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How to Be A Genius Without Being A Jerk

Updated May 31, 2013, 12:29pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Everyone has distinct talents that make them great at something. Whether you’re blessed with extraordinary intellect, physical prowess or virtually anything else, your area of expertise makes you unique.

But how do you share your talents with others in the workplace without coming across as pompous? It might seem silly to concern yourself with how you are perceived. Why should you worry about anything but letting your own talents shine?

For one thing, you need a healthy social life to truly succeed. People find it hard to bond with someone they perceive to be an arrogant putz. For another, you can accomplish far more in life when you work with others than you can by yourself, no matter how smart you are.

So here are a few suggestions on how to let your greatest genius traits shine without coming across like a jerk:

Listen first.  In fact, learn to be a great listener. When someone has something to say, train yourself to acknowledge their thoughts and concerns before you jump in to speak. Acknowledge them, as individuals, and do so genuinely and often. This trait will serve you well, and will lead people to respect your opinions, thoughts and accomplishments as well.

When people are wrong, resist the urge to inform them. Instead, ask questions that can help them come to the realization and the decision to change on their own. This helps them to grow and change for the better, while sparing them the embarrassment of getting “told” or the anger or vulnerability of feeling they’ve been judged unfavorably by a peer or a boss.

Offer to help people. This is a great way to clue people in to the fact that you possess remarkable skills in a way that also shows them first and foremost that you genuinely care about them.

Be aware of your body language. Never cross your arms while talking. Even if you’re not trying to act smug, the gesture leaves the impression that you are full of yourself. Try to ease up and relax the tension in your shoulders when you’re ready to share the good news of your great information with somebody else.

Don’t brag. If the topic of your accomplishments comes up in a conversation, feel free to talk about them, but don’t try to “score points” by telling everyone you meet about your most recent feat. People will be more impressed when they discover these interesting facts on their own than if they’ve heard about every one of your accomplishments and wonders from you.

Don’t use jargon or flowery prose. Talk to people in language they can understand. Don’t try to impress them with your stilted and stuffy mastery of advanced English (or whatever language you speak). Clarity and brevity in language is a gift.

Treat everyone as equals. Don’t consider yourself to be better than others, or everything you say is likely to sound condescending to them. Many of the world’s greatest leaders have become greater still as the result of this one basic trait.

Don't hog the spotlight. Do amazing work and gratefully accept others’ genuine praise when it’s offered, but don’t demand that others pay continual note to your work. It’s tempting to want others to notice you and give you credit for all that makes you exceptional, but you are far better off to resist this impulse. People will lose interest quickly if you clamor for attention, even if the credit is fully deserved.

In a nutshell, remember the greatest rule of PR: the strongest boost to your reputation doesn’t come from the things you say to others. It comes from the things others say about you. Why not hold back a little bit and allow them that chance?

Additional reporting for this article was provided by Fishbowl Content Specialist Robert Lockard. 

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