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You may drink coffee for the eye-opening caffeine, the rich aroma, and the comforting warmth. But don’t toss out those old grounds when your morning pot is empty! You can infuse your beauty routine with the caffeinated effects of your wake-up ritual by reusing coffee grounds in these great DIY  beauty treatments. Plus, you’ll save money on store-bought beauty products, all the while recycling the otherwise wasted coffee grounds. An all-around win!

1. Exfoliate And Scrub

Old coffee grounds make an excellent facial exfoliant, gently sloughing off dead skin cells to reveal the fresh, healthy-looking skin underneath. Here’s an easy recipe to make a simple exfoliating facial scrub at home:

  • 4 Tablespoons coconut, olive, or preferred oil
  • 6 Tablespoons very finely ground coffee (previously brewed is fine)
  • a few drops of tea tree oil, or preferred essential oil, optional

Combine all ingredients well and store in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator.  To use, scoop out a small portion and gently buff in a circular motion on the face. This mixture will keep for several weeks.

2. Combat Cellulite

The formation of cellulite is mostly due to genetics, and, once it forms, it’s there for good. However, the caffeine in coffee grounds is thought to enhance fat metabolism and increase circulation, thereby possibly reducing the appearance of cellulite. And the exfoliating properties will certainly make your skin soft and smooth! Try this simple Coffee Ground Body Scrub, or this Brown Sugar Vanilla Body Scrub.

3. Get Shiny, Smooth Hair

The exfoliating and stimulating effects of coffee can be applied to hair as well! Try mixing used coffee grounds with your favorite conditioner and gently scrubbing your scalp for a few minutes. Not only will it feel great, but the caffeine can help stimulate new hair growth! Try this treatment once a week for best results. A note of caution, you may want to place some sort of catch (perhaps a recycled coffee filter) over your shower drain to keep the grounds from clogging your pipes when you rinse.

4. Boost Hair Color

Soaking hair in leftover coffee or scrubbing with grounds can deepen light brown or dark blonde hair color,  add highlights to darker brunette hair, and give all hair colors incredible shine. Additionally, soaking skin in coffee leftovers can give the appearance of a healthy glowing tan without the sun damage.

5. Make A Mask

The stimulating effect of caffeine can perk up dull-looking skin when you use coffee grounds as a facial mask! Try slathering on this delicious Cocoa and Coffee Facial Mask recipe, and relax with your favorite book and a cup of joe.

Easy Ways to Help the Planet:

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