5 Tips to Improve Your Public Image

5 Tips to Improve Your Public Image

A lot, if not most, of what we do each day relates to our public image. So what are you doing to ensure you are seen in the way you want?

1) Be You

Be you! The way society is, and is going toward faster, is a lot of showing off online. People are taking large amounts of time to perfect the right photo to post online and are only posting things that they think their friends will like. What about what you like? The amount of Photoshop, filters and different changes to pictures and text are making it hard to tell who is real and fake online.

The BIGGEST thing you need to do is be you. I'm not saying that that editing media is unnecessary, but it is better to show you as the real you because it shows you are confident in who you are (even if you're not). It shows others that they too, can be themselves.

Being yourself online and offline will also show you who your true friends are. Many, many, many, many people are afraid of the opinions of people close to them. If being yourself does not resonate with them, then there are over 7 billion other people on Earth who will appreciate you and you authenticity. You don't need to keep yourself around anyone who does not support you.

2) Watch for the characteristics of the image you want

You want to be the coolest person? What are current cool people doing and what makes them cool? You want to be the most successful or smartest person on campus or in the world? Look at what the most successful and smartest people are doing. Replicate.

You are the product of your environment. If you completely submerse yourself in things that help shape your public image in your desired way, you will become just that.

WHO is the one person with that certain image right now? WHO is leading that certain field of study right now? THAT is who you need to study (even contact them) in order to better understand how that image is presented.

3) Take care of yourself

Your biggest investment is always in yourself. If you want to be looked at better by others feel free to create a list of what characteristics are desired by others. Chances are somewhere on that list is "physically fit", "can hold a conversation" and is "passionate about something.

Working out (including eating right) and reading a little every day are some of the best things to help increase your public image. Not only will others start to admire your more attractive way you carry yourself and your more lively conversations, but you will physically feel more energy, more stable emotions, and a higher self-confidence!

Find and nurture your passions! If you aren't sure what those are, or if you are sure, you need to do one thing: write your goals down twice every day. Writing down your goals when you wake up and when you go to sleep will keep you on track with your passions and it'll help shape and define your passions. Working toward something you actually like will make you much happier and excited - you typically attract like-minded people.

4) DO, don't say

Many people are caught in the act of talking a big game but then when it comes time to perform, they back away from their own "claim to fame." Talk is cheap and not following through with something will give you an image of someone who does not have enough self-confidence to actually do what they say. On the flip-side, the more you prove your intentions through actions, the more others will admire you authenticity and courage.

5) Help others as often as possible (when you are in a situation to do so)

When you build yourself up to a point to where you feel like you are physically, mentally, and spiritually strong enough, help others. This opens tons and tons of doors. Either helping someone in a time of need, or simply building their confidence by offering a simple compliment can bring others to a different level in their life.

You will be admired more for helping others, you will feel better about yourself, and you will experience Mark Jeffries's "Payback Theory." When a person feels like you have given an extra part of your day or have been philanthropic, typically the recipient of your kindness will feel obliged to give back to you in some sort like they owe you. One way that is simple for people to give back is to speak well about you when brought up in conversation.

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