Incision care


Incision care refers to a series of procedures and precautions related to closing a wound or surgical incision; protecting the cut or injured tissues from contamination or infection; and caring properly for the new skin that forms during the healing process. Incision care begins in the hospital or outpatient clinic and is continued by the patient during recovery at home .


There are several reasons for caring properly for an incision or wound. These include:


Types of wound or incision closure

Proper care of an incision begins with knowing what material or technique the surgeon used to close the cut. There are four major types of closure used in Canada and the United States as of 2003.

SURGICAL SUTURES. Sutures, or stitches, are the oldest method still in use to close an incision. The surgeon uses a sterilized thread, which may be made of natural materials (silk or catgut) or synthetic fibers, to stitch the edges of the cut together with a special curved needle. There are two major types of sutures, absorbable and nonabsorbable. Absorbable sutures are gradually broken down in the body, usually within two months. Absorbable sutures do not have to be removed. They are used most commonly to close the deeper layers of tissue in a large incision or in such areas as the mouth. Nonabsorbable sutures are not broken down in the body and must be removed after the incision has healed. They are used most often to close the outer layers of skin or superficial cuts.

Sutures have several disadvantages. Because they are made of materials that are foreign to the body, they must be carefully sterilized and the skin around the incision cleansed with Betadine or a similar antiseptic to minimize the risk of infection. Suturing also requires more time than newer methods of closure. If the patient is not under general anesthesia, the surgeon must first apply or inject a local anesthetic before suturing. Lastly, there is a higher risk of scarring with sutures, particularly if the surgeon puts too much tension on the thread while stitching or selects thread that is too thick for the specific procedure.

SURGICAL STAPLES. Surgical staples are a newer method of incision closure. Staples are typically made of stainless steel or titanium. They are used most commonly to close lacerations on the scalp or to close the outer layers of skin in orthopedic procedures. They cannot be used on the face, hand, or other areas of the body where tendons and nerves lie close to the surface. Staples are usually removed seven to 10 days after surgery.

Staples are less likely to cause infections than sutures, and they also take less time to use. They can, however, leave noticeable scars if the edges of the wound or incision have not been properly aligned. In addition, staples require a special instrument for removal.

STERI-STRIPS. Steri-strips are pieces of adhesive material that can be used in some surgical procedures to help the edges of an incision grow together. They have several advantages, including low rates of infection, speed of application, no need for local anesthesia, and no need for special removal. Steri-strips begin to curl and peel away from the body, usually within five to seven days after surgery. They should be pulled off after two weeks if they have not already fallen off. Steri-strips, however, have two disadvantages: they are not as precise as sutures in bringing the edges of an incision into alignment; and they cannot be used on areas of the body that are hairy or that secrete moisture, such as the palms of the hands or the armpits.

LIQUID TISSUE GLUES. Tissue glues are the newest type of incision closure. They are applied to the edges of the incision and form a bond that holds the tissues together until new tissue is formed. The tissue glues most commonly used as of 2003 belong to a group of chemicals known as cyanoacrylates. In addition to speed of use and a low infection rate, tissue glues are gradually absorbed by the body. They are less likely to cause scarring, which makes them a good choice for facial surgery and other cosmetic procedures. They are also often used to close lacerations or incisions in children, who find them less frightening or painful than sutures or staples. Like Steri-strips, however, tissue glues cannot be used on areas of high moisture. They are also ineffective for use on the knee or elbow joints.

Dressings and drainage devices

After the incision is closed, it is covered with a dressing of some sort to keep it dry and clean, and prevent infection. Most dressings consist of gauze pads held in place by strips of adhesive tape or ACE bandages. An antibiotic ointment may also be applied to the gauze. A newer type of dressing, called OpSite, is a thin transparent membrane made of polyurethane coated with adhesive. It keeps disease organisms out of the wound while holding a layer of moisture close to the skin. This moist environment keeps scabs from forming and speeds up healing of the incision. OpSite can also be used to hold catheters or drainage tubes in place. It cannot, however, be used for severe (third-degree) burns or deep incisions.

