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Your one-stop shop for all things Digital Nomad and Travel

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Image of author, Tiffany McCauley.

Meet Slappy Toad

Welcome to my site! My name is Tiffany and I’ve been a digital nomad since 2009. I’m a nationally syndicated journalist, a published author, and, of course, a blogger. I write for MSN and the Associated Press.

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What Is A Digital Nomad?

The face of Slappy Toad.

Picture this. Instead of being chained to a desk in a stuffy office cubicle, you’re sipping coconut water on a beach in Bali, typing away on your laptop as the waves crash gently within view. You’re living the dream. The dream of working from anywhere in the world while exploring new cultures, enjoying exotic food, and collecting passport stamps like badges of honor.

But don’t be fooled by the Instagram-worthy snapshots of sunsets and palm trees. The life of a digital nomad isn’t all hammocks and coconuts. Sure, we may have the freedom to work in our pajamas or take a quick midday nap. But we also face our fair share of challenges. From questionable Wi-Fi connections to an endless search for the perfect workspace, digital nomads are constantly navigating a maze of obstacles.

The footprint of Slappy Toad.

Despite the challenges, there’s something incredibly liberating about this digital nomad life. It’s a lifestyle full of creativity, and wanderlust. A lifestyle where every day is an adventure waiting to happen. Whether you’re a freelance writer, a software developer, or a social media manager, if you’ve ever dreamed of ditching the 9 to 5 grind in favor of a life less ordinary, then maybe… just maybe, the digital nomad life is a good fit for you. Grab your laptop, pack your bags, and join thousands of wandering work warriors. This site will help you become a digital nomad in no time.