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Aftermath of a police shooting in Moody, Alabama. Witness at 17:57 begins talking (off record) about suspects being Europeans involved with underground digital mind control devices.

Edit: Initial link that i uploaded on Vimeo was taken down and my account was suspended. Uploaded more. If more go down, inform me and i'll create new mirrors.

There is a story developing in Moody, Alabama involving 80-100 police officers swarming a Motel. 1 officer is dead. 2 suspects are in custody and another is barricaded inside a motel room. Drugs might be involved too.

At a live video recording from the same news channel, at their facebook page, a woman walks in at 17:57 mark and starts talking about the involvement of a European company that hired her which deals with Mind Control and Digital Implants thay they were harassing her.

Vimeo link, original is on FB. -down., second upload attempt -up. (whole video)

Streamable Link. It starts from the 17:57 mark, it's a 10 minute clip. -up. (just the relevant clip) mirror - up. (whole video)

The video, originaly, is on Facebook at ABC 33/40 page. Can't share it here because of the rules. Proof.

Here is a transcript i've managed to make. Feel free to correct and expand. I'm not an English Native speaker. Words or phrases embeded in ?words?, i could not understand.

Woman: [inaudible] Digital Mind Control, for I would say probably 6 years or since 2015. There is a guy that [inaudible] from Europe and hired me to work for a company called Neuro ?Bore or Borg or Core? and he is pretty much the ring leader of the whole underground world and-and digital mind implants. He was staying at this hotel, well I’ve been under surveillance from FBI, w/e, CIA and others and so they tipped them off. And so, they’ve been here staying two weeks, breaking in my house, they stole my dog and they were tipped off. They’ve been on open wi-fi so it was discovered. So that is probably, I’m not saying that’s what it is but seeing there is cops [refering to the cop cars outside to the hotel] two miles long, that’s probably what it is. They all came back here, and they got them. But I don’t know if I’ll state that on air because it’s really strange but that’s what been going on. You know what I mean, so how do you do that or were(?wore?) that? Well I’m happy as I’ve ever been, but it was as a result of that.

Reporter: Why did they take your dog?

Woman: They’ve been breaking in my house for-for, well at last summer they did it 6 times, I’ve had 6 police reports. They’ve broken in four times in the last week and then they took my dog two days ago.

Reporter: Were you here when this happened?

Woman: No, I just pulled up [shots][inaudible]

Reporter: Miss, miss, get down. Sounds like tear gas maybe. You see gas?

Woman: But they need to get the computers because the software is on them and they will be able to ?disseverate?, the whole world needs to know.

Close-up Footage from motel resident from r/PublicFreakout.

What do you guys think?

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High probability that the name of the company is Neurocore. Betsy DeVos, now Secretary of Education and her husband are major investors in the company. Might explain the high response police force shown.

In Feb 2017 Neurocore was under investigation by the National Advertising Division, for what i understand is, unsubstantiated claims and practices.

Additional information, neurocore is the company we are talking about:

Company was founded in 2004 Company officialy launched in 2006 B. DeVos was in the board from 2009 up until her nomination as a Sec. of Ed. B. DeVos reported stake in the company between $5 million and $25 million D. DeVos, Betsy's husband, is still an investor through an investement mamagement company called Windquest group.

Active community threads discussing the same topic after delivering the "news" here. Thanks guys for keeping it up.

On Tuesday night in Moody, Alabama a shootout occurred between up to 100 police officers and unidentified suspects barricaded in a motel room. The police presence was astounding. In off-the-air ABC news footage, a witness is speaking about how the suspects are involved in underground mind control. by u/tfg_

[PLEASE READ - UPDATE] A mind control operation (possible Saturn Black Cube connection) and brain implant corporation has been discovered in relation to the recent shootout at a motel in Moody, Alabama. This could potentially be a MAJOR find. by u/tfg_

Y'all ready for some wild shit? by u/asdf2100asd