What I do

DIrect Sales Planner coaching

Hi, I’m Wendy, your new direct sales planner coach.

If you are a direct sales consultant, a network marketer, a social seller or a small business owner I specialize in helping you run your business using a paper planner. We will work together to create a path forward in your business, planning goals, structuring a content plan and building an on-going task list to help you plan your time, be efficient and grow in success with your business. I’m here to guide your every step of the way, because CAN and PLAN should always go together!

More about me

Connect with me:


Ready to take back your TIME?

Join us at our next FREE workshop; Direct Sales Organization.


Kickstart Your Journey to Success with Paper Planning Power

Personalized 1-on-1 coaching

We can work together to build your perfect planning system. From follow up to content planning I design to empower you with a customized planning system that aligns perfectly with your goals.

Workshops for success

Are you ready to supercharge your skills and elevate your success to new heights? My workshops are meticulously crafted to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to thrive on your business journey.

Transformative team coaching

I offer team coaching for direct sellers. A comprehensive look at my Top Ten Time Management Tips for Small Business owners, to help your team become more efficient with their time and more productive with their businesses.

Empowering masterclasses

Dive into my masterclasses designed to help you take back control of your time, pick the right planner style for you and your needs and set goals that will move your business forward.

Online Courses

Unlock your true mindset mastery

Take back your time, master your efficiency, pick the planner that will work the best for you!

Time Management Mastery; Tips and Tools for Success

Clear the Mental Clutter and Organize the tasks in this quick mini class designed to share with you tips in the braindrop box and TRADE method.

Let’s Start Planning

What planner setup is the right one for you? Take this class and learn all of the ways that you can implement planning into your life with the perfectly customized layouts and designs.

Goal Setting for Your Business

With the Help of Brian Moran’s The 12 Week Year you can put together your business goals and start your journey to success, and do it with a paper planner.

FREE Offer for you

Do you feel like your time manages you instead of you managing your time?

Time is a finite commodity. We have no more and no less than the next person. But…how you use it is what is important. Sign up now for my Top Ten Time Management Tips! And, get a BONUS VIDEO on how to use the Pomodoro Technique!

What People are saying about Cannin Plannin

Tactics and Execution

The resouces, brainstorming, community and accountability have completed changed my business. Most importantly for me was also learning the actual TACTICS of how to do what I needed to grow.

Lisa Donde

Be Luminous with Lisa: Origami Owl

Profitable Planning

“…she showed me how to stop using it as a glorified calendar and transform it into a profitable Planner so that I can achieve my goals!”

Barb Brimhall

Independent Stampin’ Up Demonstrator

Turning point

“…She focuses on the necessary steps (in bite sized pieces) in order to be successful in every area of planning!”

Tammy Shaia

Independent Stampin’ Up Demonstrator


How often does Cannin Plannin do Public Workshops?

Cannin Plannin shares public workshops once a quarter. Be watching for registration and the next available date below.

What is planner coaching?

Planner coaching is a process that helps individuals identify the journey and the destination of their goals by writing out action steps through goal setting, and daily, weekly and monthly planning.

How do I build consistency with my planning?

Consistency is another name for showing up! If you are willing to create a daily habit to open your planner, write in your planner and use your planner you will find your planning consistency will increase!

What results can I expect from the planner coaching?

From planner coaching, you can expect enhanced clarity, improved decision-making, the ability to make a plan and stick with it, and a proactive approach to making your goals a reality. This often leads to increased confidence, greater life satisfaction, and progress in personal and professional goals.

How much does the coaching cost?

Most of our coaching is FREE and can be found weekly on the Cannin Plannin Facebook Page for all other workshops and masterclasses, or individual one on ones please contact me, or check the Courses page for pricing.

How do I start with the planner coaching process?

To start with the mindset coaching process, simply reach out to us via our “Contact” page. We’ll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, answer any questions, and determine the best coaching plan tailored to your needs.

How do I know if paper planning is working?

Paper Planning is working if you are able to maintain your task load while organizing your goals and moving forward with your daily and weekly actions.

Who can benefit from this coaching?

Anyone seeking professional growth in the direct sales, network marketing, social selling or small business/boutique areas will find this to be a motivational course of action in regards to planning and maintaining schedules and routines.