When the wilderness beckons, it's best to come prepared. While we can only hope the worst thing that'll happen to us on a weekend backpacking trip is running out of whiskey at the campfire, the woods are full of the unexpected—and that's part of the fun. Tools break, packs get lost, and weather moves in faster than you can sing "Kumbaya." To help keep you from getting caught off guard the next time you hit the trail, whether it's on the day hike with the family or a multi-day expedition, we've compiled seven skills that can make every man a mountain man. Today we present: how to clean and scale a fish.

Even the most gourmet food can't compare to a fish you caught yourself cooked over a campfire. While the fishing, the cooking and the eating are the fun parts, the cleaning and scaling portion is the work — but knowing how to do it right will make you a top chef on the trail.

1. A filleting knife and scaling tool are ideal, but if all you've got is a hunting or utility knife it'll work just fine. Before you get dirty, grab 16-ounces of fresh, clean water for rinsing and find the flattest hard surface possible for your workspace.

2. Start by scaling the fish. With your catch of the day flat on your work surface, hold the head and rake the fish from tail to head with the backside of your knife. Flip the fish over and repeat on the other side. Take care around the fins as they can be sharp.

3. Rinse your freshly scaled fish in clean, fresh water.

4. Now it's time for the messy part: cleaning the fish. Start by inserting the tip of your knife into the fish's anus. Yup. There's no easy way to say that.

5. Carefully and slowly slide the knife in. Cut length-wise along the belly toward the head.

6. Remove the knife. And open the fish. Remove all the guts and dispose of them out of the reach of kids and dogs—raw fish guts are tough on most digestive systems. Check for a dark membrane on the inside. If you see one, remove it. The flesh should be light colored and this dark membrane—while not poisonous—can make the fish taste less than great. Don't let your work go to waste.

7. Since we're in the wilderness here, we're going head-on. If you'd like to remove it, cut behind the gills and give it a tug.

8. Give the fish—especially the inside—another good rinse with fresh, clean water. With the coals hot, you're ready to cook. Keep it rustic with a good old fashioned stick, a y-shape at the end makes it easy to get the inside cooked just right.

9. Enjoy your spoils fresh off the bone and know that the fight your fish put up was worth it. Bon Appetit.