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Oklahoma ‘Pastafarian’ wears spaghetti strainer on head for driver’s license picture (VIDEO)


An Oklahoma woman has posed for her driver’s license picture wearing a spaghetti strainer on her head.

Shawna Hammond a member of the spoof “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” claimed she had to don the colander at all times as part of her “Pastafarian” faith.

She was allowed to wear the bizarre gear because it falls under the state’s rules for religious headwear.

“I asked if I could wear my religious headwear and he said, yes,” she told KFOR.

Shawna Hammond was allowed to wear their religious headwear for her driver's license photo.
Shawna Hammond was allowed to wear their religious headwear for her driver’s license photo.

“It just couldn’t have any logos, or any type of writing. I told him it didn’t, and I went out to my car and got my colander,” she added.

The church was founded by atheist Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest against the teaching of creationism in schools.

It uses the spaghetti strainer as its symbol.

For Hammond, the spaghetti strainer is a symbol of freedom.
For Hammond, the spaghetti strainer is a symbol of freedom.

Hammond, an Enid Atheist who said “no one should be forced into certain beliefs,” revealed she was thrilled to be allowed to pose wearing the utensil.

“For me the colander represents freedom, our freedom of religion, and to whatever religion that we prefer, or even lack of religion,” she added.

It comes nine months after fellow church member Christopher Schaeffer, a council member in Pomfret, NY, wore a colander on his head as he was sworn into office.

The collander falls under the state's rule for religious freedom.
The collander falls under the state’s rule for religious freedom.

And last year Czech man Lukas Novy was allowed to wear a sieve for his ID card after officials ruled it would be breaching the nation’s religious equality laws if they turned him down.