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The secret to working with difficult clients

This article is more than 14 years old
Forging positive client relationships is vital to maintain a healthy and thriving business

Building good relationships with clients is an important way to build loyalty and secure repeat business. However, Larry Hochman, author of The Relationship Revolution: Closing the Customer Promise Gap, says that the recession has brought confidence between companies to an all-time low, making it much harder to build trust. So how can you forge positive ­relationships when dealing with a nightmare client that does not communicate and has unrealistic expectations?


Make notes of your meetings and agreements. Having details of decisions you make with clients will help save disagreements down the line. Ken Langdon, author of The Ultimate Career Coach, says: "Keep copious notes of every transaction with the customer so you have a perfect paper trail of what you and they promised to do, and what you and they actually did."

Understand the damage that even small problems can create. The advent of social networking means that minor issues with clients can quickly turn into widespread negative publicity, seen by your client's contacts. ­"Damage can easily be done far beyond just your client with word of mouth and technology," says Hochman. "You need to think about how many people can be told about the smallest thing and the consequences."

See problems as an opportunity. And compromise with clients, even if you do not think they are right. "See it as a chance to shift a problem to a solution," says Hochman. "People do not remember when things are done right first time round, but they will remember­ if you engage and meet them halfway."

Get to know your clients personally. Finding out more about the people you deal with, will help you know how best to deal with them when they are difficult. "Try to take them out for lunch and get them to talk about anything except work," recommends Langdon. "Their family or their hobbies are both good. Don't talk, listen."


Ignore problems. If you know there are difficulties between you and your clients, deal with them head on. "You are in grave danger if you fail to communicate,"­ advises Hochman. "The worst thing you can do is push."

Promise things you cannot deliver. If you are tempted to exaggerate what you will be able to achieve you could later end up with a very disappointed client. Langdon says: "Under-promise and over-perform. That is where you can make promises that are well within your company's capabilities."

Let small disagreements distract you from the bigger picture. Being preoccupied­ trying to deal with minor issues brought up by your client can take your attention away from succeeding­ at delivering the overall goal. "Often such people can be distracted­ from big problems by talking to them frequently about minor ones," adds Langdon. John Stevens

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