A Refrigerator Staple: Cooked Greens

cooked chard(Edward Schneider)

Edward makes a compelling argument for having a batch of cooked greens on hand in the fridge, and further argues that they should not be simply steamed or boiled but made “delicious from the start.” I use this kind of thing for pasta once a week, on average. –MB

A container of cooked greens can provide the basis for any number of quick meals. Though it might be tempting to cook them in a neutral way and gussy them up at the last minute, I find that it pays to make them interesting, delicious and complete from the start. For one thing, the flavors become better integrated. And, perhaps more important, they’re more tempting and you’re more likely to use them with pleasure rather than out of a sense of duty.

Here’s what I generally do with, say, a bunch of Swiss chard. I strip the leaves off the stems (unless the stems are extremely fine and tender), cut the stems into one-and-a-half or two inch lengths, wash everything thoroughly and let it drain in a strainer or on a towel — but it should not be bone-dry. In a good couple of tablespoons of olive oil and over medium-low heat, I sweat two cloves of garlic, sliced, and generally a pinch or two of dried hot pepper flakes. Sometimes, I also use an ounce of pancetta or guanciale (or indeed bacon), cutting the olive oil by half — don’t brown it, just cook it through.

Now I add the chard stems and some salt, stir to combine and cover the pan, letting the chard steam in its own juices and whatever water remains on its surface. A couple of minutes later, in go the leaves, roughly chopped, a few sage leaves (optional) and some more salt. Cover again for a little while, until their color changes and they’re limp, adding water by the spoonful if necessary. Now remove the lid and cook until much of the liquid has evaporated. Stems and leaves should both be tender now, but not mushy.

Unless, of course, we eat it right away, this gets packed into a storage container and kept in the fridge; it will hold for four or five days, even longer if you keep your fridge very cold.

I do a number of things with my pre-cooked chard. Our favorite is to eat it with pasta: while you’re boiling some cut pasta, roughly chop some of your cooked chard and reheat it in a skillet. Add the cooked pasta to the skillet and stir to combine (over medium heat), check for seasoning, and finish with any or all of the following: grated Parmesan or pecorino; good olive oil; some cubes of fresh mozzarella; coarse breadcrumbs fried in olive oil or toasted pine nuts (for crunch); some pitted olives; some chopped tomato. The grated cheese and extra olive oil are pretty much de rigueur. The dish may need to be loosened up with some of the pasta water.

Other uses: eating it (hot or tepid) on toasted or grilled bread rubbed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil — this can be a first course or a complete meal; using it as part of the filling for lasagna or cannelloni; making it into a frittata (squeeze it dry for this); adding broth to it for a good quick soup; chopping it finer and making it part of a meatball or meatloaf mixture.

Having it all ready like that removes one barrier to cooking at the end of a long day — and that’s part of the point of these “musts” for the fridge. — Edward Schneider

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One trick my uncle taught me is to pre-cook greens in the microwave, then quickly toss them in a pan with some oil and garlic to finish them off. Pretty quick, especially with chard or beet greens.

Thank you for this posting on greens. They are such an important part of the diet. I love the chard with pasta dish. After going to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (www.integrativenutrition.com), I learned how to incorporate greens into almost every meal I eat. The school is awesome. Check out their blog too at //blog.integrativenutrition.com/!

Great idea! I have an abundance of monster chard in my garden that must be harvested within the next few days. I’ve already made super-chardy lasagna (photos of monster chard and lasagna here), but there’s only so much you can use that way.



Another suggested addition to pasta and greens: cooked beans. I usually use navy or cannellini. Add them to the skillet while reheating the chard. Adding a little bean water (with or instead of the pasta water) gives a nice silkiness to the dish.

Can tell you’ve been in Spain!

FYI to all…tomorrow is BLOG ACTION DAY 2008! Google it!

My favorite, simple way to eat greens (kale, chard, cabbage, or preferably a mix of all of them) is to heat a cast iron skillet to HOT, wash and chiffonade the greens, add them to the skillet with water still clinging to their leaves, toss in a Tbs or so of bacon fat or olive oil or butter, and cook until wilted. If they’re finely chopped, they really don’t need long at all; I actually prefer them a little crispy/chewy. To the skillet I add red pepper flakes, garlic, and salt. After a few minutes, I toss them in a bowl with fresh lemon zest and juice. Perfecto! Very good alone, as bruschetta, tossed with beans, or really anyway and anytime. I eat a variation of this about two or three times a week.

