Shoe Stretching Instructions from Podiatrist

Stretching shoes and women’s dress boots is a valuable and often very effective method for relieving foot pain. You can stretch the length, width or create extra room for bunions or pinched toes. We often recommend stretching shoes in specific areas to relieve pressure on bunionshammertoescorns, bone spurs and other enlarged areas of the foot. In addition, if the shoe simply feels too tight, we recommend the entire toebox of the shoe be stretched. Shoe stretching instructions for both techniques, and special instructions for women’s boots are listed below.

You can either stretch a shoe yourself or take it to a shoe repair shop. You can often save money by stretching it yourself.

Below you will find instructions on these shoe stretching techniques:

  • Stretch over bunions
  • Stretch the width of the shoe
  • Stretch high heels
  • Stretch boots
  • Stretch (raise) the height of the toe box so the shoe doesn’t press on your toes.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning we receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through our links, but this is at no additional cost to you. Our recommendations are based on experience with and knowledge of these products, and we recommend them because they are genuinely helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we may receive. Please don’t spend any money on these products unless you believe they will help you achieve your goals.

How to Stretch Shoes Over Bunions and Other Prominences

  1. Purchase a Ball and Ring Shoe Stretcher
  2. Determine the area needed to be relieved.
  3. Place a Zip Lock bag over the shoe to protect the exterior finish.
  4. Place the ball inside the shoe with the ring on the outside.
  5. Press the arms of the Stretch together over this problem area of the shoe.
  6. You should see immediate results, with your shoe fitting more comfortably.
  7. Can be clamped on overnight for especially difficult areas

How to Stretch the Entire Shoe to Provide More Room

If there is not one area that is causing excessive pressure, but rather the shoe just simply feels too tight, you can try stretching it with a “Two-Way Shoe Stretcher”.

  1. Purchase a Two-Way Shoe Strecherhow stretch shoes two way stretcher
  2. Apply “pressure relief pods” to spot stretch problem areas
  3. Apply shoe stretch liquid as shown in the video
  4. Place Two Way Shoe Stretcher in shoe
  5. Turn crank to increase width and length in order to stretch shoe.
  6. Increase by one full turn every 8 hours
  7. Maintain stretch for 2 days

How to Stretch Tight Boots

Women’s boots require a special stretcher with an extra long handle. This unique stretcher has a hinged shaft that follows the contours of a boot so that you can stretch the width of the boot without causing any damage to the shaft or collar.

  1. Purchase a Boot Stretcher
  2. Soften the leather with Shoe Stretch spray
    how stretch shoes boot stretcher
  3. Place Boot Stretcher in shoe
  4. Turn crank to increase width and stretch boot.
  5. Increase by one full turn every 8 hours
  6. Maintain stretch for 2 days

Stretching Tight Women’s High Heels

Women’s high heels require a special stretcher that is angled in such a way to fit into high heels.

  1. Purchase a High Heel Shoe Stretcher
  2. Apply a leather softening liquid as shown in the video
    high heel shoe stretcher
  3. Place Stretcher in shoe
  4. Turn crank to increase width and stretch high heel.
  5. Increase by one full turn every 8 hours
  6. Maintain stretch for 2 days

How to Raise the Toe Box of the Shoe (Using a Toe Raiser)

If your shoes are pressing too hard on the top of your toes, you can use a “toe raiser” to increase the height of the toe box of the shoe

  1. Purchase a Toe Raiser
  2. Apply Kiwi Shoe Stretch to soften the leather
  3. Place the Toe Raiser in shoe

    Toe Raiser

  4. Turn crank to increase height of toe box
  5. Increase by one full turn every 8 hours
  6. Maintain stretch for 2 days

kiwi shoe stretch liquid You will need a leather softener to spray on the shoe while stretching them. We recommend Select Shoe Stretch Spray.

Dr. Hale and Dr. Huppin are experts at helping people walk comfortably. If you are having any foot or ankle trouble at all when walking make an appointment to see us in our convenient Seattle office. Be sure to bring your shoes with you.

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