Are bald men more powerful? – poll

Men with bald heads are perceived as being more masculine, dominant and strong, according to a new study. Maybe our leaders should shave their heads. What do you think?

David Cameron and Simon Cowell as they would look bald.
David Cameron and Simon Cowell … bald and powerful? Photograph: AP/photomanipulation David McCoy

Ever since Neil Kinnock failed to become prime minister, baldness has been a badge of the political loser in Britain. But perhaps the likes of William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith should move to America.

Men with completely bald pates were perceived to be more masculine, dominant, taller and even "about 13%" stronger than those with full heads of hair, according to a US study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal.

The key, as (shaven-headed) study author Albert Mannes, management lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, identified, is for balding men to shave off what little hair remains, like Bruce Willis, rather than trying a Bobby Charlton or looking like a monk. Mannes' study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least powerful of all, with those displaying typical male-pattern baldness seen as older and less attractive.

The Wall Street Journal cites Amazon CEO Jeffrey Bezos, DreamWorks Animation chief executive Jeffrey Katzenberg and Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape, as business leaders who have followed the close-cropped advice.

"I'm not saying that shaving your head makes you successful, but it starts the conversation that you've done something active," tech entrepreneur and writer Seth Godin told the WSJ. All those actors and footballers who spend a fortune on hair transplants may disagree but for Godin shaving his head was a "highly leveraged marketing choice".

What do you think? Do the following prominent men look 13% more powerful without their hair?

Does David Cameron look more powerful...

David Cameron hairy   68%
With hair?
Bald David Cameron   32%

Does Nick Clegg look more powerful...

Hairy Nick Clegg   61%
With hair?
Bald Nick Clegg   39%

Does Ed Miliband look more powerful...

Hairy David Miliband   50%
With hair?
Bald Ed Miliband   50%

Does Richard Branson look more powerful...

Hairy Richard Branson   22%
With hair?
Bald Richard Branson   78%

Does Simon Cowell look more powerful...

Hairy Simon Cowell   49%
With hair?
Bald Simon Cowell   51%

Does Harry Styles look more powerful...

Hairy Harry Styles   46%
With hair?
Bald Harry Styles   54%

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