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Four Alternatives To Turning Your Passion Into A Job

Updated Apr 2, 2014, 05:04pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

John Lennon’s aunt Mimi famously told him, "The guitar's all right, John, but you'll never make a living out of it.” A rich Lennon later smugly presented her with a plaque inscribed with those words.

Thing is, Mimi was right regarding 99.997% of cases such as that of her nephew John. And let's face it, even the astonishingly gifted Lennon benefited from favorable accidents of history. Nothing is inevitable, for even the best in their fields.

In your own life, are you following the way of Lennon or Mimi?  Here’s the classic scenario, along with four alternatives:

The all-or-nothing scenario: Burn the safety net, and go “all in."

This is the Lennonesque way, illustrated perhaps even more starkly by the saga of Jimi Hendrix. On his way to guitar-god status, Hendrix stubbornly refused along the way to either complete an education or achieve any kind of financial stability.

The upside is that that he relentlessly kept honing his craft and finally achieved unrivaled excellence. The downside is that this required massive doses of cheap speed, grinding poverty, devastating and constant rejection and, ironically, the wish that he could disappear from the public eye once he actually became famous. Think about it: If Hendrix heeded the Mimis in his own life, he might be alive and happy today. Just not well-known.

Alternative 1: Make your passion your hobby—and keep it separate from the everyday grind.

Are you old enough to remember that, before Jason Alexander played the lovable loser George Costanza, he was a hip, majestically maned 80’s singer-dancer hawking McDonald’s McDLT burgers? (If you can’t remember, check this out.)

The unappreciated genius of the McDLT was that it had two sides of packaging—one to keep the hot side hot (the bun and burger) and another to keep the cold side cold (the lettuce and tomato), rather than letting the hot and cold sides conspire to create one warm pile of mush.

In somewhat similar fashion, Tanja Lindstrom King, a Hollywood postproduction executive on leave to raise a daughter, was able to keep her artistic and career impulses separate and unspoiled.

“I loved doing theater but never wanted to make a living at it--too much pressure,” King tells me. “So I did community theater throughout my twenties—painting sets, acting, and eventually directing two musicals. I got to do the thing I enjoyed in the evenings after my day job.” She contrasts that with friends who had to expend their energies auditioning and being turned down for paying roles while trying to scrounge money for rent. “I was able to enjoy my passion expressly because my livelihood didn't depend upon it,” she says.

Alternative 2: Find a respectable compromise.

“You often can't make a decent living in a career choice that you're passionate about, but you can find an acceptable compromise, with time and effort,” says Ron Herbst, computer graphics supervisor at Digital Domain, a company that delivers visual effects for movies and television. “I work in the commercial arts, and I often think about how I probably earn more than many people doing similar things in fine art… and therefore that I may be ‘selling out.’” But Herbst believes there’s a “spectrum of purity to prudence in career choices,” a range between idealism and realism. “And with maturity, I think that everyone can find the area on the spectrum that provides enough financial security yet also enough moral satisfaction. You might argue that the purest artist earns nothing, and that anyone who is able to make money off of art is selling out even a little. Perhaps there’s truth to that.”

Indeed, Diane Krieger, a writer in Los Angeles, tells the story of a friend who had been a piano student at the Peabody Conservatory. “He had a side job playing lounge music at  Macy's ,” says. “He told me that when people asked him to play at a party, he always refused. It was like being asked to work. How would I like it, he said, if someone at a party asked me to write a press release? That story has stayed with me. If you're really passionate about something, don't let it become a job.”

Alternative 3: Don’t chase the dream--unless and until it chases you down.

“When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.”  --Bob Dylan

Jeff Lazenby, general manager of Belle Marie Winery in San Diego, actually is lucky enough to do what he loves for a living. But first he had to have a run of bad luck. “I'm not hard-wired as a gambler,” he says, “so dropping everything to go all in on the passion was never in the cards, because it required dropping the safety net.

“But then some pretty drastic life changes, in very short order [involving his family, home and job] rendered the safety net mostly meaningless, and the passion came to the forefront pretty quick. It's all come to fruition, but I never would've started paddling if I hadn't fallen into the deep end.”

Alternative 4: Make your passion your fuel, not your destination.

Ely Flores, a native of Hollywood’s barrios who now works alongside people like the Clintons to advocate for at-risk youth, says the issue is less about what specific work you do, and more about what drive you can bring to it. Some people in the for-profit sector should probably be in the nonprofit sector, and vice versa, he suggests. Flores believes it’s about finding an honest match for your personality. "We’d have more people constantly looking for innovation and building better quality programs and services," he says, which would then flow to the people who most need it.”

Erin Robbins O’Brien, chief operating officer of Ginzametrics, based in San Francisco, advises career planners to ask the right questions. “Are you really able to enjoy that journey?” she asks. “Could you be happy being poor while following that passion?” She notes that some people have made jobs out of their passions only to do a U-turn and decide that they need their passion to just a hobby again. She notes that some people who fail at following their passions default into dead-end jobs. It can be far better, she suggests, to find a day job that gives you enough resources and comfort to dabble in your passion pleasurably on your own time. (In her own case, she addresses her personal interest in diabetes research through volunteer activities, often bringing her data-analytics expertise to bear on her philanthropic work.)

Should you follow your passion? Yes, without a doubt. It's what makes you human, and it's what nourishes you. But does it need to be your career? Not at all.