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Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA)

Bringing Freelancers and Clients together since 2003.

At VANA, we’re all about empowering Virtual Assistants to succeed in their careers with our comprehensive range of resources.

From business start-up and expansion to marketing strategies to help you find clients, we’re here to help you become a top-notch, well-paid Virtual Assistant.

Our friendly community is dedicated to your success, and we’re always here to offer the support and guidance you need to thrive in this rapidly growing industry. TOGETHER WE THRIVE!

Becoming a member can help you grow your business, improve your skills, and develop valuable connections within the industry.

Whether you are new to the field or an experienced virtual assistant, we are here to help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

For those who are curious…A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a self-employed professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative support services to clients remotely. VAs work remotely, communicating with clients via phone, email, or online tools. With their specialized skills, they offer various services, like bookkeeping, social media management, customer service, or website design to name a few. VAs provide a cost-effective way for businesses to access a range of support services without the need for in-house staff.

Check out all our resources for Virtual Assistants …

Need VA Training?

We offer comprehensive training and coaching services for Virtual Assistants looking to succeed in their business. With options including start-up training, coaching support, industry summits, and certification. Investing in our training can help you rise above your competitors and boost your revenue stream.

FREE VA Resources

Find tons of free resources and training for your VA business success, constantly updated! We’ve got FREE how-to videos, startup checklists, hourly pricing formula worksheets. independent contractor agreement and more! Everything you need to get things started and succeed in your business.

Hire a VA?

Need office help or want to be more organized? It’s probably time you hired a Virtual Assistant! We have all the resources to teach you how to outsource your work overload and free up your time. Plus download our FREE ebook to help you find the ultimate Virtual Assistant for your business needs.

Join the VANA Community! Under $10/month

The Networking Forum for Virtual Assistants Since 2003

Come join our fun and friendly private networking community for Virtual Assistants! Connect, collaborate and get inspired with other like-minded professionals on topics such as marketing, branding, pricing, networking, and skills development. Grow your business with the help of a supportive group that understands the unique challenges of the VA industry.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource to connect with others and take your service-based business to the next level!

Become a Member Today!

Want to start your own Virtual Assistant business?

The Virtual Assistant Career System is a comprehensive online training program designed for individuals who are serious about starting a successful career as a Virtual Assistant. This all-in-one program includes step-by-step instructions to help you start and grow your own Virtual Assistant business, coaching and support to guide you every step of the way, and a marketable website to help you stand out in a competitive market. Your instructor, Tawnya Sutherland has over 20 years of experience in the VA industry and her program has helped 1000’s individuals achieve their dream of becoming successful Virtual Assistants.

CLICK HERE to learn more and become a Virtual Assistant today!

The Virtual Assistant Career Success System is truly the roadmap that got my business up and running. It’s the secret reason behind the success I’ve had.

Kathy Colaiacovo > 6+ figure business owner of Pepper It Marketing

Want to attract and retain more clients?

The Get Clients Club is an exclusive membership program designed to help service-based businesses grow and thrive. Whether you’re a Virtual Assistant, Freelancer, OBM, or other Service Provider, this program provides the tools and resources you need to stay organized and productive while growing your client base. Members get access to 15 hours of core training to learn how to get clients, group coaching, masterclasses, a resource vault with over 100 business templates, a job board, a business directory listing and more. The community aspect of the program provides accountability and support, making it the perfect solution for anyone looking to take their service-based business to the next level.

Join today to access these valuable resources and GET MORE CLIENTS!


Before joining the Get Clients Club I was suffering from paralysis by analysis. How will I get clients? How will I maintain them? What if they don’t like me or my work, etc?

Finally, one place to help kick start any Virtual Assistant business into high gear! No matter what stage of business a VA is at, being a member will benefit you and help you make more money in your business starting this very month!

Mark Hunter > WordPress Web Designer & Programmer

Freelancers, Virtual Assistants & Service Providers…

Are you ready to supercharge your skills and unleash your full potential in the world of remote work?

Explore our extensive range of training products and take the first step towards advancing your skills and achieving success.


Lourdes McCombs, Business Consultant ~ I wanted to let you know that I got a NEW CLIENT by responding to one of the RFPs posted on the Job Board.

The fee for the project that I charged my NEW client covered the cost of my membership here at the Get Clients Club.

Chinenye Erikowa ~ As a newbie, the resources available on this membership club, has made me understand clearly what being a business owner entails.

Being part of the group coaching has CONNECTED ME to like-minded people who are willing to support and ensure I am successful in my journey.

Gina Koran, Virtual Assistant ~ Before I invested in this Tawnya's program, I was feeling lost on where to begin in my VA journey.

I found a COACH WHO ACTUALLY CARES about my progress, helps me through the stumbling blocks AND celebrates victories with me.

Check out our most recent Blog Posts

Meet AiVA: Your AI Sidekick in the Virtual Assistant World

Today, I've got a super cool story to share with you about a world where technology meets magic. It's the story of AiVA (pronounced "Iva"). It's what I renamed ChatGPT because now it makes me feel like I'm chatting with a real-life superhero assistant. 😉 Imagine...

Twas the Week After Christmas

We all enjoy the Clement Clark Moore version of “˜Twas the Night Before Christmas". I thought it would be fun to take a look at the "Week After Christmas from a Virtual Assistant’s point of view". PLEASE SHARE with your VA friends and Clients. I hope you enjoy this...

COACHING you can rely on and trust.

I’ve implemented Tawnya’s advice, increasing authority, gaining clients, and establishing business clarity along the way.
~ Mark Hunter, Web Developer ~

COMMUNITY of like-minded peers and friends.

The support of Tawnya and all the others is so important. As the saying goes, no question is stupid. Everyone helps each other with support and friendship – like one big family.
~ Heather Chernofsky, Virtual Assistant~

CLIENTS in abundance waiting to hire you.

I got my very first client from the Job Board, and I couldn't be happier. Thank you for giving us service providers a place to go for incredible opportunities.
~ Andrea Jones, Social Media Strategist ~

Explore our extensive range of VA training products

CLICK HERE to learn more...

VANA Biz Webinar

Get Paid to Create Fast & Simple Courses

Presented by Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba

Dive into success with our FREE monthly webinars tailored specifically for Virtual Assistants eager to grow their skills and business.

Check your email inbox for details of this event.