This Resistance Band Workout Will Leave All of Your Muscles Shaking

Smiling female athlete practicing with a resistance band at home.
Photo: Drazen Zigic/Getty

No weights? No problem. This full-body resistance band workout will strengthen your whole body with a single compact tool.

01 of 09

The Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

Woman performing a full-body resistance band workout

Pumping iron is great and all, but if you're constantly traveling or have a home gym that's the size of a closet, weight lifting isn't necessarily an option. Luckily, resistance bands can help you strengthen your muscles while only taking up as much space as a sock, so you can stash 'em in your suitcase or desk drawer for a muscle-quivering resistance band workout whenever, wherever.

Not sure how to use a band to get all of its benefits? Start with this full-body resistance band workout from Miami-based fitness expert Jessica Smith. All you need is one super-portable, super-affordable band to see some major gains.

How it works: Do one set of the prescribed number of reps for each exercise band exercise with little to no rest between each move. After you finish the entire circuit, rest 1-2 minutes, and then repeat the whole thing two more times (three circuits total).

You'll need: One resistance band, a mat (optional)

Training tip: Resistance bands vary in size, shape, and thickness. You may need to modify or change the way you use your band, depending on the type that you have at home. (And if you don't already have one, check out these top choices before starting this best resistance band workout.)

02 of 09

Rotating Lunge and Row

Rotating Lunge and Row
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Legs, butt, abs, upper back

A. Stand in a split stance with right leg forward and left heel lifted. Fold the resistance band in half and hold it parallel to the ground in front of chest, palms facing down.

B. Bend elbows and stretch the band wider while rowing the band into chest. Keep shoulders down and imagine that you're squeezing a lemon between shoulder blades.

C. Row and rotate torso to the right while lowering into a lunge. Return to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

Training tip: In this full-body resistance band workout move, brace your abs in tighter as you rotate your body and lower into the lunge to help maintain your balance.

03 of 09

Sliding Plie Squat Pull

Sliding Plie Squat Pull
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Inner thighs, hips, butt, back, arms

A. Stand tall with knees and toes slightly turned out, heels pressed together, holding the folded resistance band overhead.

B. Step right foot out wide to the side and immediately bend both knees and lower into plie squat position, stretching the band wide while pulling it down in front of chest.

C. Slide right foot back into left foot, reaching the band overhead and returning to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

Training tip: Keep your abs drawn in tight during the entire exercise band exercise, and focus on squeezing your inner thighs together as you slide your foot back in. (BTW, these inner thigh exercises will seriously strengthen your legs.)

04 of 09

Resisted Push-up

Resisted Pushup
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Chest, arms, abs, back

A. Grab one end of the resistance band in each hand and stretch it across upper back/shoulders (the band should be under armpits).

B. Get into a push-up position with feet together, holding the ends of the band in place with hands.

C. Lower body to perform a full push-up and press up to start. That's one rep.

Do 15 reps.

Training tip: If high push-ups are too tough, you can modify the exercise by dropping to your knees. For more of a challenge, increase the resistance by shortening the band (hold more of it under your hands). If you're not working with a flat band for this move, you may want to drape a towel over your upper back to avoid any "band burn." (

05 of 09

Front Curl and Press

Front Curl and Press
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Biceps, legs, shoulders, chest

A. Hold both ends of the band evenly and step left foot across the center. Lunge right leg forward (left leg should remain straight). Curl the ends of the band into body, keeping elbows in tight by sides, palms facing up.

B. Press arms out in front of chest, palms facing up, elbows slightly bent.

C. Bend arms back in by sides and then lower. That's one rep.

Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

Training tip: Engage your abs, press your shoulders down, and keep your upper body as still as possible during the curl and press movements. If you need more resistance, move your grip lower on the band for this part of the full-body resistance band workout.

06 of 09

Reaching Rear Row

Reaching Rear Row
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Legs, back, biceps

A. Start in a split stance with left foot forward. Place left foot on the center of the band, holding both ends with right hand.

B. Lower into a lunge, reaching right hand towards the inside of left foot.

C. While rising out of the lunge, row the band back, pulling the ends of the band to the right side of body. That's one rep.

Do 15 reps, then switch sides.

Training tip: During this full-body resistance band workout move, brace your abs in tight and maintain a straight line through your spine as you reach and row. Your shoulders and torso can twist during the reach and row movement, but don't let your shoulders round forward. (Not only are they great for strengthening your back and biceps in this fitness band workout but these row exercise variations can also improve your posture.)

07 of 09

Leaning Twist

Leaning Twist
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Abs, arms, shoulders

A. Sit with the band looped around feet, knees slightly bent, holding the ends of the band evenly with palms facing down.

B. Hinge back, twisting upper body to the right while opening arms (left arm extends up by ear, right arm extends down and out to the side).

C. Slowly and with control, return to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 20 reps, alternating sides each time.

Training tip: As you lean back, keep your spine naturally arched, chest lifted, and abs engaged so you don't collapse into your lower back during this fitness band workout move.

08 of 09

Triceps Press

Triceps Press
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Triceps, abs, upper back

A. Sit tall with knees slightly bent and the band looped around feet. Focus on using back muscles to bend elbows in by sides, holding the band with palms facing down.

B. Brace abs in tight, lean upper body forward, and extend both arms behind your body, keeping spine naturally arched.

C. Return to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 20 reps.

Training tip: Focus on pressing the resistance band behind your body with the backs of your arms during this full-body resistance band workout move. For more of a challenge, increase the resistance by lowering your grip on the band. (Want more resistance band workouts for women? Check out this chest-centric exercise band workout to strengthen those pecs.)

09 of 09

Bridge Kick Press

Bridge Kick Press
Vanessa Rogers

Targets: Butt, legs, shoulders

A. Lie face-up with knees bent and feet flexed so that only heels touch the floor. Loop the band around the bottom of right foot and hold both ends evenly with arms bent, palms facing in.

B. Lift hips off the floor and extend right leg out about 45 degrees (right knee should be in line with left), pressing both arms overhead.

C. Lower hips and return arms to the starting position. That's one rep. (

Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

Training tip: Keep abs drawn in and exhale as you extend your arms and legs, pressing your belly button in closer to your spine as you breathe out during this exercise band exercise. Inhale as you return to start. (And if you really want to work your tush, consider adding these fitness band squats into this best resistance band workout.)

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