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Victims & their stories..

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Lynnae Erick

50 Years old, Canada

Lynnae a mother and wife had taken her first dose of the Pfizer injection on May 17, 2021 and complained of a sore arm and being tired as a result. On May 22, 2021 just days later she commented on her Facebook page that she wishes she didn’t get the shot and that her neck was hurting bad and she couldn’t stay awake . Lynnae seemed to be a person who loved being positive and although not feeling well, On May 23, 2021 she posted “Happy Sunday”. Sadly she passed away suddenly the next day on May 24 2021.

May she Rest In Peace ❤️🌸

Here is her GoFundMe:



Slowly but surely building the new Instagram back up after the other was taken down. I know it’s only a matter of time before this one goes too, but the point is to continue sharing no matter what. ❤️
Hi all,

I have been noticing that there are people being invited into the chat via the chat link only and have no idea that the Covid Vaccine Victim channel is connected to the chat. When sharing, please use the Covid vaccine victims link and through that link they will discover the chat.

Thank you ❤️

I started another Instagram page to go along with my @TheWorldwideWakeUp Telegram Channel. The world needs to know what is happening. If the news won’t report it, than we will bring it to their faces and their doorsteps.

This all ends when we say so. 📣

I’m saving as many lives as I can!!!!
Lisa Shaw

44 Years old, UK

Lisa a BBC Presenter has died surrounded by her family as a result of the AstraZeneca injection on May 21. Her family says she was being treated for blood clots days after her first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Lisa developed severe headaches a week after receiving the injection and fell seriously ill a few days later. She was treated by the RVI’s [Royal Victoria Infirmary] intensive care team for blood clots and bleeding in her head.

May she Rest In Peace ❤️



Adam Marks

42 Years old, USA

Adam a 42 year old professional pianist from New York City died unexpectedly in his sleep on May 9, 2021 of cardiac arrest following his Covid-19 vaccination. According to his Facebook page, Adam was a big advocate in the vaccine and often posted update for his followers about getting vaccination appointments. Young adults dying from cardiac arrest in their sleep seems to be happening far too much after these injections.

Adam played piano and was known in the music community for playing at places like Carnegie Hall. He leaves behind his Husband.

May he Rest In Peace ❤️

#Death #USA #Cardiac #JohnsonAndJohnson #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS