Category: dust control polymers

Get Dust Control Solutions from Soil Stabilization Innovations

Since its inception more than 20 years ago, Soil Stabilization Innovations has been offering world class dust control and soils stabilization services to many industries. Many competitors have tried to mimic their stabilization polymers, but nobody has been able to match the company’s quality standards.


What makes them the first choice as soil stabilization and dust control solutions provider is also the fact that they offer class leading services at really low margins. The quality-cost balance established by Soil Stabilization Innovations has enabled the company to successfully complete large volume projects.

Whether it’s treating a BMX arena or getting a desert zone ready for helicopters and fighter plane ready for US military, Soil Stabilization Innovations can do it all, and has done it too!

Contact Soil Stabilization Innovations for any and all dust control and soil stabilization services. You will be able to see amazing results right from the first application. The polymers can withstand heavy rains, snowfall and heavy vehicles.

Soil Stabilization Products for Oil & Gas Industry

Soil stabilization & dust control solutions help Oil & Gas industry companies in achieving maximum efficiency. It is a crucial practice, since this industry can make or break economies. As America’s leading erosion & dust control polymer manufacturers, Soil Stabilization Innovations offers a range of soil stabilization applications for Oil & Gas industry including oil roads, oil pads, storage areas, and even frac ponds & spill containment areas lining.

soil stabilization solutions

Our line of soil stabilization products for Oil & Gas industry comprises a specially treated formula that acts faster and is also environment friendly. Being in industry for more than 25 years now, we are trusted soil stabilization partner of companies like BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and many others.

Find out more about our Oil & Gas industry soil stabilization solutions.

Recommended Read: Choose Soil Stabilization Innovations Polymers for Lasting Road Solutions

Choose Soil Stabilization Innovations Polymers for Lasting Road Solutions

For more than 25 years, Soil Stabilization Innovations has been providing effective erosion & dust control solutions for road construction across the world. Soil Stabilization Innovations lab-tested soil stabilization products work great with in-situ soil of different terrains & geographies. It has been found that our dust control polymers reduce dust emission by 95%. Non-corrosive in nature, our line of acrylic polymers reduce soil loss effectively, and do not require maintenance as often as other road solutions.dust control polymers

In most cases, soil stabilization innovations products offer a better alternative to asphalt, concrete, & bitumen. On treatment with our soil stabilizers, roads become stable and safer. Other applications of our erosion & dust control products in transportation industry include unpaved road stabilizers, dirt runways stabilizers, heavy haul road stabilizers, and more.

Find out more:

Risk with Fugitive Dust Emission & Control Methods

Fugitive dust, which primarily contains PM10 particles and subgroup particles PM2.5, imposes several health risks. Basically, PM10 denotes the size of particles which is 10 microns (10-2 mm) or smaller. soil stabilization

The main source of their emission is vehicular traffic that blows sand deposits nearby roads & highways. The wind created by coming & going of vehicles make these minute dust particles airborne, which then can enter the human respiratory system and cause several diseases including asthma. Other main sources of fugitive dust emission are construction sites.

In the US, there are several strict regulations by Government for fugitive dust control. So apart from avoiding health issues, preventing government’s penalties is another reason to pay heed to dust control.

Traditionally, there are many methods for fugitive dust emission control. Here is a brief descriptive of some popular methods.

Natural Dust Control Methods

These methods chiefly follow the approach ‘prevention is better than cure’. Such methods include plantation & mulching areas with the absence of vehicular traffic or applying gravels etc. in the areas where mulching, planting etc. are not feasible. Other techniques include watering the surface regularly, constructing wind screens to reduce emission, etc.

Chemical Dust Suppression

There are several chemical dust suppressants commercially available today. They provide a comparatively efficient solution to natural methods; however, their performance depends on various factors such as geological conditions, the mechanical stability of surface, etc. Besides, chemical suppressants have many other shortcomings such as, they are corrosive or ignitable. They may also contain toxins, so can also be hazardous to the environment.

Dust Control Polymers

The most recent & most advanced methods for dust control solutions are polymers. Soil Stabilization Innovations is proudly the pioneer of the practice of using polymers for dust control. Our line of acrylic polymers are more effective than chemical suppressants in every sense. They last longer, work with all soil types, are not non-corrosive, do not leach, and most of all – are environment friendly. As a matter of fact, with some soil types our line of polymers even promote the germination.

Also Read: Advanced Stabilization Solutions for Major Soil Problems

Commercially & scientifically, using polymers for duct control is the best industry practice. Those who are still practicing natural methods but find them inefficient, or those who are using chemical suppressants, should definitely switch to dust control polymers.