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Mason's Manual 2020 Edition

Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure is a premier parliamentary authority for state legislatures. NCSL follows Paul Mason's tradition of updating and reprinting the book approximately every 10 years.

Teacher and Principal Policy Toolkit

This policy toolkit provides a wide variety of resources around the recruitment, preparation and retention of educators as well as information on teacher shortages and preparation program terminology.

NCSL Election Resources

The NCSL elections team provides a variety of resources on election issues, including but not limited to 50-state surveys on state laws, legislation databases, a monthly elections newsletter, enactment summaries and other publications.

NCSL Supports the Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Act

NCSL sends letter of support on the bipartisan Strengthening State and Tribal Child Support Act (H.R. 7906) to enhance the ability of state, tribal and local child support agencies to better serve families. The bill would provide tribes and state child support contractors with access to federal tax information needed to offset federal tax refunds from parents owing child support and to establish and enforce child support orders.

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