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Here's how cutting out alcohol can affect your skin

drinking champagne
When you cut alcohol from your diet, your skin may change and improve. Getty/Pascal Rondeau
  • Alcohol can have some negative impacts on your skin.
  • It can cause puffiness and acne. 
  • After cutting out alcohol, your skin should improve over time.

No matter how fun alcohol may be, it can be bad for your health, especially if you over-indulge. Your Margarita Mondays and Thirsty Thursdays may seem like fun, but having one too many shots can do some major damage to your health, and in this particular case, your skin.

While many of us focus on the negative effects alcohol has on the liver, we tend to forget about its impact on your body’s biggest organ — your skin. INSIDER spoke to a few skin-care professionals to get the scoop on alcohol’s major effects on the skin, and what happens to your complexion when you cut it out.

It causes dehydration.

One of the biggest effects alcohol has on your skin is dehydration, according to Tess Mauricio, MD, FAAD and CEO of

"It dehydrates the skin and will cause your wrinkles and pores to be more visible," Dr. Mauricio told INSIDER. "Your skin will lose it’s natural plumpness and healthy glow."


Alcohol can heighten your risk of rosacea.

skin care
Certain alcohols can increase your risk. Sarah Schmalbruch/INSIDER

If you identify as a woman, you may want to lay off the pinot grigio: the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) reports that alcohol consumption, specifically white wine and liquor, increases the risk of rosacea in women.

However, if you’re still craving a drink (in moderation), Dr. Debra Jaliman, board-certified NYC dermatologist, assistant professor of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and author of the book, "Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist," noted that clear liquor like vodka won’t increase your risk of rosacea.

It can cause inflammation.

"Everyone knows the sun is the number-one ager for the skin, but most people don’t realize that the second major cause of skin aging is inflammation — any way we can avoid inflammation will be better for our skin," Joshua Ross, celebrity aesthetician and owner of SkinLab, told INSIDER. "What alcohol does is bring the blood up to the tissue causing inflammation so that’s why it’s harmful to the skin. That can manifest in blotchiness, redness, ruddiness, and dehydration."

You could be depriving yourself of nutrients.

Although certain alcoholic beverages like red wine are known to have some health benefits, consuming alcohol in excess is never a healthy choice. Filling your body with the empty calories and sugars that many of your happy hour drinks are filled with can actually lead to malnutrition, which can have an obvious impact on your complexion.


"Alcohol is a toxin with little nutrient value and can contribute to poorer liver function, reduced immunity, hormone disruption, cell damage and insulin issues all impacting on the quality, appearance and aging of your skin," said Sonya Dakar, celebrity esthetician and founder/CEO of Sonya Dakar skin care and Skin Clinic. "Alcohol is also a diuretic, so you can lose plenty of skin cell-loving water from the body quite rapidly, leaving your skin dehydrated and dull. I can always tell who is a drinker when I look at their skin and see puffy under eyes, red skin, or a red nose, pasty skin and even broken capillaries."

A lot happens to your skin when you cut out alcohol.

Now that we know all of the things alcohol can do to your skin, it’s time to hit the road to recovery. Here’s what will happen to your skin once you cut out the rosé for good:

After one hour, your body works overtime to cut out the excess toxins.

After an hour from your last drink, Dakar said that your body begins to work overtime to clear your skin (and the rest of your body) from the excess toxin you just ingested.

"Your body will enter a detox mode to clear the alcohol from your bloodstream and prevent alcohol poisoning," she said. "As you drink your last drink, your liver starts working overtime.


She also said that your pancreas also starts producing extra insulin due to shock.

After one day, your skin will still be dehydrated.

drinking water
You may want some extra hydration. Mark Dadswell/Getty Images

For those of you who have from rosacea, we have good news: Dr. Jaliman stated that within a 24-hour period, your skin will see a bit of an improvement when it comes to your symptoms. With that being said, Joshua Ross noted that your skin has a long way to go before it fully bounces back, and will still be recovering from its own type of hangover.

"One day after drinking, your skin will be dehydrated and blotchy," Ross said.

A week after your last drink is when your skin really starts to see improvement.

After your seven-day stretch of sobriety, Dakar said that your skin will begin to have a dewy, healthier look and a youthful glow due to restored hydration.


However, you may want to keep your cleansers and spot treatments at hand: Ross stated that while your skin’s lipid barrier will begin to heal itself from inflammation, your pores may start to "purge" — which means more breakouts as your skin pushes all of the toxins and clogging materials out of the pores and onto the surface of your skin.

After one month, your skin may have significant changes.

After a month of staying margarita-free, your skin will likely be significantly healthier-looking. According to both Ross and Dr. Mauricio, your skin will have less swelling, a more even tone, and a more hydrated look. Bonus: Dr. Mauricio also said that you may experience some weight loss too.

One year later, your skin should have an overall healthier appearance.

Your skin will definitely reap from the benefits of going sober for good: according to Dr. Mauricio, since your liver will be significantly repaired from the damages of alcohol by this point, your skin will have an overall healthier appearance and naturally radiant look.

"Over one year of not drinking alcohol, your liver will be healthier and better at detoxifying your body," she said. "The healthier you are, the more beautiful your skin looks, so our skin will be more healthy and glowing."


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Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2018.

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