Forms of sodium bicarbonate, including store-bought baking soda, may help neutralize stomach acid and temporarily reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Acid reflux is a digestive condition where stomach acid flows from the stomach back into the esophagus. This backwash of acid may irritate your esophagus, leading to symptoms like heartburn and regurgitation.

Treatment for acid reflux will depend on the duration, frequency, and severity of your symptoms.

For temporary acid reflux, many people suggest using baking soda as an effective home remedy to ease symptoms. However, the research on its efficacy is limited.

What’s more, it may only be suitable as a short-term solution. If you experience acid reflux several times per week, speak with a healthcare professional. This may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Keep reading to learn more about the uses, potential benefits and risks, and dosage of baking soda.

The active ingredient in baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which is also in some antacid medications.

Sodium bicarbonate could temporarily relieve symptoms of acid reflux because it’s an absorbable antacid. It works by temporarily neutralizing the excess acid in your stomach, which is responsible for acid reflux symptoms.

Your pancreas naturally produces sodium bicarbonate after eating to help protect your intestines. Baking soda is thought to mimic the effects of this process.

The same type of baking soda you use to bake or to absorb smells from your fridge can neutralize stomach acid.

If you don’t like the taste of baking soda, some over-the-counter (OTC) medications that contain sodium bicarbonate may provide short-term relief. These are available as:

  • capsules
  • tablets
  • granules
  • solutions

It’s important to read the instructions on the box carefully and to follow the recommended dosage.

If OTC medications don’t provide relief from symptoms of acid reflux, speak with a healthcare professional. They may prescribe a stronger medication like Zegerid, which contains sodium bicarbonate and omeprazole.

Baking soda may provide short-term relief from acid reflux, but it isn’t intended as a long-term treatment.

It should be taken 1–2 hours after eating and 2 hours apart from other medications.

For people ages 12 years and older, the recommended dosage for sodium bicarbonate is 1/2 tsp dissolved in a 4-ounce glass of water. Sodium bicarbonate is not recommended for younger people.

Remember, baking soda should only be used as an occasional, short-term remedy for acid reflux.

Speak with a healthcare professional if your acid reflux lasts more than 2 weeks. They may recommend other medications, such as :

What to avoid when using baking soda

It’s best to avoid the following when taking baking soda for acid reflux:

  • taking more than 3 1/2 tsp of baking soda (seven doses) in a day
  • taking more than 1 1/2 tsp of baking soda (three doses) in a day if you’re over 60 years old
  • taking the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks
  • taking baking soda when you’re overly full to avoid gastric rupture
  • drinking baking soda solution too quickly, as it can lead to increased diarrhea and gas
  • avoid using baking soda if you’re following a low sodium diet

Sodium bicarbonate may cause some side effects, including :

Sodium bicarbonate may also cause a sudden decrease in stomach acid, which may lead to acid rebound (increased acid production). This could cause your symptoms to return even worse than before.

It’s best to speak with a doctor before taking baking soda, especially if you take other medication. They could advise you on the proper dosage and frequency of baking soda, or offer a better alternative for your health condition.

The most common cause of baking soda toxicity is overuse. Long-term and overuse of baking soda can increase your risk for :

Who should not drink baking soda?

Several factors may also increase your risk of developing complications from sodium bicarbonate, including:

When to seek medical attention

Get immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

Was this helpful?

Is it OK to take baking soda for acid reflux?

Baking soda may provide temporary relief from acid reflux. However, it shouldn’t be used for long-term treatment.

What is the fastest way to neutralize stomach acid?

Sodium bicarbonate could neutralize stomach acid very quickly, providing short-term relief from acid reflux.

Can you rinse your mouth with baking soda for acid reflux?

To feel the effects of baking soda for acid reflux, you have to drink it. In your stomach, baking soda can then neutralize the excess acid that’s causing symptoms.

Baking soda may provide short-term relief from occasional acid reflux.

However, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional if your symptoms occur more than twice per week, as this may be a sign of GERD.

They could help develop a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Learn more about 14 ways to manage and prevent acid reflux.