Removing Permanent Marker from Leather

Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 10, 2020)

Have you ever noticed how permanent markers are often nothing more than an accident waiting to happen? Let's face it, if you put a permanent marker and leather in the same house, then eventually the one will end up on the other. If you find yourself faced with this situation though, don't worry. You don't need to throw your favorite leather boots, purse, or even couch away. Instead, removing permanent marker from leather is a dream that can be your reality. All you need to do is use one of these methods listed here, a little elbow grease, and some patience to soon have your leather marker free again.

  • Magic Eraser. You can believe it or not, but the wonderful Magic Eraser made by the Mr. Clean company is a perfect way to get rid of permanent marker from your leather. All you need to do is get it a little damp, and begin to rub in a circular motion over the stain. While you are rubbing, you want to be firm, but don't scrub too hard since you could remove the coloring for the leather as well. Rather, be patient and use small circular motions as you rub the stain away.
  • Sunscreen. Apply a little sunscreen onto a soft clean white towel, and begin to rub out the stain. You want to use a white towel since this will allow you to also see if you are starting to remove some of the leather coloring as well, but if you use only a small dollop of the sunscreen when you rub, then you should be fine. Use gentle pressure, and move your hand in small circular motions to remove the stain. Reapply the sunscreen as needed, and be patient. It may take a little work to get rid of the stain.
  • Oil-free hairspray. Oil-free hairspray, or any product that is high in alcohol content (but not straight rubbing alcohol), can be used in much the same manner as sunscreen. You don't want to use straight rubbing alcohol, since this will guarantee that not only the permanent marker comes off, but the leather coloring as well. Simply apply a little bit to a clean white towel, and begin to rub the stain away. Repeat as necessary until the permanent marker has been removed.
  • Leather conditioner. Removing permanent marker from leather can be a traumatic experience to the material. This means that once you have removed the permanent marker from your leather product, make sure that you apply some conditioner. The conditioner will help to keep the leather in a good condition, and help protect it from any further damage. Simply follow the directions on the back of the leather conditioner bottle, or apply a little bit of the conditioner with a clean soft towel.

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Lee Wyatt

Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. ...


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