Some surgical procedures, such as a mastectomy or removal of a ruptured appendix, require the surgeon to insert a drainage device to remove blood, pus, or other tissue fluids from the area of the incision. It is important to prevent these fluids from collecting under the incision because they encourage the growth of disease organisms. The drain may be left in place after the patient leaves the hospital. If so, the patient will need to check and empty the drain daily in addition to general incision care.

Home care of incisions

Guidelines for home care of an incision vary somewhat depending on the material that was used for closure, the location and size of the incision, and the nature of the operation. The following section is a general description of the major aspects of incision care.

Patients should ask their doctor for specific information about caring for their incision:

Most hospitals and surgery clinics provide patients with written handouts or checklists about incision care; however, it is always helpful to go over the information in the handout with the doctor or nurse, and to ask any further questions that may arise.

BATHING AND SHOWERING. Incisions should be kept dry for several days after surgery, with the exception of incisions closed with tissue glue. Incisions closed with nonabsorbable sutures or staples must be kept dry until the doctor removes the sutures or staples, usually about seven to 10 days after surgery. Incisions closed with Steri-strips should be kept dry for about four to five days. If the incision gets wet accidentally, it must be dried at once. Patients with incisions on the face, hands, or arms may be able to take showers or tub baths as long as they are able to hold the affected area outside the water. Patients with incisions in other parts of the body can usually take sponge baths.

It is usually safe to allow incisions closed with tissue glue to get wet during showering or bathing. The patient should, however, dry the area around the incision carefully after washing.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE. Patients should avoid any activity that is likely to pull on the edges of the incision or put pressure on it. Walking and other light activities are encouraged, as they help to restore normal energy levels and digestive functions. Patients should not, however, participate in sports, engage in sexual activity, or lift heavy objects until they have had a postoperative checkup.

MEDICATIONS. Patients are asked to avoid aspirin or over-the-counter medications containing aspirin for a week to 10 days after surgery, because aspirin interferes with blood clotting and makes it easier for bruises to form in the skin near the incision. The doctor will usually prescribe codeine or another non-aspirin medication for pain control.

Patients with medications prescribed for other conditions or disorders should ask the doctor before starting to take them again.

SUN EXPOSURE. As an incision heals, the new skin that is formed over the cut is very sensitive to sunlight and will burn more easily than normal skin. Sunburn in turn will lead to worse scarring. Patients should keep the incision area covered for three to nine months from direct sun exposure in order to prevent burning and severe scarring.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR FACIAL INCISIONS. Patients who have had facial surgery are usually given very detailed instructions about incision care because the skin of the face is relatively thin, and incisions in this area can be easily stretched out of alignment. In addition, patients should not apply any cosmetic creams or makeup after surgery without the surgeon's approval because of the risk of infection or allergic reaction.

GENERAL HYGIENE. Infection is the most common complication of surgical procedures. It can be serious; of the 300,000 patients whose incisions become infected each year in the United States, about 10,000 will die. It is important, therefore, to minimize the risk of an infection when caring for an incision at home.

Patients should observe the following precautions about general cleanliness and personal habits:


Some patients are more likely to develop infections or to have their incision split open, which is known as dehiscence. Risk factors for infection or dehiscence include:

Warning signs

Patients who notice any of the following signs or symptoms should call their doctor:

Normal results

As an incision heals, it is normal to experience some redness, swelling, itching, minor skin irritation or oozing of tissue fluid, or small lumps in the skin near the incision. At first, the skin over the incision will feel thick and hard. After a period of two to six months, the swelling and irritation will go down and the scar tissue will soften and begin to blend into the surrounding tissue.

See also Bandages and dressings ; Hospital-acquired infections ; Postoperative care ; Wound care .



Graber, Mark, MD. "General Surgery: Wound Management," In The University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook . 4th edition. Edited by Mark Graber, MD, and Matthew L. Lanternier, MD. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2001.


