Those tell-tale dimples happen to the best of us; yes, even models and celebs aren't immune. But with swimsuit season in full swing, you might have banishing cellulite on the brain—or at least reducing its appearance. This is the DIY to do just that, thanks to a couple of secret, lump-combating ingredients.

Cellulite enemy #1 is caffeine, which tightens and provides antioxidants to the skin when applied topically. When applied religiously, it has been shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite—especially over time. Here, we combine coffee grounds with moisturizing, skin-soothing coconut oil and a bit of sea salt for an extra exfoliating kick. By massaging this trifecta onto any problem area, you'll stimulate blood flow resulting in smoother, firmer skin.

Plus, it doesn't smell too bad either.

If you're looking for extra credit, steal this bonus step from gorgeous-legged insiders like Miranda Kerr and Elle Macpherson: Invest in a dry brush. Because it also exfoliates and gets lymph and blood moving, it has also been touted as a cellulite combatant. Brush and scrub those dimples away...

What You Need

Textile, Food, Pattern, Tin can,
Katie Friedman
  • 1 c coffee grounds
  • 6 tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp sea salt or sugar
  • empty jar
  • dry brush (optional)

Step 1

Food, Oreo,
Katie Friedman

Measure out the dry ingredients and combine in a large measuring cup or bowl.

Step 2

Mason jar, Food, Tableware, Drinkware, Chocolate pudding,
Katie Friedman

Melt the coconut oil in the microwave if solid, and add to the mixture.

Step 3

Hand, Food, Nail, Finger, Dessert, Chocolate, Chocolate cake,
Katie Friedman

Mix well.

Step 4

Food, Cuisine,
Katie Friedman

Transfer contents to a waterproof jar or container.

Step 5

Skin, Human leg, Tan, Joint, Arm, Leg, Thigh, Knee, Waist, Footwear,
Katie Friedman

OPTIONAL: Before getting in the shower, use your dry brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood flow. Brush lightly in a circular motion on any problem areas, or all over your body to reap the full benefits of dry brushing.

Step 6

In the shower, apply your scrub to areas with cellulite. Massage the scrub onto skin in a circular motion before rinsing. Repeat every time you shower for best results.