Growing Variegated Monstera – A Full Guide

Introduction: Hello gardeners today we are here with a full guide of growing Variegated Monstera. The variegated Monstera plant is a vining plant that likes to climb about. Monstera is easily grown indoors, where it will cover a wall and ceiling with its dramatic leaves.

The Variegated Monstera plant requires similar care to that of the solid green Monstera deliciosa. The main difference between variegated Monstera and Monstera deliciosa is the white portion of the variegated Monstera leaves cannot absorb light, so the plant needs to work twice as hard to photosynthesize.

As the Monstera plant grows larger, the leaves increase in size, and the “holes” become more numerous. The thick, leathery leaves can develop 15 to 20 inches long.  The plant sends down long aerial roots up to 10 feet long, produces a terrific, tropical jungle look.  These aerial roots may be difficult to remove from walls and furniture, so be careful where you let them attach.

A step by step guide to growing Variegated Monstera

Variegated species of Monstera deliciosa is becoming increasingly popular, loved for its unique and interesting colors. Its large leaves are treated to unique green color and white marbling effect, with no two leaves the same. The irregular cream-and-green variegation means some leaves are fully white with green markings and other leaves green with white marbling. What are we waiting for? let us jump into the subject of Growing Variegated Monstera plants.

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A Guide for Variegated Monstera Planting.
A Guide for Variegated Monstera Planting.

Characteristics of Variegated Monstera  

Monstera plant is a striking, evergreen, broad-leafed woody vine that can climb to a great height on support. It’s woody stem scrambles over the ground or climbs onto supports, however, it can be cut back so new shoots start if it gets out of bounds. When it climbs, long cord-like roots are formed, and these can reach the ground level.

Variegated Monstera grows vigorously when young. It’s large, thick, leathery leaves are glossy dark green when mature, measure 2 to 3 ft long, and are deeply cut and perforated with oblong holes. The leaf stems can be as long as about 3 ft.

Variegated Monstera has irregular variegation where parts of the leaf can be entirely green and other sections marbled-cream to greenish-yellow, or entirely cream. New growth can revert to the green form.

Best growing conditions for Variegated Monstera Plants

Variegated Monstera plant grows best with bright, indirect light to properly thrive, but they can do well with bright artificial light and adapt to low-light conditions, too. Without bright light, however, leaves will produce more sparsely and slowly. Monstera in low-light conditions can also have smaller leaves without the characteristic perforations prized by indoor gardeners.

Choose a spot to display your Variegated Monstera where temperatures don’t drop below the high 60-degree range to avoid slowing down growth.

Variegated Monstera plant best with bright light, but not much direct sun, unless it’s the weak sun. The plant leaves might burn if exposed to too much sun, so it’s best to filter it through a curtain, shade cloth, etc.

Soil and Climate requirement for growing Variegated Monstera

Variegated Monstera likes well-draining soil that’s high in organic matter. A typical mix is 3 divisions potting soil to 2 part perlite, pumice or coarse horticultural sand. Or an alternate mix is 2 parts of coco fiber or peat, 1 part small-grade orchid bark, and 2 parts perlite. If you tend to overwater your plants, add extra perlite to your soil mix.

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Monstera plant grows best in hot, humid, tropical climates, although it will grow and fruit satisfactorily in warm subtropical areas of the world. Plants produce best under light shade (filtered sunlight); intense sun exposure may cause leaf scorching. Variegated Monstera is not tolerant of freezing temperatures. Plant leaves are damaged or killed at 30 to 32°F and stem at 26 to 28°F. In areas that experience cool temperatures, vines grow better if lightly shaded; particularly during the winter months.

How ro Propagate Variegated Monstera

Monstera can be propagated by seed, stem cuttings, suckers, and tissue culture. Most commonly, Monstera is propagated by stem cuttings, which can be rooted first in containers or partially buried in the soil where they are intended to grow.

Variegated Monstera growing indoors

Grow your Monstera plant indoors, unless it doesn’t freeze in your area, in which case you can grow it outside.  It can handle a wide range of temperatures, but it’s happiest between 65-85°F.  If it seems to suffer from low humidity indoors, using an ultrasonic room humidifier, sold at home improvement store and some thrift shop.

