• Uncategorized

    No Title Needed.

    Well, I never thought I would say this but I wish it were 2020 again… Since the last time I blogged, life got a little crazy on me. Some good, some bad, some really bad. I got myself a rescue pup – her name is Crosby. She has totally rocked Teddy and my world. She is so full of life…

  • Easy

    Avocado Deviled Eggs

    and just like that another month passed without a post… :: insert palm to face :: I needed a break from social media for a bit. The world is scary right now. I have been unplugging a lot after work.. the endless Zoom calls are getting so tiring. Not to mention my company has been struggling lately… I work in…

  • life

    Surge Capacity

    First off, there will be no recipe today, so if you are not interested in reading…just move along. (thanks Jonny) Are you feeling totally drained kind of like you did with Covid first started? You aren’t alone. I am a huge fan of Brené Brown. She has changed the way I view so many things. From her books to Netflix…

  • Healthy,  Pizza,  Vegetables

    Zucchini Pizza Boats

    End of summer… Means creative summer dishes. But first, how the heck is it already September? How did that happen? It seems like yesterday we were all watching the TV and social media to see what would unfold with Covid and the month of March was PAINFUL… and then all of a sudden… It is September. How’s that happen? I…

  • Food,  Healthy

    Crispy Mushrooms & Kale

    Hello friends! Happy Thursday! I don’t know about you by my garden is really producing a lot of stuff now. Why does it always happen that all of the good vegetables come all at the same time? Then you have to use all of them super fast! My mom has a really beautiful garden as well and she has made…

  • House,  life

    2020, can you not?

    Welp. I said to myself I would write at least one post a week when I decided to start the blog back up… Guess mother nature had another idea… Last week on Tuesday New England got HAMMERED with the hurricane. It literally still looks like a bomb went off in my town. I hardly know one person in CT that…

  • Food,  Healthy,  life,  Pasta

    Pasta and things

    Is it just me or are you waking up every day and saying… wait, what day is it? It feels so strange to be home all the time, but I will also say that I am loving being able to multi-task. I can be on a conference call and do my laundry or cook myself a meal. The only thing…

  • life

    10 years

    I am not sure if you caught it in my last post, but it was almost 10 years TO THE DAY when I first started this blog. If you want a good laugh and horrible food pictures, check it out here. Whew. Can we just take a breath with that for a minute? 10 fucking years. Good god almighty. Let’s…

  • Food,  Fruit,  Fun,  life

    I mean…

    Well my my, what a year this has been… Between wildfires, Covid and racism… 2020 has been a trip hasn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I am kind of ready for it to be over, but while I am still in it… I thought, why not pick the blog back up? Share some things I am loving right…

  • life


    I have found that resilience is everywhere if you really want to see it. Think about it, have you ever seen a dog or cat who had to have a leg removed and after? They keep walking, jumping, running… like nothing happened. #kaitskitties I have a friend who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in her early 30s and she to…

  • life

    Hello, again.

    So, hey… It has been almost 3 years since I have come back to my little corner here in the blogiverse. Life has been… well… it has been a time. Since the last time I have written here, my entire life has pretty much changed. Life hasn’t stopped happening, it has just changed… a lot. My blog that once brought…

  • Uncategorized


    Hello Blogiverse – How have you been? I feel like it has been ages since we have spoken. I guess it has. I am sorry I haven’t been around much lately. It has been a rather….…..interesting, year. I thought that my 30s would be a turning point in my life and well, I was right, but not in the way…

at me, Facebook me or drop me a line at ravie.nomnoms@gmail.com, whatever suits your fancy!