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How To Get Your Friend A Job

Updated Jun 1, 2015, 09:30am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

One of the many broken parts of work is the employee referral program in most employers. There are a few very smart and human-f0cused organizations that do a tremendous job getting their employees to refer their friends as new employees. They pay the referring employees a bonus when their friends get hired.

A well-designed and well-executed employee referral program is a godsend to everybody involved, from the department manager starved for talent to the HR person with way too many jobs to fill, the employee with a smart job-hunting friend and the job-hunting friend him- or herself.

Employee referral is such an obviously positive and cost-effective way to recruit that I'm surprised more companies don't do it well, but they don't. In many workplaces, it's hard to even find out where to bring your job-hunting friend's resume or who to give it to.

Some organizations don't bother to inform their own employees of their new job openings. They tell their teammates "Check the company website to see which job openings are available," the exact same instructions they give to any Tom, Dick or Harriet who might contact the HR department to learn about job openings.

That's insanity. Your own employees are your best source for new talent, so why would you diss them and leave them in the dark? A good employee referral program makes current and former employees high-priority sources for new employees and then treats employees' friends like gold in the recruiting process.

Since well-run employee referral programs are hard to find, here are tips for getting your friend a job -- or at least a job interview -- at your place of employment, whether the organization has a referral program or not.

The worst way to present your friend to your employer is to bring in a resume and hand it to the first person you see in HR, saying "Here's my friend's resume." The recruitment function in nearly every organization works like a big machine -- like a wood chipper, for instance.

Logs go into the chipper and get chopped into bits, and in the typical corporate or institutional recruiting machine, resumes go in and get sliced and diced and keyword-searched until the only people who get interviewed are people who copied the verbiage from the job ad word for word into their own application before submitting it.

We already know that the state of recruiting is sad, but if you already work for a company and you've got a friend who wants to join you there, you and your friend have a big advantage over every Joe Blow job-seeker on the street.

Your first assignment as a volunteer headhunter is to figure out what kinds of jobs are open in your company. Your firm might post its job opportunities on Monster or Indeed or Craiglist, but you can learn more about job openings by taking these steps, too:

  • Ask your department manager whether he or she can get you a list of open positions, with position details and the hiring manager's name (and a salary range, if possible)!
  • Stop in HR and ask them for a current list of job openings (maybe including the jobs not yet posted on the company's site).
  • Ask any other managers you know whether they're looking for help on their teams -- whether or not the jobs are posted yet (or even approved by higher-ups).

If your manager or another manager in the company has a job opening coming up, wouldn't it be great if you told your friend about it and your friend were the only person interviewed for the job?

That's why, when you have a smart friend (or a few of them) looking for opportunities in your company, it's a great idea to stop and chat with as many department managers as you can. Assuming your reputation in the company is stellar (and I know it is!) your friend will already have a leg up in the hiring process.

Once you know what kinds of people your company is looking for, check in with your friend. He or she can tailor his or her resume to suit the best-fit position that's open. Nearly everybody has tons more experience than they could fit on a two-page resume, so your friend can swap out some of his less-relevant stories and replace them with stories that suit the position your friend is shooting for.

Once your buddy's resume is ready for prime time, take a copy of it to the department manager who's trying to hire someone. Talk to the manager about your friend. Explain how you know your friend, and talk about his or her experience and why you think s/he'd make a great team member.

Friends don't tell friends 'Just apply through the company website and hope for the best.' Having a friend inside a company is a great advantage for a would-be new employee, but only if the friend steps up and takes the job of amateur recruiter to heart.