Farion, K., M. H. Osmond, L. Hartling, et al. "Tissue Adhesives for Traumatic Lacerations in Children and Adults." Cochrane Database Systems Review 2002: CD003326.

Higgins, Robert V., Wendel Naumann, and James Hall. "Abdominal Incisions and Sutures in Gynecologic Oncological Surgery." eMedicine . December 11, 2002 [cited February 19, 2003].

Mattick, A., G. Clegg, T. Beattie, and T. Ahmad. "A Randomised, Controlled Trial Comparing a Tissue Adhesive (2-octylcyanoacrylate) with Adhesive Strips (Steri-strips) for Paediatric Laceration Repair." Emergency Medicine Journal 19 (September 2002): 405–407.

Passey, Andrew. "Does the Suture Have a Future?" , November 15, 2002 [cited February 19, 2003].,lang,2/ticket,g_a_s_t/oid,7456/local_lang,2 .

Selo-Ojeme, D. O., and K. B. Lim. "Randomised Clinical Trial of Suture Compared with Adhesive Strip for Skin Closure After HRT Implant." BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 109 (October 2002): 1178–1180.

Takahashi, K., T. Muratani, M. Saito, et al. "Evaluation of the Disinfective Efficacy of Povidone-Iodine with the Use of the Transparent Film Dressing OpSite Wound." Dermatology 204 (2002), Supplement 1: 59–62.

Rebecca Frey, Ph.D.

User Contributions:

I was given avenox to heal an incision. Is this a safe drug?
I just had my surgery yesterday for Umblical Hernia. The pain have been escruciating. Right now, I cannot seat dawn without help and can not get up without help. The same thing with lieing down, and getting up from the bed. The pain have been very bad. I don't know if this is normal.

They was not much information given to me for after care. I was told to take off the gauze after a day. Right now, I am not sure how I am suppose to handle my after care. I was still very drusy and under so much pain that I was not in the best frame of mind to ask more details about the after care.
I have called my doctor and left a message. I am still wating for his call back. I don't want to expose myself to infection.
I broke my femur last month I got surgery 3 days after I got surgery I got a metal plaite put in but I lost 2 pints of blood during surgery so once I came home I caught phenomena then when I was going to get my stiches removed I got an x-ray and the plaite slipped so I had to get a 2nd surgery to fix it but because I have osteoporosis they have to reconstuct my bone and put pins in now its been about a week ago and I have dry blood in the area and its starting to smell but I can't clean it because its covered with bandages what do I do & is that bad can it get infected?
I have an infected abcess on my abdomen 3 months after HRT implant. How is this possible?
i have been experiencing deep hip pain (like a pinched nerve) mobility of my right leg is painful, i went to my local GP and he reffered me for an xray and it was noted in the findings report (not word for word) that although everything appeared normal i have surgical clips in the right side of the pelvis projected over the right sacroiliac joint. which to my belief may have been left after i had my appendix removed when i was 15yrs of age, i am now 28yrs of age. It's hard to know what information on the net is factual or quite missleading. I have been trying to peice together if the surgical clips should have been removed and if there is any risk factors involved future reference that i should be aware of and if the pain that i am experiencing is associated in any way to this issue? Any correct and relevant info regarding this topic would be greatly appreciated, kind regards amanda :) thanks
Mildred Bass
In Feb 2011, I had open heart surgery. I have been in constant pain ever since. It is not the heart, that is good. It is the incision and the area around the incision. I get lightening quick sharp pains in my breast and around the incision and close to my throat. My breast feel as though I have a metal plate in my chest. I live on pain meds. Any physical activity makes my chest hurt so bad that I have to go to bed on pain meds. Please help me find an answer. My doctors are baffled as to why, after so long a time after surgery I am still in very bad pain. Thanks in advance.
i had facial surgery, i am really scared that the scarring will stay. how do i help the healing to ensure i don't get scarred?? should i be taking multivitamins etc? applying creams?

