How to Wear a Garter Belt


Whether you call it a garter belt or the female suspenders, chances are the first time you will wear one is on your wedding day. The garter belt is typically an elastic band that helps keep your thigh highs up using adjustable straps that clip onto the top of your stockings. But, you may be wondering just how to wear a garter belt. Can you keep your pantyhose higher or lower? Do your panties go under or over the belt? How do you choose the right one? Read on to find out the answers and more!

How to Wear a Garter Belt


Putting the Garter Belt On

There are different varieties of the garter belt, some simply slip on and others will need to be fastened either with Velcro or a clasp system that is similar to the hooks on the back of a bra. This fastening should go in the back, you can also get it hooked together in the front and then spin it to the back. The belt should sit comfortable at about your waistline, and you can adjust the fit so it stays up better with the fastening device.


Making Adjustments to Meet the Thigh Highs

Carefully slip on your thigh highs, you can keep the tops of your pantyhose as high or as low as you are comfortable with. The garter belt should have a set of shorter straps and longer straps. The longer straps should be in the back, which will allow you to bend and sit more comfortably. The straps of the garter belt should just meet the top of the pantyhose; they can be adjusted so you can keep your thigh highs where you prefer.


Attaching the Clasps

How to wear a garter belt can be a little more tricky when it comes to attaching the clasps. The straps should have a metal piece clasp that will sandwich the top of your thigh highs, this clasp will have a rubber nub that will keep the pantyhose secure but should not tear or put a run in the thigh highs. The rubber nub should fit underneath the top edge of your pantyhose and the clasp will slide over the nub. You should see the rubber nub sticking out through the front of the clasp. Make sure you have all the clasps secured, most often there will be two shorter straps in the front and two longer ones in the back.



Once you have the clasps secure, you will most likely need to readjust the straps, and you’ll probably have to readjust them throughout the day as needed. Make sure your thigh highs are at the height that is comfortable for you and during the day check on it when you use the restroom. You’ll want your thigh highs to be slightly taut when you stand, but when you sit, they shouldn’t be so secure that the clasps end up popping off. 


Putting on Your Underwear

If you will only be wearing the garter for a short period of time then you can put your underwear on first prior to attaching the clasps, but if you will need it on all day, then you will want to wait until you have everything secured before putting on your underwear. When considering how to wear a garter belt, you’ll want to consider how you will use the restroom when you need to go. Putting your underwear on after you have everything secured means you will not have to undo and reattach the clasp every time you need to use the restroom. You can also choose to go commando if you prefer.


You can also get clear instruction by watching the video below. 

How to Choose Right Garter Belt?

Garter belts can be found in a number of styles, fits and more; choosing the right one for you and your body type can be easily done with these following tips.

Think About the Waist

You don’t want your garter belt to be cutting into your waist or hips, so one of the most important things to consider when choosing a garter belt is that it sits right on you. You want the belt to be wide enough so it is comfortable and not constricting. Low rise belt will not go lower than your panty trim and mid-rise belts will not go higher than your navel.


Think About Your Thighs

Most women choose an inch or two of thigh coverage with their garter belt because it is flexible and won’t rise up when you move. You can also choose no coverage which is ideal for those who want a sexier look but may not be as flattering for women with thicker thighs. There is also a skirt-ling coverage that gives off a 1920’s glamorous look.


Think About the Panties

Just as your panties will affect how to wear a garter belt, the right panties will determine how you choose you garter belt. You will want to make sure your underwear doesn’t sit higher than the belt and you want to pair the belt with the right thigh highs to enhance the overall look.


Choosing the Best Straps

The straps on your garter belt will not only keep your thigh highs in the proper place but add in that extra sex appeal. Most will have 4 straps, which do not offer that much security and can end up popping off more frequently if you plan on wearing the belt for more than a few hours. Try to find a belt that offers 6 clasps with elastic straps. The elastic straps will better hold your thigh highs as you move about and are more flexible and easy to move in. You can also find garter belts that offer more than 6 straps which provide you with a better hold. Also, keep in mind the thickness of the straps. The thicker the straps, the less likely they will twist and better hold your thigh highs in place.


Choosing the Material

Garter belts can be found in a variety of fabrics while most are made from stretch lace or satin. These materials offer a bit of sex appeal and glamor but the belts can also be simple and made from a stretch jersey material.