful tips on how to scrub down the accessories that make movie nights possible.

Expert Tip: Remember to always check and follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions, especially if your TV is still under warranty so you don’t do anything that could void it.

    How to clean flat-screen LED, LCD, OLED and plasma TVs

    how to clean tv screen
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    More delicate LCD, plasma and rear-projection screens can't handle traditional wet cleaning. So whether you own a Samsung, Sony or LG TV that has built up some grime or you recently purchased a 4K flat-screen that you want to keep looking good as new without damaging it, stick to dry cleaning methods and follow these steps:

    What You'll Need:

    • Microfiber cloth or electrostatic duster
    • Pre-moistened electronics wipe
    • Vacuum soft bristle attachment


    1. Turn the TV off. It’s easier to see and remove streaks when the screen is black.
    2. Remove dust. Use a soft, dry microfiber cloth that’s designed to gently clean and remove smudges from eyeglasses, cell phones and camera lenses. Our experts like Elite Tech Gear's oversized option. It's twelve inches square, so it’s easier to use on a large TV screen than a smaller cloth and helps you zap away fingerprints quickly. And since it's designed for delicate surfaces and electronics you can use it to clean your laptop and iPad once you're done with your TV. You can also try an electrostatic duster, like GH Seal star, Swiffer.
    3. Spot-clean smudges. Our experts recommend using a pre-moistened electronics wipe to gently remove spots from your TV screen. Never (we repeat, never!) spray anything on the screen directly. Doing so could damage the inner workings, as well as any surrounding cabinetry.
    4. Wipe twice. To clean your TV without leaving behind streaks, wipe the screen first in one direction (horizontally or vertically) then wipe it a second time in the opposite direction to thoroughly cover the entire screen. Flip or fold the cloth often to keep from pushing around picked-up dust.
    5. Hit the buttons and vents. With your microfiber cloth or duster, go over buttons and the back of the TV to nab dust in the vents, or use your vacuum’s soft dusting brush and low suction to remove dust from any vents, ports and cable connections.

    Expert Tip: Avoid using pre-treated dusting cloths. They have oily finishes that are great for picking up dust on wood furniture but that can leave deposits on a TV screen.

    How to clean TV speakers

    how to clean tv screen
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    If the sound coming from the speakers is muffled or you notice a visible buildup of dust, it may be time to clean them. Follow the tips below to keep your speakers clean and clear.

    What You'll Need:


    1. Check the covers. If the fabric covers on your speakers are removable (check the manual or website), pop them off and vacuum both sides with the upholstery tool to remove the dust, lint and pet hair that often stick there.
    2. Vacuum or lint roll away dust. If the covers can't be removed, tackle the job from the front with the vacuum or use a sticky lint roller.Expert Tip: For rigid, screen-like speaker covers, either remove or clean them in place using a well-wrung, damp lint-free microfiber cloth and wipe dry.

    Expert Tip: For rigid, screen-like speaker covers, either remove or clean them in place using a well-wrung, damp lint-free microfiber cloth and wipe dry.

    How to clean your remote control

    tv remote on blue background

    While the cleanliness of the remote won’t affect your view, you’ll want to keep it clean so it continues to operate your TV effectively. Cleaning it often also minimizes the spread of germs as it is likely one of the most frequently touched items in your household.

    What You'll Need:

    • Disinfecting wipes


      1. Remove the batteries. First, pop out the batteries then replace the cover on the battery compartment.
      2. Dislodge dirt and crumbs. Lightly tap the remote, button side down, on a table to dislodge any loose crumbs or debris stuck in the crevices.
      3. De-germ the surface. Grab a pre-moistened disinfecting wipe (just think of all the germy fingers your remote has seen!), wring it well so it’s not dripping and use it to clean both sides of the remote. Pay special attention to the buttons and narrow spaces around them. To make sure you’re killing germs, the surface of the remote must stay wet for the length of time specified on the wipe’s label. It can be anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes so it may be necessary to wipe it several times or use several wipes.
      4. Let it air dry. Allow the remote control to air dry, then return the batteries to their compartment.

        Expert Tip: To get into the tiny crevices or to remove any stuck-on goo, use a toothpick or your fingernail along with the wipe.

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        How often should I clean my TV?

        how to clean tv screen
        Getty Images

        Clean your TV weekly to keep dust, film and fingerprints from building up and becoming harder to remove. Make it even easier by keeping a microfiber cloth nearby to nab dust and grime when you see it. Clean the remote control often, too, and especially after anyone in the family has been sick.

        What kind of cleaners are safe to use on my TV?

        cleaning tv with an antistatic cloth
        Jovanmandic //Getty Images

        Stay away from products containing ammonia, alcohol or acetone, which can damage the television's screen. Plasma screens, while made of glass, have anti-glare coatings that can be damaged by traditional cleaning products. It’s best to follow the same dry methods you’d use for cleaning LED, LCD and OLED TVs.

        How do you clean a tube television?

        how to clean a tv
        Bet_Noire//Getty Images

        Cleaning glass tube television screens is about as easy as cleaning the mirrors in your home. Wipe with a microfiber cleaning cloth dampened with a little water or your favorite window cleaning spray. Nudge off any stuck-on bits with your fingernail and buff the screen dry.

        Headshot of Rachel Rothman
        Rachel Rothman

        Rachel Rothman was the chief technologist and executive technical director of the Good Housekeeping Institute for over 15 years, overseeing testing methodology, implementation and reporting for all GH Labs. She also managed GH's research division and the analysis of applicants for the GH Seal and all other testing emblems. 

        Headshot of Carolyn Forté
        Carolyn Forté
        Home Care & Cleaning Lab Executive Director

        Carolyn Forté brings more than 40 years of experience as a consumer products expert to her role as executive director of the Good Housekeeping Institute's Home Care and Cleaning Lab. Using deep analytical testing and writing expertise in appliances, cleaning, textiles and organizational products, she produces cleaning and home care advice for GH, has authored numerous books and bookazines for the brand and partners with the American Cleaning Institute to co-produce the Discover Cleaning Summits. She holds a bachelor's degree in family and consumer sciences from Queens College, City University of New York.

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