i didn't know you could not wash the area, and i have done so, whats the repercussion?
Julie Wolf
I had a partial hysterectomy 3 months ago. My uterus and right ovary removed. Less than 2 weeks after my surgery, 2 internal stitches came out leaving my vaginal wall with an opening at the incision site. Now, 3 months later, the opening still hasn't closed. I have had sex twice in the past week, both times left me in terrible pain.
What do I do? My doctor said the incision would close on its own but hasn't yet.
had a knee operation two weeks ago. The doctor removed the staples yesterday, 15 days after the operation and covered my leg with a cast from ankle to thigh. Last night i went to the toilet and the lid fell down. Instinctively i tried to catch it and bend my knee in the cast. i immediately felt some oozing and wetness. I am now fearful the cut had split open. Would i have experienced immediate pain if it did split open at the time I tried to bend it? If it did split open what sensations would warn me it did indeed happen. If it only separated slightly would it still heal as my cast is due to stay on another 4weeks. please help i am rather worried. God Bless
I had right kidney removed in 1990 - non-cancerous - I am suppose to get MRI of neck but radiologist said he could not do it unless he knew what type of staples were used?? - I do have my old records - but nothing mentioned about what type of staples were used - when I had a recent x-ray in emergency - they are there - and some security gates sets it off - how in heavens name can I find out anymore about what these staples are made of??? Doctor is decreased.
I nearly cut my hand of in 2007 at work sliced ulnar nerve and tendons and blood vessels they used staples to stop the bleeding, it's now been five year since it happened and i went for a x ray to see why my hand was acting weird. And on the x ray it showed four loose staples and i tried talking to workman comp but no look what can i do?
I had a pilonidal cyst removed i went great then i had a branch of the main cyst growing i had an incision and its been 1 1\2 weeks and it still draining and feel a little pain before the incision the drainage was pus after it was just "body fluid" (redish liquid) and now it looks like a brown with yellow liquid is this normal or would it be infected and what should i do about it ?
Why do sutures (stitches) take a longer time to heal than other methods?
when will a ten years old allowed to take his bandage off
How long for staples after kidney removal?
Do they usually use staples for this kind of surgery and how long are they in the hospital for this type of suergery
Hi, I have had one of my ovaries removed 8 weeks ago. I felt everything was ok but then I went abroad 7weeks after the opp and I felt burning sensation with in my incision. Than the next day I noticed I had this pea sized knot, exectly the same place I felt the burning sensation. Will the knot go away? What is it exectly? Thanks
My dad got surgery under knee n titanium plate arranged but water draining from sutures n incision not closed . How can we stop it n y this is happening. Pls suggest urgent.
I had surgery on 9-11-2013. Aoertic bi-femoral bypass. I Have A large blood clot in my incision about 2 inches by 3 inches. Part of it is visible and a good percentage of it is underneath my skin. When will it be safe for me to take a hot bath? I'm I have been waiting for quite a while. Please advise me on what is normal to do.
Karla Lemon
I had brain surgery in September and had to go back in hospital on the weekend to have staples put back in as a hole appeared. I got home yesterday and this morning I see a little green pus ball under the skin near the end of a staple. Is this normal or should I call my doctor about this. I am putting Bioderm on the incision 3 times a day...
Amanda M.
Had arthroscopic hip surgery two weeks ago. Only two small incisions... Sutures were removed today. One incision in groin area will not stay closed. Steri-strips were placed on the incision, but one fell off already and I had to replace it at home. Worried about infection and a big nasty scar forming.
Had carotid surgery to remove plaque. I was instructed to see the surgeon 7 days afterwards to remove the staples. That was not possible because he is on vacation
With no one filling in. Was given a appointment with the doctor which would be 14 days after surgery. Is it normal for the area of of the incision to have a raised lump.
It does not hurt when touched. No fever or signs of a stroke.
Esther Wangare
I had an injury on my face it has now formed a scar it worries me alot what do i do?
I had a labia reduction 4 days ago. I haven't been gave any pain relief, cream or aftercare. Dry blood and yellow bits keep sticking to my stitches (disovable) and its getting more painful the more I swell and bruise no matter of I soak and clean my stitches it's still very painful. What can I do to stay clean and in less pain ? I'm bathing twice daily with salt water and taking paracetamol but nothing makes a difference.
had staples in leg after broke tibia and fibula now they took staples out everything was fin now after 4th week turning red and pink dont know what to do please help
I have the problem of a titanium implant continually chaffing through the left tear trough. This is the second episode of this happening over the space of a decade... so I am talking a 20 year history since the major trauma event. Right now I'm in search of a surgeon that has some experience in closing and reinforcing those types of wounds. I am heading for the Long Beach California area the 7th. of May 2015. I might find someone there.

