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ArchDaily Team

Architonic-ArchDaily's vision is to empower everyone who makes architecture happen to create a better quality of life!

Two Platforms - One Global Architecture & Design Community. We welcome you to our international, open-minded, and warm-hearted team: working together on shaping the international architectural landscape

We invite you to review our hashtag #humansofarchdaily and @dailytonics on Instagram so you can learn a little more about our workplace (how we work and we have fun!)

See Open Positions

Our team Pillars are:

Be Fair

At the root of being fair is treating others with the respect and trust with which you would hope to be treated.

Be Collaborative

Collaboration is simply teamwork taken to a higher level. To be collaborative, you need to be truthful and transparent.

Be Smart

Being smart requires agility and resourcefulness. Taking the initiative to draw on the skills and resources around you. Think clever!

Be Positive

A positive mindset is, simply put, a state of mind that envisions and expects positive results.

Be an Owner

Own it! Your job, your projects, responsibilities and passion - it all belongs to you. So what are you waiting for?