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How To Ask 'What's The Salary Range For This Job?'

Updated May 22, 2017, 04:43pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

Dear Liz,

I'm job-hunting and it's going pretty well. I have one problem.

I always wonder how and when to ask "What does this job pay?"

I have been to at least three interviews that were a complete waste of time. I didn't know the salary range until the end of the interview or even later. Once I found out the salary range was too low for me, I had already wasted a lot of time and energy.

In one case I asked three different people the recruiter who called me, the internal HR person at the employer and my own hiring manager what the starting salary was.

None of them told me. They said "We work that out once we know who the perfect candidate is." That makes no sense. How could they choose the perfect candidate without knowing what that person would need to earn in order to take the job?

When is the right time and what are the steps to asking "What is the starting salary for this position?"



Dear Mara,

In a perfect world every job ad would include a starting salary range.

That is simple and logical. Why don't more companies include the salary range in their job ads?

It's because they are trying to save money. If they published the salary range it would tell the job-seeking public how much money they have to spend. Many job-seekers are fearful.

They are modest in their salary requirements because they don't want to get dropped from a recruiting pipeline.

If an organization has a budget of $60,000-$70,000 to pay a new person but a great candidate walks in and says "I need to earn $57,000 in my new job" the organization will be happy to offer that person $57,000.

There is no business reason for an employer to withhold the starting salary range for a job opening. It would be more efficient and save everybody time if every job ad included a salary range.

However that is not the case. You have to ask about the salary range or you might find yourself waiting for the job offer to find out what you're going to get paid!

You can ask "What is the salary range for this position?" when a recruiter first contacts you about a position.

If you are dealing with a third-party recruiter, the salary issue will be raised. A third-party recruiter would never send you to the interview without first confirming that your target salary range and the employer's salary range intersect.

Many internal recruiters and HR folks will do just the opposite. They will invite you for an interview without telling you what their salary range is. They will ask you what you earn now or what you were earning at your last job, instead.

The practice of asking for a job-seeker's salary history is becoming illegal in more and more places. New Jersey is the latest state to consider banning employers from asking a candidate for their salary history.

Even if it is legal for employers in your area to ask for your salary history, you don't have to share that information, and I recommend that you do not. Clearly the tide is turning. Legislatures believe that it is unfair for employers to have a candidate's confidential salary details.

Given the trend toward protecting a job candidate's salary-history privacy, can any ethical organization continue to demand a candidate's pay history? To do so sends a loud message that the organization doesn't care about candidates' privacy.

When a recruiter asks you "What are you earning now?" you can say "I'm focusing on jobs that pay at least $50K."

Make your conversation about your job search, not your current compensation. If the recruiter insists that you hand over your personal financial details, tell the recruiter to get lost and partner with a different recruiter.

If you  haven't determined the pay level for a job you're interested in by your first interview, you can ask the question "What does this job pay?" during the interview, like this:

Interviewer: So Mara, do you have any questions for me?

You: Yes, I have a few. First off, just to make sure we are making good use of everyone's time, what is the salary range for this position?

Interviewer: How much are you earning now?

You: I'm focusing on opportunities between $50,000 and $60,000.

You: That will work for this position.

End of Script

The interviewer's answer may not be highly satisfying but at least it will tell you that you're not wasting your time.

Do not go to a second interview unless you know that you and the employer are in sync with respect to compensation.

Some interviewers may frown or bristle when you ask them about salary. That's good learning for them!

More and more job-seekers are finding their backbones and remembering that no company can stay in business, much less thrive and grow, without great employees on board.

Companies that cannot handle a job applicant with normal self-esteem and a normal level of curiosity about their future income do not deserve your talents!

All the best,


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