While there's no doubt clothing dryers are total life savers, some items just don't mesh well with this heavy-duty appliance. If you want to avoid shrinking, warping, or straight-up destroying some of your favorite pieces in your wardrobe, listen to us: We asked the experts from the Good Housekeeping Institute to share what items should stay far away from this laundry room staple.

1. Bathing suits

While they can stand the heat on the beach, the harsh temperature in the dryer will leave spandex brittle and broken, says Carolyn Forte, director of the Cleaning Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute. Don't worry: Small amounts of spandex (like you might find in the band of your jeans) are fine.

2. Pantyhose or tights

This delicate mesh material will shrink in the heat, while the tumbling motion can also cause 'em to get tangled, warns Forte. Have you ever tried to untie a knot in a pair of hosiery? You don't want to.

3. Rubber-backed rugs

Sure, these rugs that keep you from slipping and sliding in your bathroom are small enough to fit inside your handy dryer, but the rubber on the back won't stand up to the intense heat and might even crumble says Forte. Plus, overheating it could cause a dryer fire.

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4. Bras

Your delicates are, in fact, too delicate to throw in the dryer. "The heat and agitation of a dryer can damage the bra's elasticity and shape, and hanging it can cause stretching," says Lexie Sachs, product analyst in the Textiles Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute. Instead Sachs recommends laying them flat to dry.

5. Garments with embellishments

Think sequins or stones. Forte says the tumble cycle can cause damage to your fanciest tops or dresses, while simultaneously snagging other items in the process. It's way easier to hang dry them or — if the material is thin or delicate — lay them on a towel to air out.

6. Anything with a care tag that warns against dryers

This seems obvious, but even laundry veterans shouldn't toss in a load without double-checking the tag — especially if you're not sure what sort of fabric your clothes are made of (an unfamiliar blend be tricky to ID by touch and sight alone). Items with silk or wool, for instance, often shouldn't get thrown in the machine. If air-drying or dry cleaning is recommended, it's for a good reason: It'll help your items look new for longer, while preventing shrinking, warping, and more.

7. Running shoes

The heat can shrink the rubber, ruin your cushioning, and weaken adhesives, leaving your sturdy sneakers weak and useless. However, tennis shoes that aren't for athletic purpuses (read: don't require serious support) can be thrown in the dryer with several towels on a cool-air cycle.

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Headshot of Lauren Smith McDonough
Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at WomansDay.com and the home editor at GoodHousekeeping.com and HouseBeautiful.com. Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.