I wonder if you could freeze these in order to have some on hand later in the winter – I am thinking of the person who is going to be harvesting lots of chard soon. I can tell it’s getting cold because I’m squirreling away treats like this to pull out later, to make a quick lunch or dinner. I have lots of little 1 cup containers just for that purpose, and even with a small chest freezer, about 6 cubic feet, I have lots of frozen blueberries, and single servings of spaghetti sauce, chili, even pork with onions and apples to enjoy later in the year. With all the financial gobbledegook, it feels so comforting to have the larder stocked for the short/long haul.

Swiss chard has been the best vegetable in my garden this year. We enjoyed the recent articles in the Well section of the NYT for sauteed chard with golden raisins and pine nuts. We’ve also enjoyed a swiss chard risotto. I use it as a substitute for spinach in recipes because its been producing all summer, whereas the spinach bolted long ago.


Coincidentally, this is very similar to what my husband is making for dinner tonight, except we are using collard greens (we live in Memphis). Here in the south, one finds 3 kinds of greens: collard greens, mustard greens and turnip greens (as well as kale, swiss chard, etc). I don’t particularly care for the usual way of preparing them here (boil to death with piece of fatback) and am always trying to think of new ways to serve them. Another thing I do with turnip greens is to make a soup with them, plus some white beans. Would appreciate other suggestions about southern greens!

Oh, there’s lots of chard in the farmers market at present, and this is a great idea for the mountains I come home with.

Juliet – being Southern, I agree that greens are a little tired when boiled to death with fatback. But throw in a little pancetta or diced prosciutto to some garlicky, wilted greens over pasta – you will believe that pork and greens were meant to be!


While most collards you’ll find in the South are exactly as you’ve described them – drowned and dead – you can actually treat them much like Ed suggests doing other greens.

I cut my collards into fat ribbons, sauté with a few slices of garlic in oil, cover to steam, and eat still fairly firm.

The traditional method can be delicious, but I always feel better after eating them like this, with still vitamins intact.


Mark, I must tell you that you are my favorite food writer and I look forward to your Wednesday columns. This one is particularly relevant. I love chard and other glorious greens but seem to end up throwing out more than I can use from the huge bunches sold at my market.

Now I don’t have to worry. Thanks for all the great ideas.

PS I posted a link to your post on mine.


Spend a day in the Chinatown of your nearest large city, visit a kitchen inhabited by a Southern cook, and none of this is new. However, after seeing the PBS series on Spain, which was, alas, about personalities and egos instead of what the title promised (Spain) I have to say that even the recipes in the NYT’s are starting to look as elitist as the rest of this newspaper. With no hopes of a $250k income in my ifetime, the Food section talks about a world that only the top 3% can relate to. The NYT is starting to look suspiciously like Fox News and CNN where personalities, celebrity, money, and more money rule the newspaper’s pens. It used to be such a good read.

My grandparents have been doing this for years with collards and mustard greens. You can freeze them too. They are a great staple to have and very budget friendly as well.

Tom | TallCloverFarm October 15, 2008 · 11:31 am

Keep those chard recipes coming, as it’s the most reliable and long-running green in my garden. For gardeners on the wild side, consider planting ‘bright lights’ chard in a rainbow of stem colors that pop. I just posted a photo of this highly ornamental and delicious green at Tall Clover Farm.

Thanks for the suggestions, Haley and Aaron.
However, I’m sorry to have to disagree (mostly) with NE. What’s elitist about chard and pasta? Now, monkfish (today’s recipe), yes, that would certainly be a little hard to find in most places outside of NY (or Spain). So does that make it elitist?

I wish somebody, either farmers, stores or even large producer/distributor , would start selling one of the best offerings of the Italian “Erbivendoli” and “Supermercati”: Pre cooked, boiled or steamed, leafy greens.

So simple. You can buy spinach, swiss chard, dandelion, chicory , broccoli rape and even nettles that have been cooked ,drained ,shaped into large balls and then packed into clear cello boxes.

Three or four boxes, a week stash , will make your soups, meat, fish, poultry and pasta dishes much tastier and healthier while saving a lot of prep time and fridge’s space.

My favorite way to eat them is with a simple dressing of salt, pepper, virgin olive oil and a good squeeze of lemon juice or a dash of plain vinegar, balsamic been too overpowering in taste, color and possibly too elitist.

Mauro Filicori

Juliet, have you tried dehydrating excess greens? Apparently, you fold the leaf in half, excise the stem (save for broth or mince it and add to something bland, like rice), then let the leaf dry out, after which you crumble or pulverise, store and use for soups or dips. I’ve heard great tales from country folk who do this. We need to re-learn our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ ways or we will starve.

I eat greens daily but can we please leave the silly bacon/paremsan stuff out it takes away the refinement of the greens. Garlic, red pepper and oil is enough. Oh and stewing the greens in a tagine or terracottaopot at very low heat beats anything.