Thank you for your kind attention to my query,

sincerely, Darrell
the dr.removed the stitches en 15 days because she not is available after 15 days i have hiperectomya is danger leaf the stitches this time
Today is November 14. I had my gallbladder removed on October 20th. The surgeon that did my surgery used to be a great doctor, but I think that he is getting a little to old to be doing surgery anymore. I think he is close to 70 years old if not 65. The incision is 4 inches wide and about 2 inches or more deep. I had my staples removed on Oct 26th. Only 6 days after surgery. 1 of my incisions reopened and poured fluid and blood out 24 hours after my staples were removed. I think that they removed them too early. I have been packing and repacking the wound for 3 weeks now, as doctors orders. It does not seem to be healing or closing up. It is not red, but turning black around the edges and it hurts like hell. The surgeon refuses pain meds. I dont care if its not a narcotic nor controlled substance; just something to kill the pain. Tylenol and IB Profen is not working for me anymore. What other pain relieve can I take or get over the counter to help me?? Aspirin is NOT recommended for this type of surgery. Will it heal or will I have to have it cleaned and re-stapled? Can anyone help me or tell me what to do. Should I see another surgeon about this? Or ask the same one to re-staple it or what. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!
Charleen Myers
My husband had brain surgery and had a tumor removed and he went to take a shower and wash his hair and the incision Iike his doctor said and he got out of the shower and I was getting ready to help him with his hair when I knoticed that the incision was gone, along with the scab and a small hole was where the incision and scab was. Is that normal for brain surgery, will it heal or what do I do. Please help me someone as soon as possible cause I am terrified and I don't want anything to happen.
I recently cut my finger(been about 2 weeks) it's healed up nice... no stitches but, the cut was very deep I smacked it a few times now it's bruised and very swollen I'm pretty sure it isn't infected (no pus, no redness) I read a few days ago that someone cit themselves in a similar manner and they got a blood clot in the wound from not getting stitches could this be whats happening to me? My knuckle is the only thing swollen, my finger only hurts in the area where it was cut but only if I ding it I can move my finger just fine but, would like help to know of maybe it could've gotten infected inside. I haven't had any signs of it worsening just swelling after I banged it a few times over a period of about 4 days
I had inguinal hernia mesh removed 11 weeks ago and my incision keeps oozing stitches out and there is a burning sensation in the incision. I had a stitch infection 5 weeks out. Should I be worried! The incision sealed up on one end but keeps oozing on the other end and is bruising and a reddish purple color.
Wound glue was applied to wound on my head & area was not shaven. Also, glue was accidentally dropped on nearby area on hair. Glue hasn't come off after 2-3 weeks following application. What should I do?
linda nohren
Eight yrs. ago had knee replacement. They used glue on the incision. It was amazing. The incision wound was only as thick as a thread. Now I need the other knee replaced,
My original doctor has retired, and this doctor only uses sutures, I can see that there will be a definite scar unlike the first knee. If glueing is the latest thing and very little scaring,
why would this doctor be doing sutures? He's supposed to be the best knee surgeon in our area.

Thank you, Linda
I had a scaumas cell carcinoma removed from very near my vagina 2 weeks ago. Now the site is pulling apart, it's painful, and red and itchy. Dr told me to keep it moist with antibiotic ointment and clean 2x a day with warm vinegar water. I'm scared and don't know what to do, please advise

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