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PETA: Milk Linked To Scary Autism And Vegan Is Your Only Hope

Updated May 30, 2014, 12:11pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

[Update at the end of the post with a response from PETA and my comments]

PETA, that bastion of accurate science and practical solutions to the world's ills, has offered up an new evergreen campaign called "Got autism?" in which they assert that milk is linked to autism.

Milk. Autism.

In the annals of All the Things Linked to Autism, PETA might well have bested the best with this one. They are using a neurobiological condition, one that at least 1% of the population--milk-drinking or otherwise--has, and trying to promote their typically impractical agenda. But that's not all they're doing.

Taking a page from the Autism Speaks playbook, PETA goes deep with the offense on this. In their fervor to protect cows from being milked and to make consumption of animal products look like the work of Lucifer instead of hungry, omnivorous primates, they failed to notice that they are campaigning on the backs of people. People with autism. Pro tip, PETA: It's not a good idea to demonize people with disabilities to further your cause.

Dairy Month (Photo credit: USDAgov)

Here's what they say in their campaign, which features a bowl of Cheerios-like cereal, the little Os sadly forming an unhappy face in a sea of milk. If my milk:cereal ratio were that off, I'd be sad, too. They've already heard how offensive it is ... so much so that the original 2008 billboard featuring the campaign was removed. What did PETA have to say about that? They are defiant and proud and continue the campaign in an undated article on their site that's suddenly making the rounds again ... a kind of zombie pseudoscience revival that appears to be a common tactic in certain circles (see #5, here).

What do the folks at PETA know about autism? Try these on for size:

Autism is a brain disorder ... often marked by anti-social behavior like screaming...

PETA has created a billboard to alert the public to the connection between this devastating disease and dairy-product consumption.

(Note: PETA has, since my post appeared this morning, changed the language of their "feature" from what's quoted above. Readers can judge the efficacy of these changes for themselves in their post, which is entitled: "Got Autism? Learn about the links between the dairy products and the disease." Sigh. UPDATE: After an email exchange, PETA has changed the language again to remove the term 'disease' and use 'disorder' and 'condition', instead.)

In between all of the screaming and being devastating "many autistic kids" improve 'dramatically' on a dairy-free diet, PETA asserts. They cite a study of 20 children (but don't give a reference) and another "from Rome" in which children showed "marked improvement" after being taken off of dairy products.

Two studies, neither of which is specified. We don't know the design. We don't know if more than casein was removed from the diet, but most studies addressing diet and autism focus on the GFCF (gluten-free/casein-free) diets that many parents of autistic children swear by. There's no way to stake improvements to a decrease in dairy when other components are being removed, as well. Cherry-picking studies aside, the aggregate of results addressing dietary limitations, such as removal of casein or gluten, and the effects on autism symptoms remains mixed, at best. The best controlled studies find no effect.

And then, in the grand tradition of all pseudoscience, after offering no references or clear evidence of their assertion of a dairy-autism link, they move on to testimonials. "Heart-wrenching" ones, of course, because of the screaming and the devastation. But it doesn't stop there. These are Internet testimonials about the "disease."

Regardless of the cause, testimonials show that many people with this disease may be able to find relief with a simple dietary change—removing milk from their diet. The Internet contains numerous heart-wrenching stories from parents of kids who had suffered the worst effects of autism for years before dairy foods were eliminated from their children’s diets.

They then give us one mother's story that pins behavioral exacerbation to a switch from soy formula to dairy, evidently not aware of the common allergenic overlap between soy milk and cow's milk.

After expressing how unsurprising it is that dairy products "worsen this disease," PETA claims that cow's milk is "strongly" linked to cancer, Crohn's disease, and other serious health problems ... that don't have anything to do with autism, but why get all scientific about it now? Oh, let's go ahead. Steven Novella provides the appropriate scientific evidence, which actually suggests a protective effect of milk against some cancers and preliminary and limited evidence linking dairy and Crohn's. I guess it depends on what your definition of "strongly" is. PETA's definition of a strong link appears to be "occurs in the same sentence." In that case, let me assert that PETA's entire anti-dairy, anti-autistic campaign is strongly pseudoscientific.

They close with a kicker:

Anyone who wants to alleviate or avoid the devastating effects of autism should give cow’s milk the boot and switch to healthy vegan alternatives instead.

That reads to me like they're promising that avoiding milk will prevent autism. In other words, a less-than-subtle hint that milk causes autism, or at least its "devastating effects."

Sure, go vegan. People I know who are vegans report improved health. Campaign for people to go vegan. Even try out some science on people indicating that veganism can improve some health endpoints. But don't use at least 1% of our population as a fear factor to urge people to your cause. Don't weight the already burdened backs of autistic people by characterizing them as devastating, screaming monsters whose only salvation lies in following your urgings to give up dairy. You have some science on your side, PETA, supporting veganism as a healthy decision. Use that. Don't use autistic people. And take your pseudoscientific, offensive 'article' down.

Update, 05/28/14, 6 p.m. ET: PETA has emailed a response to me, copied below, from PETA Executive VP Tracy Reiman, who is, they note, a mother (OK?). They do not address in this response the offensive and inaccurate representation of autistic people I note in my post and that is the key problem with their campaign. Their response also re-asserts the validity of their linking autism and dairy and includes links to two publications. The first, a review from 2008, concludes the following: "Current evidence for efficacy of these diets (for autism spectrum disorder) is poor." The second is from 1995--yes, it is almost 20 years old--and the abstract ends only with a hypothesis: "Our results lead us to hypothesise a relationship between food allergy and infantile autism as has already been suggested for other disturbances of the central nervous system." These citations, of course, ignore the studies that have specifically examined this question in the intervals since their publication and found, as I note in my post and as Steven Novella elaborates here, mixed results, with the best-controlled studies finding no effect. I wouldn't characterize any of PETA's information in this context as even "potentially valuable." I have responded with a request that PETA explicitly address the offensive language they persist in using in this campaign that uses autistic people as a fear factor.

Statement from PETA: PETA's website provides parents with the potentially valuable information that researchers have backed up many families' findings that a dairy-free diet can help kids with autism. Dumping dairy—the consumption of which has also been found to contribute to asthma, constipation, recurrent ear infections, iron deficiency, anemia, and even cancer—is a healthy choice that the late Dr. Benjamin Spock recommended for all families, and it also spares mother cows from being repeatedly impregnated and forced to produce milk for humans after their calves have been taken away from them so that they will endure the same fate. Cow's milk might be the perfect food for baby cows, but it might also be making kids sick.

Update: I've been trying to trace the trail that this resurrected article has followed. Based on its recent emergence in blogs and elsewhere in the last week, it seems that PETA posted it as a "Feature," which as of this morning was in the top five of the "most popular" articles on PETA's site, clocking in ahead even of their link promising a 'sexy photo shoot' with Bethenny Frankel.  Just another way to resurrect this damaging and unscientific campaign that failed them in 2008. ETA, 5/30/14: As Charlie Jane Anders reports at io9, PETA is now telling outlets that "this is not a new campaign" but something "revived by the media." That's how evergreen, undated, online content works, PETA. It's there, for people to find. In this case, from what I can tell, a group of environmentally interested people in the disability community found it a little more than a week ago and were understandbly not happy with it. From there, it made the rounds through social media. If your best defense of this offensive campaign that you still leave on your site is "this isn't new," you don't have much in your armory.