An Invitation to Recovery

“We found in each other what we could find nowhere else: people who knew the depth of our pain. Together we found hope and the care of a loving Higher Power. Our commitment is to help others recover from sexual addiction, just as we have been helped.”

Can I really be a sex addict?

A Pathway to Recovery

As sex addicts who have found a solution, we offer a message of hope to all who suffer from sex addiction. This pamphlet is an invitation to... More

SAA Literature

“Reading recovery literature is another important tool of the program. It helps to educate, motivate, and inspire us. Reading SAA literature... More


Our recovery literature is available in the store: books, pamphlets, sobriety mementos (chips, medallions, key fobs), convention recordings... More

and events




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$50,000 Goal $35,730 Pledged

Our goal is $50,000 per month in LifeLine donations.

LifeLine donations provide steady income that allows the ISO to operate and help groups carry the SAA message. We currently have 1152 LifeLine Partners.

Please help us reach our goal & become a LifeLine Partner or download a handout for your group.

About SAA

As a fellowship of recovering addicts, Sex Addicts Anonymous offers a message of hope to anyone who suffers from sex addiction.

Through long and painful experience, we came to realize that we were powerless over our sexual thoughts and behaviors and that our preoccupation with sex was causing progressively severe adverse consequences for us, our families, and our friends. Despite many failed promises to ourselves and attempts to change, we discovered that we were unable to stop acting out sexually by ourselves.

Many of us came to this realization when we started attending SAA meetings. In that setting we heard stories similar to ours and realized that recovery from our problem was possible. We learned through the SAA Fellowship that we were not hopelessly defective.

The basic principles of recovery practiced by SAA are found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Although we are not affiliated with AA or with any other organization or agency, we are, indeed, grateful for permission to modify and apply the Steps and Traditions to sex addiction, making recovery possible for us.