Planting procedure of Variegated Monstera

Plant in peaty, well-draining soil in a container with drainage holes. Variegated Monstera is a climber in its natural habitat, using its aerial roots to cling to large trees, so you should provide it with moss-covered support sticks or a trellis. If its aerial roots obtain unruly you can trim them, but it’s best to just tuck them back into the pot. They are not the type of roots that damage walls or surfaces. Water the plant when the top quarter-to-third of the soil feels dry to the touch. Standard liquid plant fertilizer can be carefully applied about once a month during the spring and summer growing season. Maintain leaves clean and dust-free by washing with a cloth dipped in a solution of a drop of dishwashing detergent in a few cups of water. Though it’s not necessary, the plant also appreciates regular misting of its leaves. When Monstera outgrows its current pot (about every two years), transplant to a new pot or container a few inches larger in diameter and depth than the old one.

Provide plenty of water to the plant

Variegated Monstera likes soil that is evenly moist, but not constantly saturated.  Don’t let the pot or container sit in a tray of water.  If you tend to overwater your Monstera plants, use a moisture meter.

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Potting Variegated Monstera

When potting your Variegated Monstera, plant in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes to prevent it from getting wet feet. Monstera is a climber in its natural habitat, using its aerial roots to cling to large trees, so you should provide it with some kind of stake or a trellis to support it.

A Monstera typically outgrows its pot every two years. To promote growth, transplant to a new pot a few inches larger in diameter and depth than the old one as necessary.

Fertilizing Variegated Monstera plants

Fertilizing is very important for indoor plants, but over-fertilizing a Variegated Monstera Fertilizer can cause problems. The plant must be fertilized pretty regularly in the spring and summer months (about monthly), so the Variegated Monstera can be fertilized about half of that.

Over-fertilizing can cause a salt buildup around the roots of the Monstera plant and will prevent it from soaking up water as efficiently as it does normally.

Repot Variegated Monstera

Variegated Monstera plant care is relatively low maintenance. The plant requires warm interior temperatures of at least 65°F or warmer. Variegated Monstera plant also needs moderately moist soil and high humidity. The aerial roots require something to hang on to, so a wooden or moss-covered stake set into the middle of the pot will provide the extra support. Repotting these plants is done every year when the plant is young to encourage growth and freshen the soil. Go up in container size until you reach the largest container you wish to use. Then, the plant needs a fresh top-dress of rich soil annually but will be content for several years at a time even if it is root-bound. Early spring before new leaves happen is when to repot Monstera for the best results. 


Always be sure to assess your Monstera plant’s watering needs upon receiving it. Before giving your Monstera plant a drink, it is best to check the moisture level in the soil first to ensure it isn’t moist right beneath the surface. Also, consider aerating the soil of the plant before the initial watering. We compact the soil to avoid shifting during transit, thus aerating can help the soil breathe and allow moisture to be released.

Variegated Monstera plant prefers soil that is consistently lightly moist. As epiphytes with aerial roots, they are sensitive to overwatering; they don’t want to sit in soggy soil. If the top 2 inches of the soil is dry, the plant could use a drink.

Rotate your Monstera plant periodically to ensure even growth on all sides and dust the leaves often so the plant can photosynthesize efficiently. When dusting the leaves, take the opportunity to inspect the undersides and keep an eye out for pests.

Remember each plant is a unique living thing and could have varying needs, especially in their locations. Pay attention to the condition of Variegated Monstera and its watering needs and you will have a long and happy relationship.

Care for Your Variegated Monstera Plants

  • Water your Variegated Monstera when soil is just dry to the touch; cut back slightly on watering in the winter months. The soil in your Monstera plant pot should be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Yellowing leaves or brown-edged color leaves are a sign that you’re overwatering.
  • Gently moist your Monstera plant in the morning once per week to ensure that it’s getting the humidity it needs. If the edges of your Monstera plant leaves are brown and brittle, the plant isn’t getting enough humidity. If you have space, Monstera can make a great houseplant for your bathroom, especially if you can display it a few feet from a window facing east, west, or south.
  • Keep an eye on your Monstera plant leaves, especially the oldest ones on the plant, and clean them with a soft, damp cloth or quick shower with tepid water to remove any dust buildup.
  • Repot your Variegated Monstera at any time of year using all-purpose potting soil. Since these plants choose to be pot-bound, it’s a good idea to repot only every two to three years. Once your Variegated Monstera is in a container with a diameter of eight inches or larger, top-dress with fresh potting soil rather than repotting.
  • Over time, your Variegated Monstera will lose its lower leaves as it continues to climb; even pinching off growth tips won’t stop its upward growth. While there’s no way to encourage regrowth on those bare lower stems, it’s simple to propagate a new, fuller-looking plant from a healthy stem with several leaves.

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